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A03641 Summary:

COSPNSRLevenberg, Gibbs, Cunningham, Zinerman, Hevesi
Add 240.80, 240.81 & 240.82, amd 485.05, Pen L; amd 140.10 & 160.50, CP L; amd 79-n, Civ Rts L; amd 75, add 837-y, Exec L
Establishes the universal stop false police reporting act which establishes the crimes of aggravated falsely reporting an incident in the first, second, and third degrees when a person commits the crime of falsely reporting an incident in the first, second, or third degree and such person intended to harass, annoy, threaten, or alarm another person because of a believe or perception regarding a person's race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or ethnicity; authorizes officers to arrest persons believed to have committed falsely reporting an incident without first obtaining a warrant; includes such falsely reporting as a hate crime; establishes databases of law enforcement officers and persons convicted of falsely reporting; requires notifying persons of the termination of certain criminal actions or proceedings.
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A03641 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 3, 2023
        Introduced  by  M.  of A. RAMOS, LEVENBERG, GIBBS, CUNNINGHAM, ZINERMAN,
          HEVESI -- read once and referred to the Committee on Codes  --  recom-
          mitted  to  the Committee on Codes in accordance with Assembly Rule 3,
          sec. 2 -- committee discharged, bill  amended,  ordered  reprinted  as
          amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the penal law, in relation to establishing the crimes of
          aggravated  falsely  reporting  an  incident  in the first, second and
          third degrees; to amend the criminal procedure law, in relation to the
          arrest of  persons  believed  to  have  committed  aggravated  falsely
          reporting  an  incident;  to  amend the penal law and the civil rights
          law, in relation to including falsely reporting an incident as a  hate
          crime;  to  amend the executive law, in relation to establishing data-
          bases of law enforcement officers and persons who have been  convicted
          of  falsely reporting an incident; and to amend the criminal procedure
          law, in relation to notifying persons of the  termination  of  certain
          criminal actions or proceedings
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Short title. This act shall be known and may  be  cited  as
     2  the "universal stop false police reporting act".
     3    §  2.  The  penal  law is amended by adding three new sections 240.80,
     4  240.81 and 240.82 to read as follows:
     5  § 240.80 Aggravated falsely reporting an incident in the third degree.
     6    A person is guilty of aggravated falsely reporting an incident in  the
     7  third degree when with intent to harass, annoy, threaten or alarm anoth-
     8  er  person, because of a belief or perception regarding a person's race,
     9  color, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender,  disability,  sexual
    10  orientation,  gender  identity or expression, or ethnicity regardless of
    11  whether the belief or perception is correct,  such  person  commits  the
    12  crime  of  falsely reporting an incident in the third degree pursuant to
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 3641--A                          2
     1  section 240.50 of this article. For the purposes of  this  section,  the
     2  term "person" shall be deemed to include a law enforcement officer.
     3    Aggravated  falsely  reporting  an  incident  in the third degree is a
     4  class E felony.
     5  § 240.81 Aggravated falsely reporting an incident in the second degree.
     6    A person is guilty of aggravated falsely reporting an incident in  the
     7  second  degree  when  with  intent  to  harass, annoy, threaten or alarm
     8  another person, because of a belief or perception regarding  a  person's
     9  race,  color,  national  origin, ancestry, religion, gender, disability,
    10  sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or ethnicity  regard-
    11  less of whether the belief or perception is correct, such person commits
    12  the crime of falsely reporting an incident in the second degree pursuant
    13  to section 240.55 of this article. For the purposes of this section, the
    14  term "person" shall be deemed to include a law enforcement officer.
    15    Aggravated  falsely  reporting  an  incident in the second degree is a
    16  class D felony.
    17  § 240.82 Aggravated falsely reporting an incident in the first degree.
