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A00355 Summary:

COSPNSRGlick, Hyndman, Woerner, Jones, Eachus, Lucas, Colton, Simon, Davila, Lupardo, Beephan, Simpson
Add §457-a, RPT L
Provides a tax exemption for residential real property transferred to a low-income household or community land trust; sets forth conditions for the discontinuance of such exemption.
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A00355 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     January 8, 2025
        Introduced  by M. of A. BARRETT, GLICK, HYNDMAN, WOERNER, JONES, EACHUS,
          and  referred  to the Committee on Real Property Taxation -- committee
          discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
          to said committee -- again reported from said  committee  with  amend-
          ments, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee
        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  real  property  tax  law,  in relation to a tax
          exemption for residential real property transferred  to  a  low-income
          household or community land trust
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The real property tax  law  is  amended  by  adding  a  new
     2  section 457-a to read as follows:
     3    §  457-a. Exemption for eligible residential property transferred to a
     4  low-income household. 1. As used in this section:
     5    (a) "Nonprofit housing organization" means  a  nonprofit  organization
     6  exempt  from  certain  taxes  pursuant  to  section 501(c)(3) or section
     7  501(c)(4) of the United States internal  revenue  code  and/or  that  is
     8  incorporated  under  the  not-for-profit  corporation  law whose primary
     9  purpose is the construction  or  renovation  of  residential  affordable
    10  housing  for  conveyance to households that meet certain income require-
    11  ments.
    12    (b) "Community land trust" means a nonprofit organization exempt  from
    13  certain  taxes pursuant to section 501(c)(3) or section 501(c)(4) of the
    14  United State internal revenue code and/or that is incorporated under the
    15  not-for-profit corporation law  whose  primary  purpose  is  to  provide
    16  affordable  housing  by  owning  land and leasing or selling residential
    17  housing situated on that land to households  that  meet  certain  income
    18  requirements.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 355--B                           2
     1    (c)  "Land  bank"  means  an entity created in accordance with article
     2  sixteen of the not-for-profit corporation law.
     3    (d)  "Qualified low-income household" means a household with an income
     4  upon initial occupancy of the residential property of not  more  than  a
     5  weighted  average  of eighty percent of the area median income, adjusted
     6  for family size, as annually defined by the United States department  of
     7  housing and urban development, and which has agreed to occupy such resi-
     8  dential  property  as  a  primary  residence; provided further, that any
     9  local law or  resolution  authorizing  an  exemption  pursuant  to  this
    10  section  may  specify  a  maximum area median income weighted average of
    11  less than eighty percent  for  eligibility  as  a  qualified  low-income
    12  household.  The  nonprofit  housing  organization, community land trust,
    13  land bank, or appropriate  governmental  entity  shall  certify  that  a
    14  household  meets  the  income  and residency criteria to be considered a
    15  qualified low-income household and shall determine the income and assets
    16  that shall be used to determine a  household's  income  for  eligibility
    17  purposes.
    18    2.  (a) Residential real property subject to a restrictive covenant or
    19  declaration, legal requirement, regulatory agreement or other contractu-
    20  al obligation with a governmental entity,  nonprofit  housing  organiza-
    21  tion, or land bank, and transferred to a qualified low-income household,
    22  or where the land is transferred to a community land trust and the resi-
    23  dential  building  situated on the land is or will be leased to a quali-
    24  fied low-income household at a rate affordable to such qualified low-in-
    25  come household or sold to a qualified  low-income  household,  shall  be
    26  exempt  as  provided  in paragraph (b) of this subdivision from taxation
    27  levied by or on behalf of any county,  city,  town,  village  or  school
    28  district  in  which  such  residential property is located, provided the
    29  legislative body or governing  board  of  such  county,  city,  town  or
    30  village, after public hearing, adopts a local law, or a school district,
    31  other than a school district to which article fifty-two of the education
    32  law applies, adopts a resolution providing therefor.
    33    (b)  The  real  property  tax exemption shall be an amount that is not
    34  less than twenty-five percent nor more than seventy-five percent of  the
    35  assessed  value of the property as provided in legislation or resolution
    36  pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subdivision.
    37    (c) A copy of any such local law or resolution shall be filed with the
    38  assessor of such county, city, town, or village who prepares the assess-
    39  ment roll on which the taxes of such county,  city,  town,  village,  or
    40  school district are levied.
    41    3. (a) The exemption granted pursuant to this section shall be discon-
    42  tinued in any of the following circumstances:
    43    (i) in the event that a property granted an exemption pursuant to this
    44  section ceases to be used primarily for residential purposes;
    45    (ii)  in  the  event  that a property granted an exemption pursuant to
    46  this section ceases to be used as a primary residence;
    47    (iii) in the event that a property granted an  exemption  pursuant  to
    48  this  section is transferred, sold, or leased to another person or enti-
    49  ty, other than to a qualified low-income household at the time  of  such
    50  transfer, sale or lease; or
    51    (iv)  in  the  event  that a property granted an exemption pursuant to
    52  this section is leased at a rate that is not affordable to  a  qualified
    53  low-income household.
    54    (b)  Upon  determining  that  an  exemption  granted  pursuant to this
    55  section should be discontinued, the assessor  shall  mail  a  notice  so
    56  stating  to  the  owner  or owners thereof at the time and in the manner

        A. 355--B                           3
     1  provided by section five hundred ten of  this  chapter.  Such  owner  or
     2  owners  shall  be entitled to seek administrative and judicial review of
     3  such action in the manner provided by  law,  provided  that  the  burden
     4  shall  be  on  such  owner  or  owners  to establish eligibility for the
     5  exemption.
     6    4. Such exemption shall be granted only upon application by the  owner
     7  or  owners of such real property on a form prescribed by the commission-
     8  er. The application shall be filed with  the  assessor  of  the  county,
     9  city,  town, or village having the power to assess property for taxation
    10  on or before the appropriate taxable status date of such  county,  city,
    11  town, or village.
    12    5.  If satisfied that the applicant is entitled to an exemption pursu-
    13  ant to this section, the assessor shall  approve  the  application,  and
    14  such  residential  property shall thereafter be exempt from taxation and
    15  special ad valorem levies as provided in this  section  commencing  with
    16  the  assessment  roll  prepared  on the basis of the taxable status date
    17  referred to in subdivision four of this section. The assessed  value  of
    18  any  exemption  granted pursuant to this section shall be entered by the
    19  assessor on the assessment roll with  the  taxable  property,  with  the
    20  amount of the exemption shown in a separate column.
    21    §  2.  This  act  shall take effect on the sixtieth day after it shall
    22  have become a law.
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