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A04051 Summary:

COSPNSRByrnes, Manktelow, DeStefano, Brown E, Bendett, Brabenec, Lemondes, Hawley
MLTSPNSRAngelino, Tague
Amd §§101 & 106, ABC L
Exempts certain parcels of land containing the Smith Opera House from licensing restrictions prohibiting manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers of alcoholic beverages from sharing an interest in a licensed premises.
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A04051 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 9, 2023
        Introduced by M. of A. GALLAHAN, BYRNES, MANKTELOW, DeSTEFANO, E. BROWN,
          BENDETT,  BRABENEC, LEMONDES, HAWLEY -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A.
          ANGELINO, TAGUE -- read once and referred to the Committee on Economic
          Development -- committee discharged, bill amended,  ordered  reprinted
          as  amended  and  recommitted  to said committee -- recommitted to the
          Committee on Economic Development in accordance with Assembly Rule  3,
          sec.  2  --  committee  discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as
          amended and recommitted to said committee
        AN ACT to amend the alcoholic  beverage  control  law,  in  relation  to
          exempting  certain parcels of land from licensing restrictions prohib-
          iting manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers of alcoholic  beverages
          from sharing an interest in a licensed premises
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 1 of section 101 of the  alco-
     2  holic  beverage  control  law  is  amended  by adding a new subparagraph
     3  (xviii) to read as follows:
     4    (xviii) All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, with the build-
     5  ings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being  on  the
     6  northerly side of Seneca Street in the city of Geneva, county of Ontario
     7  and  state  of  New  York,  more  particularly  bounded and described as
     8  follows:
     9    PARCEL 1
    10  BEGINNING at a point in the northerly line of  said  Seneca  street  and
    11  distant  one  hundred  eighteen  and  five-tenths (118.5) feet westerly,
    12  measured along said northerly line of Seneca Street, from  the  westerly
    13  line  of  Linden Street, as at present monumented by the city of Geneva;
    14  thence running (1) northerly at an angle in the  northwest  quadrant  of
    15  ninety  (90)  degrees,  sixteen  (16) minutes with the northerly line of
    16  Seneca Street a distance  of  one  hundred  ninety-two  and  five-tenths
    17  (192.5)  feet,  more  or  less,  to a point in the old line fence, which
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4051--B                          2
     1  point is the northeasterly corner of the premises;  thence  running  (2)
     2  westerly along said old line fence at an angle in the northwest quadrant
     3  of  eighty-five (85) degrees, fifty-two (52) minutes with the line fence
     4  herein  described a distance of seventy-eight and two-tenths (78.2) feet
     5  to a point; thence running (3) northerly at an angle  in  the  northeast
     6  quadrant  of  ninety-four  (94)  degrees, four (4) minutes with the last
     7  described course and along a jog in said fence a distance of  three  and
     8  five-tenths  (3.5)  feet,  more  or less, to a point; thence running (4)
     9  westerly and continuing along said old fence line a distance  of  eleven
    10  and  five-tenths  (11.5)  feet, more or less, to a point, which point is
    11  the northwest corner of the premises, and running thence (5) in a south-
    12  erly direction a distance of two hundred two (202) feet, more  or  less,
    13  to  the  northerly  line of said Seneca Street, as now monumented, which
    14  point is the southwest corner of the premises, and  running  thence  (6)
    15  along the northerly line of said Seneca Street a distance of eighty-nine
    16  and seven-tenths (89.7) feet to the point or place of beginning.
    17  PARCEL 2
    18  All  that  certain  lot,  piece or parcel of land situate in the city of
    19  Geneva, County of Ontario and  state  of  New  York,  more  particularly
    20  bounded and described as follows:
    21  Commencing at a point in the east line of lands of Agnes Dempsey Doxsee,
    22  said  point  being  one foot south of the south wall of the present barn
    23  now on said land, and running thence southerly  about  twenty-nine  (29)
    24  feet,  more  or  less, to the north line of the lands of the S-G Theatre
    25  Corporation; thence westerly along the north line of the land of the S-G
    26  Corporation thirty-three (33) feet to  a  point;  thence  northerly  and
    27  parallel with the first course hereof and along the westerly line of the
    28  lands  of  Agnes Dempsey Doxsee to a point; which point if measured in a
    29  straight line east and west would be one (1) foot  south  of  the  south
    30  line  of the present barn; thence easterly thirty-three (33) feet to the
    31  place of beginning.