    18    A person is guilty of aggravated falsely reporting an incident in  the
    19  first degree when with intent to harass, annoy, threaten or alarm anoth-
    20  er  person, because of a belief or perception regarding a person's race,
    21  color, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender,  disability,  sexual
    22  orientation,  gender  identity or expression, or ethnicity regardless of
    23  whether the belief or perception is correct,  such  person  commits  the
    24  crime  of  falsely reporting an incident in the first degree pursuant to
    25  section 240.60 of this article. For the purposes of  this  section,  the
    26  term "person" shall be deemed to include a law enforcement officer.
    27    Aggravated  falsely  reporting  an  incident  in the first degree is a
    28  class C felony.
    29    § 3. Section 140.10 of the criminal procedure law is amended by adding
    30  a new subdivision 7 to read as follows:
    31    7. Notwithstanding any other provisions  of  this  section,  a  police
    32  officer  shall  arrest  a person, and shall not attempt to reconcile the
    33  parties or mediate, where such officer has reasonable cause  to  believe
    34  that  a  felony  constituting falsely reporting an incident in the third
    35  degree pursuant to section 240.50 of the penal law, falsely reporting an
    36  incident in the second degree pursuant to section 240.55  of  the  penal
    37  law,  falsely  reporting  an  incident  in  the first degree pursuant to
    38  section 240.60 of the penal law, aggravated falsely reporting  an  inci-
    39  dent  in  the  third degree pursuant to section 240.80 of the penal law,
    40  aggravated falsely reporting an incident in the second  degree  pursuant
    41  to  section  240.81 of the penal law, or aggravated falsely reporting an
    42  incident in the first degree pursuant to section 240.82 of the penal law
    43  has been committed by such person.
    44    § 4. Subdivision 3 of section 485.05 of the penal law, as  amended  by
    45  section  3  of  part  R of chapter 55 of the laws of 2020, is amended to
    46  read as follows:
    47    3. A "specified offense" is an offense defined by any of the following
    48  provisions of  this  chapter:  section  120.00  (assault  in  the  third
    49  degree);  section  120.05 (assault in the second degree); section 120.10
    50  (assault in the first degree); section 120.12 (aggravated assault upon a
    51  person less than eleven years old);  section  120.13  (menacing  in  the
    52  first  degree);  section 120.14 (menacing in the second degree); section
    53  120.15 (menacing in the third degree); section 120.20  (reckless  endan-
    54  germent  in the second degree); section 120.25 (reckless endangerment in
    55  the first degree); section 121.12 (strangulation in the second  degree);
    56  section  121.13  (strangulation in the first degree); subdivision one of

        A. 3641--A                          3
     1  section 125.15 (manslaughter in the second degree); subdivision one, two
     2  or four of section 125.20 (manslaughter in the  first  degree);  section
     3  125.25  (murder  in  the second degree); section 120.45 (stalking in the
     4  fourth  degree);  section 120.50 (stalking in the third degree); section
     5  120.55 (stalking in the second degree); section 120.60 (stalking in  the
     6  first  degree);  subdivision  one  of  section 130.35 (rape in the first
     7  degree); subdivision one of section 130.50 (criminal sexual act  in  the
     8  first  degree);  subdivision  one of section 130.65 (sexual abuse in the
     9  first degree); paragraph  (a)  of  subdivision  one  of  section  130.67
    10  (aggravated  sexual abuse in the second degree); paragraph (a) of subdi-
    11  vision one of section 130.70  (aggravated  sexual  abuse  in  the  first
    12  degree);  section  135.05  (unlawful imprisonment in the second degree);
    13  section 135.10 (unlawful imprisonment  in  the  first  degree);  section
    14  135.20  (kidnapping in the second degree); section 135.25 (kidnapping in
    15  the first degree);  section  135.60  (coercion  in  the  third  degree);
    16  section 135.61 (coercion in the second degree); section 135.65 (coercion
    17  in  the  first  degree);  section 140.10 (criminal trespass in the third
    18  degree); section  140.15  (criminal  trespass  in  the  second  degree);
    19  section  140.17  (criminal trespass in the first degree); section 140.20
    20  (burglary in the third degree); section 140.25 (burglary in  the  second
