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A02865 Summary:

COSPNSRRozic, Taylor, Steck, Simon, Epstein, Cruz, Gallagher, Shrestha, Rajkumar, Weprin, Bronson
Amd R4404, §5501, CPLR; amd §297, Exec L
Provides that the court shall not reduce jury awards as excessive in employment discrimination actions unless the court finds exceptional circumstances which compel the conclusion that the jury was influenced by partiality, prejudice, mistake or corruption.
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A02865 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    January 27, 2023
        Introduced  by M. of A. SEAWRIGHT, ROZIC, TAYLOR, STECK, SIMON, EPSTEIN,
          CRUZ, GALLAGHER, SHRESTHA, RAJKUMAR, WEPRIN -- read once and  referred
          to the Committee on Judiciary -- recommitted to the Committee on Judi-
          ciary  in  accordance  with  Assembly  Rule  3,  sec.  2  -- committee
          discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
          to said committee
        AN ACT to amend the civil practice law and rules and the executive  law,
          in  relation  to  jury  awards  for  unlawful discriminatory practices
          relating to employment
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1. Subdivision (a) of rule 4404 of the civil practice law and
     2  rules, such rule as renumbered by chapter 315 of the laws  of  1962,  is
     3  amended to read as follows:
     4    (a)  Motion  after trial where jury required. After a trial of a cause
     5  of action or issue triable of right by a jury, upon the  motion  of  any
     6  party or on its own initiative, the court may set aside a verdict or any
     7  judgment entered thereon and direct that judgment be entered in favor of
     8  a  party  entitled  to judgment as a matter of law or it may order a new
     9  trial of a cause of action or  separable  issue  where  the  verdict  is
    10  contrary  to  the  weight of the evidence, in the interest of justice or
    11  where the jury cannot agree after being kept together for as long as  is
    12  deemed  reasonable by the court. No court shall order a new trial on the
    13  ground that the jury award was excessive, or otherwise act to reduce the
    14  jury's award in a case involving  an  unlawful  discriminatory  practice
    15  under  section  two  hundred ninety-six of the executive law relating to
    16  employment, including a  claim  by  a  non-employee  under  section  two
    17  hundred  ninety-six-d of the executive law, or under any analogous local
    18  or municipal human rights law, if applicable, without  fully  satisfying
    19  the pertinent standards set forth in paragraph two of subdivision (c) of
    20  section  fifty-five  hundred  one  of  this chapter and paragraph (b) of
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 2865--A                          2
     1  subdivision nine of section two hundred ninety-seven  of  the  executive
     2  law.
     3    §  2.  Subdivision  (c)  of section 5501 of the civil practice law and
     4  rules, as amended by chapter 474 of the laws of 1997, is amended to read
     5  as follows:
     6    (c) Appellate division. 1. The appellate division shall  review  ques-
     7  tions of law and questions of fact on an appeal from a judgment or order
     8  of  a  court  of original instance and on an appeal from an order of the
     9  supreme court, a county  court  or  an  appellate  term  determining  an
    10  appeal.   The notice of appeal from an order directing summary judgment,
    11  or directing judgment on a motion addressed to the pleadings,  shall  be
    12  deemed  to  specify  a judgment upon said order entered after service of
    13  the notice of appeal and before entry of  the  order  of  the  appellate
    14  court  upon such appeal, without however affecting the taxation of costs
    15  upon the appeal.  In reviewing a money judgment in an action in which an
    16  itemized verdict is required by rule forty-one hundred  eleven  of  this
    17  chapter  in  which it is contended that the award is excessive or inade-
    18  quate and that a new trial should have been granted unless a stipulation
    19  is entered to a different award, the appellate division shall  determine
    20  that  an award is excessive or inadequate if it deviates materially from
    21  what would be reasonable compensation.
    22    2. Where an award is made by a jury for any damages in a case  involv-
    23  ing  an unlawful discriminatory practice under section two hundred nine-
    24  ty-six of the executive law relating to employment, or under any  analo-
    25  gous  local  or  municipal  human  rights  law,  including  a claim by a
    26  non-employee under section two hundred  ninety-six-d  of  the  executive
    27  law,  the  jury's verdict is presumed to be correct. Any such jury award
    28  shall not be disturbed unless the court finds, reviewing the evidence in
    29  the light most favorable to sustaining the verdict, exceptional  circum-
    30  stances  which compel the conclusion that (i) the jury was influenced by
    31  partiality, prejudice, mistake or corruption,  and  (ii)  remittitur  or
    32  additur  is  necessary  to  avoid  a complete miscarriage of justice. In
    33  making such determination, the court shall give primary  weight  to  the
    34  remedial  purpose of the law, and shall not limit any award by using any
    35  characterizations of other damage awards. In any such  case,  the  court
    36  shall  not be bound by any precedent which utilized the concept of mate-
    37  rial deviation from what would be reasonable compensation, or a  judge's
    38  personal knowledge or experiences from prior cases.
    39    §  3. Subdivision 9 of section 297 of the executive law, as amended by
    40  chapter 140 of the laws of 2022, is amended to read as follows:
    41    9. (a) Any person claiming to be aggrieved by an unlawful  discrimina-
    42  tory  practice  shall have a cause of action in any court of appropriate
    43  jurisdiction for damages, including, in cases  of  employment  discrimi-
    44  nation  related  to  private  employers and housing discrimination only,
    45  punitive damages, and such other remedies as may be appropriate, includ-
    46  ing any civil fines and penalties provided in subdivision four  of  this
    47  section,  unless such person had filed a complaint hereunder or with any
    48  local commission on human rights, or with the superintendent pursuant to
    49  the provisions of section two  hundred  ninety-six-a  of  this  article,
    50  provided  that,  where  the division has dismissed such complaint on the
    51  grounds of administrative convenience, on the grounds  of  untimeliness,
    52  or on the grounds that the election of remedies is annulled, such person
    53  shall  maintain  all  rights  to  bring suit as if no complaint had been
    54  filed with the division. At any time prior to a hearing before a hearing
    55  examiner, a person who has a  complaint  pending  at  the  division  may
    56  request  that  the  division  dismiss the complaint and annul his or her

