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A03279 Summary:

COSPNSRSeawright, Gonzalez-Rojas, Reyes, Burdick, Burgos, Paulin, Simon, Woerner, Levenberg, Kelles, Cunningham, De Los Santos, Otis, O'Donnell, Glick, McMahon, Tapia, Raga, Simone, Shrestha, Jacobson, Thiele, Rosenthal L, Shimsky, Ardila, Lee
Add 2599-bb-2, Pub Health L
Establishes a reproductive health services training and education grant program to ensure health care providers receive adequate training in abortion care.
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A03279 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 2, 2023
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  EPSTEIN,  SEAWRIGHT,  GONZALEZ-ROJAS, REYES,
          -- read once and referred to the  Committee  on  Health  --  committee
          discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
          to said committee -- recommitted to the Committee on Ways and Means in
          accordance  with Assembly Rule 3, sec. 2 -- committee discharged, bill
          amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said  commit-
          tee  --  again  reported  from said committee with amendments, ordered
          reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee
        AN ACT to amend the public health law, in  relation  to  establishing  a
          reproductive health services training and education grant program
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The public health law is amended by adding  a  new  section
     2  2599-bb-2 to read as follows:
     3    § 2599-bb-2. Reproductive health services training and education grant
     4  program. 1. As used in this section:
     5    (a)  "eligible  participant"  shall  mean any health care practitioner
     6  authorized to perform abortion  care  pursuant  to  section  twenty-five
     7  hundred  ninety-nine-bb  of this article or an intern or resident who is
     8  employed by a hospital or otherwise enrolled in an  accredited  graduate
     9  medical education program;
    10    (b)  "program"  shall mean a reproductive health services training and
    11  education grant program;
    12    (c) "professional educator" shall mean  community-based  organizations
    13  providing  reproductive  health  care, continuing education programs for
    14  qualified providers through professional associations or clinical educa-
    15  tion programs that meet professionally  recognized  training  standards,
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 3279--C                          2
     1  comply  with  applicable  state laws and regulations, and are capable of
     2  providing culturally congruent care and implicit bias training; and
     3    (d)  "abortion" shall have the same meaning as is set forth in section
     4  twenty-five hundred ninety-nine-bb of this article.
     5    2. There is hereby established within the  department  a  reproductive
     6  health  services  training  and education grant program to ensure health
     7  care providers receive adequate training in abortion care.  The  program
     8  shall provide funding for professional educators that provide or facili-
     9  tate  clinical  education  related  to  abortion  care and other related
    10  reproductive health services. The program shall be designed  to  provide
    11  support to clinical educators in program development and administration,
    12  and  to  address  the  support  needs  of individuals seeking additional
    13  training on abortion care. Funding used to support the program shall  be
    14  subject to appropriation.
    15    3.  The  commissioner  shall  distribute funds made available for this
    16  purpose under this section. In determining funding for applicants  under
    17  the  grant program, the commissioner shall consider the following crite-
    18  ria and goals:
    19    (a) Program development and administration. Funds may  be  awarded  to
    20  support the administration and operation of clinical education programs,
    21  faculty  recruitment  and  development,  and  the expansion of residency
    22  programs to accommodate additional placements.
    23    (b) Addressing  practical  support  needs  of  eligible  participants.
    24  Funds  may  be  awarded  to support an eligible participant in obtaining
    25  clinical education  on  abortion  care  and  other  reproductive  health
    26  services,  including,  but  not limited to, financial support for travel
    27  and lodging associated with attending a program.
    28    4. In establishing and operating the  program,  the  commissioner  may
    29  consult  a  range of experts, including, but not limited to, individuals
    30  and entities providing abortion care, abortion funds, and  other  organ-
    31  izations  whose  mission is to expand access to abortion care, to ensure
    32  the program structure and expenditures reflect  the  needs  of  abortion
    33  providers, abortion funds and consumers. The commissioner may make regu-
    34  lations necessary for implementation of the program.
    35    5.  The commissioner shall submit a report no later than twelve months
    36  after the effective date of this section and annually thereafter, to the
    37  governor and to the legislature, which shall include, but not be limited
    38  to, the total amount of grants issued, the number  of  eligible  partic-
    39  ipants,  the  number  of eligible providers, and the region of the state
    40  where the eligible providers  are  located.  Notwithstanding  any  other
    41  provision  of  law,  the  commissioner  shall not report any information
    42  related to identifying  information  of  eligible  participants  in  the
    43  program.
    44    §  2. This act shall take effect on the first of April next succeeding
    45  the date upon which it shall have become a law.  Effective  immediately,
    46  the  addition,  amendment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation neces-
    47  sary for the implementation of  this  act  on  its  effective  date  are
    48  authorized to be made and completed on or before such effective date.
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