    21  degree);  section  140.30 (burglary in the first degree); section 145.00
    22  (criminal mischief in  the  fourth  degree);  section  145.05  (criminal
    23  mischief  in the third degree); section 145.10 (criminal mischief in the
    24  second degree); section 145.12 (criminal mischief in the first  degree);
    25  section  150.05  (arson  in the fourth degree); section 150.10 (arson in
    26  the third degree); section 150.15 (arson in the second degree);  section
    27  150.20  (arson  in  the  first  degree); section 155.25 (petit larceny);
    28  section 155.30 (grand larceny in  the  fourth  degree);  section  155.35
    29  (grand  larceny  in  the third degree); section 155.40 (grand larceny in
    30  the second degree); section 155.42 (grand larceny in the first  degree);
    31  section 160.05 (robbery in the third degree); section 160.10 (robbery in
    32  the  second  degree);  section  160.15  (robbery  in  the first degree);
    33  section 240.25 (harassment in the first degree); subdivision one, two or
    34  four of section 240.30 (aggravated harassment  in  the  second  degree);
    35  section  240.80  (aggravated  falsely reporting an incident in the third
    36  degree); section 240.81 (aggravated falsely reporting an incident in the
    37  second degree); section 240.82 (aggravated falsely reporting an incident
    38  in the first degree); section 490.10 (soliciting  or  providing  support
    39  for  an act of terrorism in the second degree); section 490.15 (solicit-
    40  ing or providing support for an act of terrorism in the  first  degree);
    41  section  490.20  (making a terroristic threat); section 490.25 (crime of
    42  terrorism); section 490.30 (hindering prosecution of  terrorism  in  the
    43  second  degree);  section  490.35 (hindering prosecution of terrorism in
    44  the first degree); section 490.37 (criminal  possession  of  a  chemical
    45  weapon or biological weapon in the third degree); section 490.40 (crimi-
    46  nal  possession  of a chemical weapon or biological weapon in the second
    47  degree); section 490.45 (criminal possession of  a  chemical  weapon  or
    48  biological  weapon in the first degree); section 490.47 (criminal use of
    49  a chemical weapon or biological weapon in  the  third  degree);  section
    50  490.50  (criminal  use  of a chemical weapon or biological weapon in the
    51  second degree); section 490.55 (criminal use of  a  chemical  weapon  or
    52  biological  weapon in the first degree); or any attempt or conspiracy to
    53  commit any of the foregoing offenses.
    54    § 5. Subdivision 3 of section 485.05 of the penal law, as  amended  by
    55  section  1  of  part  C of chapter 55 of the laws of 2024, is amended to
    56  read as follows:

        A. 3641--A                          4
     1    3. A "specified offense" is an offense defined by any of the following
     2  provisions of  this  chapter:  section  120.00  (assault  in  the  third
     3  degree);  section  120.05 (assault in the second degree); section 120.06
     4  (gang assault in the second degree); section 120.07 (gang assault in the
     5  first  degree);  section  120.10  (assault in the first degree); section
     6  120.12 (aggravated assault upon a person less than  eleven  years  old);
     7  section  120.13 (menacing in the first degree); section 120.14 (menacing
     8  in the second degree); section 120.15 (menacing in  the  third  degree);
     9  section  120.20  (reckless  endangerment  in the second degree); section
    10  120.25 (reckless endangerment  in  the  first  degree);  section  121.11
    11  (criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation); section 121.12
    12  (strangulation  in  the second degree); section 121.13 (strangulation in
    13  the first degree); subdivision one of section  125.15  (manslaughter  in
    14  the  second  degree);  subdivision  one,  two  or four of section 125.20
    15  (manslaughter in the first degree); section 125.25 (murder in the second
    16  degree); section 125.26 (aggravated murder); section 125.27  (murder  in
    17  the  first  degree);  section  120.45  (stalking  in the fourth degree);
    18  section 120.50 (stalking in the third degree); section 120.55  (stalking
    19  in  the  second  degree); section 120.60 (stalking in the first degree);
    20  section 130.20 (sexual misconduct); section 130.25 (rape  in  the  third
    21  degree);  section  130.30  (rape  in  the second degree); section 130.35
    22  (rape in the first degree); section 130.40 (criminal sexual act  in  the
