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A04001 Summary:

COSPNSRColton, Otis, Thiele, Lee
Add Art 13 Title 9 §§13-0901 - 13-0905, amd §§13-0503 & 11-0323, En Con L
Relates to the prevention and mitigation of marine and coastal debris; defines terms; requires the department of environmental conservation to prepare and annually update a marine and coastal debris action plan.
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A04001 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 8, 2023
        Introduced  by M. of A. GLICK -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Environmental Conservation
        AN ACT to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation  to  the
          prevention and mitigation of marine and coastal debris
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Article 13 of the environmental conservation law is amended
     2  by adding a new title 9 to read as follows:
     3                                   TITLE 9
     5  Section 13-0901. Declaration of policy.
     6          13-0903. Definitions.
     7          13-0905. Responsibilities of the department.
     8  § 13-0901. Declaration of policy.
     9    It is declared to be the public  policy  of  this  state  to  protect,
    10  preserve  and  restore  its marine and coastal waters and to prevent and
    11  mitigate their despoliation by marine and coastal debris,  in  order  to
    12  maintain  healthy  coastal  and  ocean  ecosystems and the benefits they
    13  provide to communities.
    14  § 13-0903. Definitions.
    15    1. "Marine and coastal debris" shall mean any persistent solid materi-
    16  al that is manufactured or processed, and directly or indirectly, inten-
    17  tionally or unintentionally, disposed of or abandoned in the  waters  of
    18  the  marine and coastal district, including debris that has been dumped,
    19  swept, or blown off commercial and fishing vessels, or stationary  plat-
    20  forms  at  sea, including but not limited to ghost gear, and debris that
    21  has been generated on land and blown, swept, or washed out to marine and
    22  coastal waters.
    23    2. "Ghost gear" shall mean lost or abandoned fishing  gear,  including
    24  fishing  nets,  fishing  lines,  crab pots, shrimp pots, lobster pots or
    25  traps, fish or eel pots, and other commercial and  recreational  fishing
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4001                             2
     1  equipment, but shall not include lost or abandoned vessels or structural
     2  components thereof.
     3    3.   "Eligible  recipients"  shall  mean  not-for-profit  corporations
     4  located within New York state with the purpose of promoting sport  fish-
     5  ing, increasing participation in recreational angling, increasing public
     6  awareness  and  appreciation  of  aquatic natural resources, encouraging
     7  conservation of fisheries resources, or promoting  research  related  to
     8  sport fishing, recreational angling, or aquatic natural resources.
     9  § 13-0905. Responsibilities of the department.
    10    1. The department shall prepare and annually update a marine and coas-
    11  tal  debris  action  plan.  Such plan shall be developed in consultation
    12  with relevant stake holders including, but not limited to,  the  depart-
    13  ment of state and the office of parks, recreation and historic preserva-
    14  tion,  the  marine  resources  advisory  council established pursuant to
    15  section 13-0350 of this article, local governments, eligible recipients,
    16  holders of commercial and recreational fishing  licenses,  organizations
    17  of  sporting enthusiasts and persons concerned with environmental issues
    18  and animal welfare.
    19    2. Such plan shall include an assessment of the extent of  marine  and
    20  coastal debris and its impact on resources in marine and coastal waters,
    21  shall evaluate and prioritize measures to identify, prevent and mitigate
    22  the  impacts  of  such  debris, and shall identify best practices in the
    23  prevention, identification and mitigation of marine and coastal  debris.
    24  In  addition,  each  annual update shall include information and data on
    25  progress in accomplishing the objectives of the prior year's plan and on
    26  activities undertaken or supported by the department pursuant to  subdi-
    27  visions  three and four of this section and any pilot projects initiated
    28  pursuant to subdivision five of this section.
    29    3. The department shall: (a) to the extent feasible, make its  facili-
    30  ties  in  communities  adjacent  to  or within marine and coastal waters
    31  available to organizations  and  entities  involved  in  identification,
    32  prevention, mitigation and removal and recycling or other remediation of
    33  marine  debris  to facilitate plan implementation; and (b) to the extent
    34  funds are available therefor, support and assist such organizations  and
    35  entities in efforts to implement the plan.
    36    4.  The department shall, at a minimum, provide information on report-
    37  ing the location of ghost gear when issuing any commercial  license  for
    38  fishing  in marine and coastal waters, shall publish such information in
    39  any department-generated guide or map for saltwater fishing,  and  shall
    40  include  toll-free  numbers  and links to websites of organizations that
    41  accept reports of such locations on its website and on any mobile appli-
    42  cation for hunting, fishing and wildlife information  supported  by  the
    43  department.
    44    5.  To  extent that funds are available for such purposes, the depart-
    45  ment shall provide grants to eligible recipients to operate one or  more
    46  pilot  projects  in  each  of  the  following areas: (a) identification,
    47  removal and, to the extent feasible, recycling of ghost gear; (b)  mono-
    48  filament fishing line recycling; and (c) beach debris cleanup.
    49    §  2. Section 13-0503 of the environmental conservation law is amended
    50  by adding a new subdivision 5 to read as follows:
    51    5. The board may advise and assist the department in the  exercise  of
    52  its responsibilities under title nine of this article.
    53    §  3.  Subdivision 1 of section 11-0323 of the environmental conserva-
    54  tion law, as amended by chapter 330 of the laws of 2014, is  amended  to
    55  read as follows:

        A. 4001                             3
     1    1. The department shall compile and index each year after the adjourn-
     2  ment  of the legislature the laws relating to fish and wildlife, as well
     3  as invasive species (as defined in section 9-1703  and  9-1710  of  this
     4  chapter),  as amended to date. In addition, information on reporting the
     5  location  of  ghost gear, including toll-free numbers and website links,
     6  shall also be included. Copies of the compilation shall  be  printed  in
     7  pamphlet form of pocket size in the number for which the legislature may
     8  appropriate funds.
     9    §  4.  This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however, that
    10  the initial marine debris action plan shall be issued not later than  15
    11  months after the date on which this act shall have become a law.
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