    32  Being the same premises shown on a map of a survey prepared  by  William
    33  J.    Newton, L.S. dated January 15, 1975 (Survey No. 74-202-C) filed in
    34  the Ontario County Clerk's office.
    35    § 2. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 13 of section 106 of  the  alcoholic
    36  beverage  control law is amended by adding a new subparagraph (xxiii) to
    37  read as follows:
    38    (xxiii) ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL  OF  LAND,  with  the  buildings  and
    39  improvements  thereon  erected,  situate, lying and being on County Road
    40  153 in Military Lot 14 & 23 in the Town of Ovid, County of Seneca, State
    41  of New York bounded and described as follows:
    42    BEGINNING at a point in the assumed centerline of County Road  153  at
    43  the  apparent center of the bridge over Sheldrake Creek, said point also
    44  being southerly a distance of 292 feet more or less  from  the  apparent
    45  intersection of said centerline with the assumed centerline of Sheldrake
    46  Road; thence leaving the point of beginning South 18° 21' 25" East along
    47  the assumed centerline of County Road 153 a distance of 260.70 feet to a
    48  point; thence South 19° 47' 57" East along said centerline a distance of
    49  107.76 feet to a point; thence South 21° 16' 18" East along said center-
    50  line a distance of 182.94 feet to a point; thence North 73° 21' 51" East
    51  along  lands reputedly of Atwood (lib. 385, page 398) passing through an
    52  iron pipe 17.91 feet distant, and continuing  further  along  that  same
    53  course  a distance of 80.43 feet farther, the total distance being 98.34
    54  feet to an iron pipe in concrete at or near the  shore  line  of  Cayuga
    55  Lake;  thence  in  a  southerly  direction  the  following  courses  and
    56  distances along tie lines at or near the  shore  line  of  Cayuga  Lake:

        A. 4051--B                          3

     1  South 03° 51' 47" West a distance of 91.67 feet to a point; thence South
     2  09°  41'  08" East a distance of 60.89 feet to a point; thence South 25°
     3  12' 40" East a distance of 86.20 feet to an iron pin; thence  South  68°
     4  29'  53" West along lands reputedly of Boyle (lib. 397, page 1128) pass-
     5  ing through an iron pin 35.00 feet distant, and continuing further along
     6  that same course passing through another iron pin  40.00  feet  farther,
     7  and continuing still further along that same course a distance of 149.00
     8  feet  farther,  the  total  distance  being  224.00 feet to an iron pin;
     9  thence South 17° 34' 07" East along said lands of Boyle, passing through
    10  a concrete post 170.00 feet distant, and continuing further  along  that
    11  same course along lands reputedly of Riemenschneider (lib. 449, page 61)
    12  a  distance of 159.70 feet farther, the total distance being 329.70 feet
    13  to an iron pin; thence South 75° 00' 23" West along lands  reputedly  of
    14  Diamond-Carey  (lib. 430, page 271) a distance of 250.00 feet to an iron
    15  pin; thence South 62° 21' 07" West along said lands of  Diamond-Carey  a
    16  distance of 168.29 feet to an iron pipe 2 feet east of a 12 inch hickory
    17  tree;  thence South 01° 32' 47" West along said lands of Diamond-Carey a
    18  distance of 377.63 feet to an iron pin; thence North 72°  01'  46"  East
    19  along  said  lands  of Diamond-Carey a distance of 17.49 feet to an iron
    20  pin; thence South 13° 10' 51" East along lands reputedly of  Poes  (lib.
    21  533,  page  327)  a distance of 174.57 feet to an iron pin; thence South
    22  61° 15' 35" West along lands reputedly of Diamond, Helfman &  Day  (lib.
    23  482,  page  354)  a distance of 44.90 feet to an iron pipe; thence South
    24  23° 58' 18" East along said lands of Diamond, Helfman  &  Day  and  also
    25  along  lands  reputedly of Day (lib. 317, page 341) a distance of 197.28
    26  feet to an axle; thence South 03° 33' 43" East along lands reputedly  of
    27  Dusinbere (lib. 510, page 151) a distance of 76.42 feet to an iron pipe;
    28  thence  South  04°  24'  03" East along said lands of Dusinbere, passing
    29  through an iron pipe 102.31 feet distant, and continuing  further  along
    30  that  same  course along lands reputedly of Frantz (lib. 432, page 69) a
    31  distance of 238.42 feet farther, the total distance being 340.73 feet to
    32  an iron pin; thence South 05° 1 T 20"  East  along  lands  reputedly  of
    33  Holman  (lib.  331, page 398) a distance of 199.65 feet to an iron pipe;
    34  thence North 85° 47' 17" West along lands reputedly of Travis (lib. 413,
    35  page 61) a distance of 60.22 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 49°  37'
    36  13" West along said lands of Travis a distance of 136.80 feet to an iron
    37  pipe;  thence  South  52°  29'  03"  West  along  said lands of Travis a
    38  distance of 201.20 feet to a point; thence South 67° 02' 08" West  along
    39  said  lands  of  Travis a distance of 203.75 feet to an iron pin; thence
    40  South 05° 58' 13" West a distance of 25.95 feet to a point in  a  double
    41  basswood  stump;  thence North 84° 57' 23" West along lands reputedly of
    42  Travis (Lib.  413, page 61) a distance of 643.08 feet to an  iron  pipe;
    43  thence  North  85°  19'  03"  West along lands reputedly of George (lib.