    23  third  degree);  section  130.45  (criminal  sexual  act  in  the second
    24  degree); section 130.50 (criminal  sexual  act  in  the  first  degree);
    25  section  130.52  (forcible  touching); section 130.53 (persistent sexual
    26  abuse); section 130.55 (sexual  abuse  in  the  third  degree);  section
    27  130.60 (sexual abuse in the second degree); section 130.65 (sexual abuse
    28  in  the  first degree); section 130.65-a (aggravated sexual abuse in the
    29  fourth degree); section 130.66 (aggravated sexual  abuse  in  the  third
    30  degree);  section 130.67 (aggravated sexual abuse in the second degree);
    31  section 130.70 (aggravated sexual abuse in the  first  degree);  section
    32  135.05  (unlawful  imprisonment  in  the  second degree); section 135.10
    33  (unlawful imprisonment in the first degree); section 135.20  (kidnapping
    34  in  the second degree); section 135.25 (kidnapping in the first degree);
    35  section 135.60 (coercion in the third degree); section 135.61  (coercion
    36  in  the  second  degree); section 135.65 (coercion in the first degree);
    37  section 140.10 (criminal trespass in the third degree);  section  140.15
    38  (criminal trespass in the second degree); section 140.17 (criminal tres-
    39  pass  in  the  first  degree);  section  140.20  (burglary  in the third
    40  degree); section 140.25 (burglary in the second degree); section  140.30
    41  (burglary in the first degree); section 145.00 (criminal mischief in the
    42  fourth  degree); section 145.05 (criminal mischief in the third degree);
    43  section 145.10 (criminal mischief in the second degree); section  145.12
    44  (criminal  mischief  in  the first degree); section 150.05 (arson in the
    45  fourth degree); section 150.10 (arson  in  the  third  degree);  section
    46  150.15  (arson in the second degree); section 150.20 (arson in the first
    47  degree); section 155.25 (petit larceny); section 155.30  (grand  larceny
    48  in  the  fourth  degree);  section  155.35  (grand  larceny in the third
    49  degree); section 155.40 (grand larceny in the  second  degree);  section
    50  155.42  (grand  larceny in the first degree); section 160.05 (robbery in
    51  the third degree);  section  160.10  (robbery  in  the  second  degree);
    52  section  160.15 (robbery in the first degree); section 230.34 (sex traf-
    53  ficking); section 230.34-a (sex trafficking of a child); section  240.25
    54  (harassment  in  the  first  degree);  subdivision  one,  two or four of
    55  section 240.30 (aggravated harassment in  the  second  degree);  section
    56  240.50  (falsely  reporting  an  incident  in the third degree); section

        A. 3641--A                          5
     1  240.55 (falsely reporting an incident in  the  second  degree);  section
     2  240.60  (falsely  reporting  an  incident  in the first degree); section
     3  240.80 (aggravated falsely reporting an incident in the  third  degree);
     4  section  240.81  (aggravated falsely reporting an incident in the second
     5  degree); section 240.82 (aggravated falsely reporting an incident in the
     6  first degree); subdivision one of section 265.03 (criminal possession of
     7  a weapon in the second degree); subdivision one of section 265.04 (crim-
     8  inal possession of a weapon in the first degree); section 490.10 (solic-
     9  iting or providing support  for  an  act  of  terrorism  in  the  second
    10  degree);  section  490.15 (soliciting or providing support for an act of
    11  terrorism in the first degree); section  490.20  (making  a  terroristic
    12  threat);  section 490.25 (crime of terrorism); section 490.30 (hindering
    13  prosecution of terrorism in the second degree); section 490.35  (hinder-
    14  ing prosecution of terrorism in the first degree); section 490.37 (crim-
    15  inal  possession  of a chemical weapon or biological weapon in the third
    16  degree); section 490.40 (criminal possession of  a  chemical  weapon  or
    17  biological  weapon  in  the  second  degree);  section  490.45 (criminal
    18  possession of a chemical  weapon  or  biological  weapon  in  the  first
    19  degree); section 490.47 (criminal use of a chemical weapon or biological
    20  weapon  in the third degree); section 490.50 (criminal use of a chemical
    21  weapon or biological weapon in the second degree); section 490.55 (crim-
    22  inal use of a chemical weapon or biological weapon in the first degree);
    23  or any attempt or conspiracy to commit any of the foregoing offenses.