        A. 2865--A                          3
     1  election of remedies so that the human rights law claim may  be  pursued
     2  in court, and the division may, upon such request, dismiss the complaint
     3  on  the  grounds that such person's election of an administrative remedy
     4  is annulled. Notwithstanding subdivision (a) of section two hundred four
     5  of  the  civil  practice law and rules, if a complaint is so annulled by
     6  the division, upon the request of  the  party  bringing  such  complaint
     7  before  the  division, such party's rights to bring such cause of action
     8  before a court of appropriate jurisdiction shall be limited by the stat-
     9  ute of limitations in effect in such court at the time the complaint was
    10  initially filed with the division. Any party to a housing discrimination
    11  complaint shall have the right within twenty days following  a  determi-
    12  nation  of probable cause pursuant to subdivision two of this section to
    13  elect to have an action commenced in a  civil  court,  and  an  attorney
    14  representing  the  division of human rights will be appointed to present
    15  the complaint in court, or, with the consent of the division,  the  case
    16  may  be  presented  by  complainant's attorney. A complaint filed by the
    17  equal employment opportunity commission to comply with the  requirements
    18  of  42  USC  2000e-5(c)  and 42 USC 12117(a) and 29 USC 633(b) shall not
    19  constitute the filing of a complaint within the meaning of this subdivi-
    20  sion. No person who has initiated any action in  a  court  of  competent
    21  jurisdiction  or  who  has  an  action pending before any administrative
    22  agency under any other law of the state based upon an act which would be
    23  an unlawful discriminatory practice  under  this  article,  may  file  a
    24  complaint with respect to the same grievance under this section or under
    25  section  two  hundred  ninety-six-a of this article. In cases of housing
    26  discrimination only, a person whose complaint has been dismissed by  the
    27  division  after investigation for lack of jurisdiction or lack of proba-
    28  ble cause may file the same cause of action in a  court  of  appropriate
    29  jurisdiction  pursuant  to  this section, unless judicial review of such
    30  dismissal has been sought pursuant to section two  hundred  ninety-eight
    31  of  this  article. The attorney general shall have the power to commence
    32  an action or proceeding in the supreme court of the state of  New  York,
    33  if,  upon  information or belief, the attorney general is of the opinion
    34  that an employer has been, is, or is about  to  violate  the  provisions
    35  regarding  unlawful  discriminatory  retaliation pursuant to subdivision
    36  seven of section two hundred ninety-six of this article. Nothing in this
    37  section shall in any way limit rights or remedies  which  are  otherwise
    38  available  under law to the attorney general or any other person author-
    39  ized to bring an action under this section.
    40    (b) A verdict involving  an  unlawful  discriminatory  practice  under
    41  section  two  hundred ninety-six of this article relating to employment,
    42  including a claim by a non-employee under section  two  hundred  ninety-
    43  six-d of this article, or under any analogous local or human rights law,
    44  if  applicable, shall not be subject to remittitur or additur, or grant-
    45  ing of a motion for new trial on the ground that the verdict was  exces-
    46  sive  or inadequate, or otherwise reduced or increased, unless the court
    47  finds, reviewing the evidence in the light most favorable to  sustaining
    48  the  verdict, exceptional circumstances which compel the conclusion that
    49  (i) the  jury  was  influenced  by  partiality,  prejudice,  mistake  or
    50  corruption  and  (ii) that remittitur or additur is necessary to avoid a
    51  complete miscarriage of justice. In making such determination, the court
    52  shall give primary weight to the remedial purpose of the law, and  shall
    53  not  limit  any  award  by  using  any characterizations of other damage
    54  awards. In any such case, the court shall not be bound by any  precedent
    55  which  utilized  the  concept  of  material deviation from what would be
    56  reasonable compensation.  This provision is substantive  in  nature,  as

        A. 2865--A                          4
     1  opposed  to  procedural,  and  shall  be  so  applied  in any employment
     2  discrimination action under this article, regardless of forum.
     3    §  4.  This  act  shall take effect immediately and shall apply to all
     4  pending cases where a verdict has not yet been reached as of such effec-
     5  tive date, as well as all claims filed on or after such effective date.
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