    44  501, page 283) a distance of 2953.18 feet to an iron pin;  thence  North
    45  85°  01'  43"  West a distance of 260.88 feet to an iron pin; thence the
    46  following courses and distances along tie lines being  along  the  south
    47  bank of Sheldrake Creek: North 04° 58' 17" East a distance of 75.00 feet
    48  to a point; North 53° 32' 03" East a distance of 257.36 feet to a point;
    49  North  49°  46' 21" East a distance of 388.42 feet to a point; North 70°
    50  07' 21" East a distance of 113.39 feet to a point;  North  85°  22'  45"
    51  East  a  distance  of  158.74  feet to a point; South 75° 38' 53" East a
    52  distance of 138.69 feet to a point; North 75° 27' 23" East a distance of
    53  123.03 feet to a point; North 01° 49' 54" West a distance of 286.17 feet
    54  to a point; North 45° 15' 53" East a distance of 124.41 feet to a point;
    55  South 74° 36' 39" East a distance of 235.69 feet to a point;  North  76°
    56  37'  59"  East  a  distance of 203.07 feet to a point; North 44° 08' 15"

        A. 4051--B                          4
     1  East a distance of 225.05 feet to a point; North  32°  19'  26"  East  a
     2  distance of 175.45 feet to a point; North 87° 20' 19" East a distance of
     3  266.75 feet to a point; North 50° 26' 38" East a distance of 286.68 feet
     4  to  a  point;  North  69°  39' 24" East a distance of 218. 09 fee t to a
     5  point; North 34° 09' 56" East a distance of  183.80  feet  to  a  point;
     6  North  06°  30' 06" East a distance of 173.73 feet to a point; North 82°
     7  28' 34" East a distance of 318.45 feet to a point;  North  63°  12'  37"
     8  East  a  distance  of  457.87  feet to a point; North 47° 33' 36" East a
     9  distance of 228.07 feet to a point; North 60° 11* 17" East a distance of
    10  263.17 feet to a point; North 71° 05' 04" East a distance of 179.45 feet
    11  to a point; North 81° 35' 05" East a distance of 337.03 feet to a point;
    12  North 76° 08' 39" East a distance of 164.59  feet  to  a  point;  thence
    13  North  21°  30'  07"  West  a  distance  of 56.80 feet to a point in the
    14  assumed centerline of Sheldrake Creek; thence North  64°  26'  00"  East
    15  along said centerline a distance of 140.00 feet to a point; thence North
    16  38°  10'  00"  East along said centerline a distance of 150.00 feet to a
    17  point, said point being the point and place of beginning.  COMPRISING an
    18  area of 155.081 acres of land according to a survey completed by Michael
    19  D. Karlsen on December 20, 1996 entitled "Plan of Land to be Conveyed by
    20  Seymour Diamond" known as job number 96-572-2 and a survey completed  by
    21  Michael  D.  Karlsen on December 9, 1996 entitled "Plan Showing Easterly
    22  Lines of Seymour Diamond" known as job number 96-572-1.  Said  maps  are
    23  filed  in  the  Seneca County Clerk's Office in Map book 97 pages 38 and
    24  39.
    25    Also quit claiming all right, title and interest in and  to  the  land
    26  lying  between  the  centerline of Sheldrake Creek and the south bank of
    27  said Sheldrake Creek.