    24    § 6. Subdivision 3 of section 485.05 of the penal law, as  amended  by
    25  section  2  of  part  C of chapter 55 of the laws of 2024, is amended to
    26  read as follows:
    27    3. A "specified offense" is an offense defined by any of the following
    28  provisions of  this  chapter:  section  120.00  (assault  in  the  third
    29  degree);  section  120.05 (assault in the second degree); section 120.06
    30  (gang assault in the second degree); section 120.07 (gang assault in the
    31  first degree); section 120.10 (assault in  the  first  degree);  section
    32  120.12  (aggravated  assault  upon a person less than eleven years old);
    33  section 120.13 (menacing in the first degree); section 120.14  (menacing
    34  in  the  second  degree); section 120.15 (menacing in the third degree);
    35  section 120.20 (reckless endangerment in  the  second  degree);  section
    36  120.25  (reckless  endangerment  in  the  first  degree); section 121.11
    37  (criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation); section 121.12
    38  (strangulation in the second degree); section 121.13  (strangulation  in
    39  the  first  degree);  subdivision one of section 125.15 (manslaughter in
    40  the second degree); subdivision one,  two  or  four  of  section  125.20
    41  (manslaughter in the first degree); section 125.25 (murder in the second
    42  degree);  section  125.26 (aggravated murder); section 125.27 (murder in
    43  the first degree); section  120.45  (stalking  in  the  fourth  degree);
    44  section  120.50 (stalking in the third degree); section 120.55 (stalking
    45  in the second degree); section 120.60 (stalking in  the  first  degree);
    46  section  130.20  (sexual  misconduct); section 130.25 (rape in the third
    47  degree); section 130.30 (rape in  the  second  degree);  section  130.35
    48  (rape  in  the  first  degree);  former  section  130.40; former section
    49  130.45; former  section  130.50;  section  130.52  (forcible  touching);
    50  section  130.53  (persistent sexual abuse); section 130.55 (sexual abuse
    51  in the third  degree);  section  130.60  (sexual  abuse  in  the  second
    52  degree);  section  130.65  (sexual  abuse  in the first degree); section
    53  130.65-a (aggravated sexual abuse in the fourth degree); section  130.66
    54  (aggravated  sexual  abuse  in the third degree); section 130.67 (aggra-
    55  vated sexual abuse in the second  degree);  section  130.70  (aggravated
    56  sexual abuse in the first degree); section 135.05 (unlawful imprisonment

        A. 3641--A                          6
     1  in  the  second  degree);  section  135.10 (unlawful imprisonment in the
     2  first degree); section 135.20 (kidnapping in the second degree); section
     3  135.25 (kidnapping in the first degree); section 135.60 (coercion in the
     4  third  degree);  section 135.61 (coercion in the second degree); section
     5  135.65 (coercion in the first degree); section 140.10 (criminal trespass
     6  in the third degree); section 140.15 (criminal trespass  in  the  second
     7  degree); section 140.17 (criminal trespass in the first degree); section
