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A02746 Summary:

Amd §402, Transp L (as proposed in S.9475 & A.10336)
Relates to the number of persons recommended for appointment to the Republic airport commission for the governor to choose from which shall be a list of no fewer than three persons.
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A02746 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 22, 2025
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  O'PHARROW  --  read once and referred to the
          Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions
        AN ACT to amend the transportation law, in relation to the membership of
          the Republic airport commission
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Subdivisions 1 and 2 of section 402 of the transportation
     2  law, as amended by a chapter of the laws of 2024 amending the  transpor-
     3  tation  law  relating  to the membership of the Republic airport commis-
     4  sion, as proposed in legislative bills numbers S. 9475 and A. 10336, are
     5  amended to read as follows:
     6    1. Upon assumption by the department of transportation of jurisdiction
     7  over the airport facility and surrounding area located in the county  of
     8  Suffolk,  known  as Republic airport, there shall thereupon be created a
     9  Republic airport commission.  This commission will be an advisory  coun-
    10  cil to the commissioner with respect to administration and management of
    11  the  Republic  airport facilities and its surrounding areas with respect
    12  to projects to be undertaken and operations and management of the facil-
    13  ities at such airport. The commission shall be composed of nine  members
    14  who  are residents of Nassau county or Suffolk county, one of whom shall
    15  be appointed by the  governor  without  recommendation  from  any  other
    16  person,  four of whom shall be appointed by the governor upon the recom-
    17  mendation of the temporary president of the senate,  and  four  of  whom
    18  shall be appointed by the governor upon the recommendation of the speak-
    19  er  of  the  assembly.   For each appointment upon a recommendation, the
    20  recommender shall submit a list of no fewer  than  three  persons,  from
    21  which  the  governor  shall  appoint  one.  All  such  members  shall be
    22  appointed for a term of four years, except in the case  that  a  vacancy
    23  occurs  and  is  filled  before  the  expiration of a member's term, the
    24  member appointed to fill such vacancy shall be appointed to the  remain-
    25  der  of  such term. By virtue of such commissioner's office, the commis-
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 2746                             2
     1  sioner of transportation or the commissioner's designee shall be  an  ex
     2  officio  member  of  the  commission.   All such members shall be deemed
     3  officers of the state in  connection  with  the  provisions  of  section
     4  seventeen  of  the  public  officers  law. The members of the commission
     5  shall appoint a chair from among their number. Members shall not receive
     6  a salary or other compensation, but shall be reimbursed for their actual
     7  and necessary expenses incurred in the  performance  of  their  official
     8  duties.
     9    2.  The Republic airport commission shall assist in the development of
    10  a program relative to the administration and management of the  Republic
    11  airport  and to advise the commissioner of transportation with regard to
    12  such other programs relative to the Republic airport as [he] the commis-
    13  sioner may undertake. Such program shall include, but not be limited  to
    14  identification  of future capital needs, examining the means and methods
    15  of financing such future capital needs, the promotion and examination of
    16  the financing means and methods for the economic development of the area
    17  around the airport, the joining together of  such  economic  development
    18  and  the  airport  operations,  the identification and implementation of
    19  ways of working with the local community to accomplish the  program  and
    20  the  identification  of non-aviation uses and purposes and prorations of
    21  use or purposes for determinations of in lieu of tax payments. Once  the
    22  commission  has been established, the commissioner and/or the department
    23  shall effectuate the authorizations, powers and/or duties set  forth  in
    24  section  four  hundred  of this article only following the consultation,
    25  guidance, advice and assistance of the commission. The Republic  airport
    26  commission  shall  meet  at  least  six  times a year at the call of the
    27  commissioner of transportation or the chair of the commission and  shall
    28  keep a record of all its proceedings and recommendations. Staff services
    29  for  the commission shall be performed by personnel of the department of
    30  transportation. In carrying out the functions  and  responsibilities  of
    31  the commissioner and the commission, the commissioner shall designate an
    32  executive  secretary from among the staff of the department of transpor-
    33  tation who will act as the administrative agent of  the  commission  and
    34  assist the commission in fulfilling its duties and functions.
    35    §  2.  This  act  shall  take  effect on the same date and in the same
    36  manner as a chapter of the laws of 2024 amending the transportation  law
    37  relating  to  the  membership  of  the  Republic  airport commission, as
    38  proposed in legislative bills  numbers  S.  9475  and  A.  10336,  takes
    39  effect.
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