    28    SUBJECT TO a right of way conveyed to New York State Electric and  Gas
    29  Corporation by instrument dated June 14, 1945 and recorded in the Seneca
    30  County Clerk's Office in Liber 186 of Deeds at Page 454.
    31    SUBJECT TO the rights of the public in and to County Road 153.
    32    SUBJECT  TO  a  permanent right of way and easement for ingress to and
    33  egress from the spring on the premises herein conveyed across the  prem-
    34  ises  herein  conveyed  to the premised herein excepted and reserved for
    35  purposes of the installation, maintenance and repair  of  a  water  pipe
    36  line  running  from  the  said  spring to the said premises excepted and
    37  reserved which said pipe line shall be used for  purposes  of  supplying
    38  water  from  said  spring  to said reserved premises for residential and
    39  allied uses (Liber 397, page 1128).
    40    SUBJECT TO the right to use water from a certain  spring  situated  on
    41  the  premises herein conveyed, said water from said spring to be used to
    42  supply the dwelling house identified in Liber 449 of Deeds  at  Page  61
    43  only  and  said  water  to be piped to the said house as the same is now
    44  piped and no larger pipes to be installed at any time,  for  such  water
    45  supply,  together with the right to go upon the premises herein conveyed
    46  for the purpose of repairing and renewing said pipes.
    47    TOGETHER with all of the right, title and interest of the  grantor  in
    48  and  to any lands or waters that may lie between high and low water mark
    49  of Cayuga Lake and immediately to the east of the above described  prem-
    50  ises  and  between the north and south line of said premises produced in
    51  an easterly direction; it being understood between  the  parties  hereto
    52  that all the premises conveyed herein which tend to convey any rights in
    53  and  to Cayuga Lake are subject to all lawful rights of the State of New
    54  York and to lawful usage during times of high water.
    55    TOGETHER with a 20-foot right of way from Lake Road  over  and  across
    56  premises now or formerly of Dusinbere (510/151), subject to the right of

        A. 4051--B                          5
     1  Dusinbere, their heirs, distributees and assigns, to relocate said right
     2  of way at any time hereafter.
     3    BEING AND INTENDING the same premises which were conveyed to the party
     4  of  the  first  part  herein  by  warrant deed of Seymour Diamond, dated
     5  February 6, 1997 and recorded in the Seneca  County  Clerk's  office  on
     6  February 6, 1997 in Liber 550 of Deeds at page 243.
     7    ALSO  ALL  THAT  TRACT  OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Ovid,
     8  Seneca County, New York being a part of Lot No. 23 in said town and more
     9  particularly bounded and described as follows:
    10    BEGINNING at a point in the center line of County Road No.  153,  said
    11  point being located southerly along said center line a distance of 1,080
    12  feet  from  its  intersection  with  the  center line of Sheldrake Road;
    13  thence North 68° 29' 53' East, said course passing through a found on at
    14  14.64 feet a total distance of 49.64 feet to a found  pin  in  the  high
    15  water  mark  of  Cayuga  Lake; thence southeasterly along the high water
    16  line of Cayuga Lake a distance of 174 feet, said course having  a  chord
    17  tie of South 32° 06' 16" East and a chord tie distance of 172.91 feet to
    18  a  point  at  the  high  water mark; thence South 68° 29' 53" West, said
    19  course passing through a found iron bar in the easterly right of way  of
    20  County  Road No. 153 at 53.85 feet and continuing across County Road No.
    21  153 and passing through a found iron bar in the west line of County Road
    22  No.  153 at 103.60 feet a total distance  of  267.50  feet  to  a  found
    23  concrete  monument;  thence  North 13° 34' 07" West a distance of 170.35
    24  feet to a found pin; thence North 68° 29' 53" east, said course  passing
    25  through  a  found  pin  near the west line of County Road No. 153 at 149
    26  feet a total distance of 174.36 feet to the point or place of beginning,
    27  containing 0.77 acre of land, more or less.
    28    The above described premises are as shown on a survey entitled "Survey
    29  Map Showing Lands of Judith Boyle No. 7488 County Road No.  153  -  Mil.
    30  Lot  14  Town  of Ovid, Seneca County, New York" dated April 24, 1998 as
    31  prepared by T.G. Miller P.C., Engineers and Surveyors. Said map is filed
    32  in the Seneca County Clerk's Office in Map book 98 page 159.
    33    BEING the same premises conveyed to the  grantor  herein  by  deed  of
    34  Judith  Boyle  dated June 3, 1998, recorded in the Seneca County Clerk's
    35  Office on June 26, 1998 in Liber 573 of Deeds at Page 37.
    36    This conveyance is made SUBJECT to the following:
    37    1. The rights of the public in and to County Road No. 153.
    38    2. Any and all easements or rights of way of record.
    39    TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights  of  the
    40  party of the first part in and to said premises.
    41    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.
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