     8  140.20  (burglary  in the third degree); section 140.25 (burglary in the
     9  second degree); section 140.30 (burglary in the first  degree);  section
    10  145.00  (criminal mischief in the fourth degree); section 145.05 (crimi-
    11  nal mischief in the third degree); section 145.10 (criminal mischief  in
    12  the  second  degree);  section  145.12  (criminal  mischief in the first
    13  degree); section 150.05 (arson in the  fourth  degree);  section  150.10
    14  (arson  in  the  third  degree);  section  150.15  (arson  in the second
    15  degree); section 150.20 (arson in  the  first  degree);  section  155.25
    16  (petit  larceny);  section  155.30 (grand larceny in the fourth degree);
    17  section 155.35 (grand larceny  in  the  third  degree);  section  155.40
    18  (grand  larceny  in the second degree); section 155.42 (grand larceny in
    19  the first degree); section 160.05 (robbery in the third degree); section
    20  160.10 (robbery in the second degree); section 160.15  (robbery  in  the
    21  first  degree);  section 230.34 (sex trafficking); section 230.34-a (sex
    22  trafficking of  a  child);  section  240.25  (harassment  in  the  first
    23  degree);  subdivision  one,  two  or  four of section 240.30 (aggravated
    24  harassment in the second degree); section 240.50 (falsely  reporting  an
    25  incident  in  the  third  degree);  section 240.55 (falsely reporting an
    26  incident in the second degree); section  240.60  (falsely  reporting  an
    27  incident  in  the  first  degree);  section  240.80  (aggravated falsely
    28  reporting an incident in the third degree); section  240.81  (aggravated
    29  falsely  reporting  an  incident  in  the second degree); section 240.82
    30  (aggravated falsely reporting an incident in the first degree); subdivi-
    31  sion one of section 265.03 (criminal  possession  of  a  weapon  in  the
    32  second  degree);  subdivision one of section 265.04 (criminal possession
    33  of a weapon in the first degree); section 490.10 (soliciting or  provid-
    34  ing  support  for  an  act  of  terrorism in the second degree); section
    35  490.15 (soliciting or providing support for an act of terrorism  in  the
    36  first  degree);  section  490.20  (making a terroristic threat); section
    37  490.25 (crime of terrorism); section 490.30  (hindering  prosecution  of
    38  terrorism  in  the second degree); section 490.35 (hindering prosecution
    39  of terrorism in the first degree); section 490.37  (criminal  possession
    40  of  a chemical weapon or biological weapon in the third degree); section
    41  490.40 (criminal possession of a chemical weapon or biological weapon in
    42  the second degree); section 490.45 (criminal possession  of  a  chemical
    43  weapon or biological weapon in the first degree); section 490.47 (crimi-
    44  nal  use of a chemical weapon or biological weapon in the third degree);
    45  section 490.50 (criminal use of a chemical weapon or  biological  weapon
    46  in the second degree); section 490.55 (criminal use of a chemical weapon
    47  or  biological weapon in the first degree); or any attempt or conspiracy
    48  to commit any of the foregoing offenses.
    49    § 7. Subdivision 2 of section 79-n of the civil rights law, as amended
    50  by chapter 213 of the laws of 2022, is amended to read as follows:
    51    2. Any person who intentionally selects a person or property for  harm
    52  or causes damage to the property of another or causes physical injury or
    53  death  to another, or subjects a person to conduct that would constitute
    54  harassment under section 240.25 of the penal law, or subjects  a  person
    55  to conduct that results in a conviction under section 240.80 (aggravated
    56  falsely  reporting  an  incident  in  the  third degree), section 240.81

        A. 3641--A                          7
     1  (aggravated falsely reporting an incident  in  the  second  degree),  or
     2  section  240.82  (aggravated  falsely reporting an incident in the first
     3  degree) of the penal law, or summons a police officer or  peace  officer
     4  without reason to suspect a violation of the penal law, any other crimi-
     5  nal  conduct, or an imminent threat to a person or property, in whole or
     6  in substantial part because of a  belief  or  perception  regarding  the
     7  race,  color,  national  origin,  ancestry,  gender, religion, religious
     8  practice, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person,  regardless
     9  of  whether  the belief or perception is correct, or any person who aids
    10  or incites any such conduct, shall be  liable,  in  a  civil  action  or
    11  proceeding  maintained  by  such individual or group of individuals, for
    12  injunctive relief, damages, or any other appropriate relief  in  law  or
    13  equity.  If  it shall appear to the satisfaction of the court or justice
    14  that the respondent has, in fact, violated this section,  an  injunction
    15  may  be  issued  by such court or justice, enjoining and restraining any
    16  further violation, without requiring proof that any person has, in fact,
    17  been injured or damaged thereby. For the purposes of this subdivision, a
    18  person lacks reason to suspect a violation of the penal law,  any  other
    19  criminal  conduct, or an imminent threat to a person or property where a
    20  reasonable person would not suspect such violation, conduct, or threat.
    21    § 8. Subdivision 3 of section 75 of the executive law  is  amended  by
    22  adding a new paragraph (c-1) to read as follows:
    23    (c-1)  establish  a  public,  searchable  database  of all officers or
    24  employees of covered agencies who  have  been  convicted  under  section
    25  240.80  (aggravated  falsely reporting an incident in the third degree),
    26  section 240.81 (aggravated falsely reporting an incident in  the  second
    27  degree)  and section 240.82 (aggravated falsely reporting an incident in
    28  the first degree) of the  penal  law  where  such  officer  or  employee
    29  committed  the  offense  in  whole  or  in substantial part because of a
    30  belief or perception regarding the race, color, national origin,  ances-
    31  try,  religion,  gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity
    32  or expression, or ethnicity of  a  person,  regardless  of  whether  the
    33  belief or perception is correct;
    34    §  9.  The  executive  law is amended by adding a new section 837-y to
    35  read as follows:
    36    § 837-y. False reporting database.  The  division  shall  establish  a
    37  public,  searchable  database  of  all  convictions under section 240.80
    38  (aggravated falsely reporting an incident in the third degree),  section
    39  240.81  (aggravated  falsely reporting an incident in the second degree)
    40  and section 240.82 (aggravated falsely  reporting  an  incident  in  the
    41  first  degree)  of the penal law where a person committed the offense in
    42  whole or in substantial part because of a belief or perception regarding
    43  the race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, gender,  disabili-
    44  ty, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or ethnicity of a
    45  person, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct.
    46    §  10.  Section  160.50  of  the  criminal procedure law is amended by
    47  adding a new subdivision 6 to read as follows:
    48    6. In the case of the termination of a criminal action  or  proceeding
    49  against  a  person  in favor of such person where the criminal action or
    50  proceeding is being terminated due to  a  violation  of  section  240.80
    51  (aggravated  falsely reporting an incident in the third degree), section
    52  240.81 (aggravated falsely reporting an incident in the second  degree),
    53  or section 240.82 (aggravated falsely reporting an incident in the first
    54  degree)  of  the  penal  law, the prosecutor shall notify such person by
    55  providing a detailed written explanation of  the  reason  such  criminal
    56  action  or  proceeding  is  being terminated. Such notification shall be

        A. 3641--A                          8
     1  provided to the person or such person's attorney within five days of the
     2  dismissal of such criminal action or proceeding.
     3    §  11. This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however, that
     4  section five of this act shall take effect on the same date and  in  the
     5  same  manner  as  section 1 of part C of chapter 55 of the laws of 2024,
     6  takes effect; provided further, however, that section six  of  this  act
     7  shall  take  effect on the same date and in the same manner as section 2
     8  of part C of chapter 55 of the laws of 2024, takes effect.
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