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A04313 Summary:

Add Art 5 Title 8-A §§310 - 314, Soc Serv L
Establishes rental vouchers for working families; provides definitions; allows for families to make an application for rental vouchers at the appropriate social services district or any facilitated enrollment site authorized by the office of temporary and disability assistance; sets forth eligibility requirements.
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A04313 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 4, 2025
        Introduced  by  M. of A. DAVILA, CUNNINGHAM -- read once and referred to
          the Committee on Social Services
        AN ACT to amend the social services law,  in  relation  to  establishing
          rental vouchers for working families
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1.  Article 5 of the social services law is amended by  adding
     2  a new title 8-A to read as follows:
     3                                  TITLE 8-A
     5  Section 310. Definitions.
     6          311. Application.
     7          312. Eligibility.
     8          313. Rental payments.
     9          314. Maintenance of effort.
    10    § 310. Definitions. For the purposes of this title:
    11    1.  The  term "family" shall mean a family that includes an individual
    12  who has not attained eighteen years of age, or has not attained nineteen
    13  years of age and is a full-time student in a secondary school or in  the
    14  equivalent level of vocational or technical training.
    15    2. The term "income" shall mean income from all sources of each member
    16  of the household.
    17    3.  The  term "adjusted income" shall mean the amount of income of the
    18  members of the family residing in a dwelling  unit,  after  any  of  the
    19  following required income exclusions from annual income:
    20    (a) four hundred dollars for any family containing an elderly or disa-
    21  bled family member;
    22    (b)  the  amount by which three percent of the annual family income is
    23  exceeded by the sum of unreimbursed medical expenses for any elderly  or
    24  disabled family member or the amount by which three percent of the annu-
    25  al  family  income  is  exceeded  by  the sum of unreimbursed reasonable

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4313                             2
     1  attendant care and auxiliary apparatus expenses for each disabled member
     2  of the family to the extent necessary to enable any member of such fami-
     3  ly (including such disabled family member) to be employed;
     4    (c)  any  reasonable child care expense incurred necessary to enable a
     5  family member to be employed or to further such family  member's  educa-
     6  tion;
     7    (d) four hundred eighty dollars for each member of the family residing
     8  in  the household who is less than eighteen years of age or is attending
     9  high school or vocational training on a full-time basis, or who is eigh-
    10  teen years of age or older and is a person with a disability;
    11    (e) any payment made by a member of the family  for  the  support  and
    12  maintenance  of  any  child who does not reside in the household, except
    13  that the amount excluded  under  this  paragraph  may  not  exceed  four
    14  hundred eighty dollars for each child for whom such payment is made;
    15    (f)  any  payments  made by a member of the family for the support and
    16  maintenance of any spouse or former spouse who does not  reside  in  the
    17  household,  except  that  the amount excluded under this paragraph shall
    18  not exceed the lesser of either the amount that such family member has a
    19  legal obligation to pay or five hundred fifty dollars for each  individ-
    20  ual for whom such payment is made; and
    21    (g) the amount of any earned income of a member of the family residing
    22  in  the  household  who is not eighteen years of age or older and who is
    23  not the head of the household or the spouse of the head  of  the  house-
    24  hold.
    25    §  311. Application. Application for rental vouchers for working fami-
    26  lies may be made at the appropriate  social  services  district  or  any
    27  facilitated  enrollment  site  authorized by the office of temporary and
    28  disability assistance to take such applications.
    29    § 312. Eligibility. 1. To the extent that funds are  available,  fami-
    30  lies shall be eligible for rental vouchers for working families if:
    31    (a)  the  family  income  does  not  exceed two hundred percent of the
    32  federal poverty level;
    33    (b) the family would meet the mandatory work requirements  established
    34  in section three hundred thirty-five-b of this article;
    35    (c) the family is not in receipt of temporary assistance;
    36    (d)  the  rental  obligation  for  the  family is not more than ninety
    37  percent of the fair market rent for the local social  services  district
    38  as established by the United States Office of Housing and Urban Develop-
    39  ment; and
    40    (e)  the  rental  unit  for the family is habitable, safe and does not
    41  have a record of hazardous conditions.
    42    2. Should the employment status of a household member change such that
    43  the family no longer meets the mandatory work  requirements  established
    44  in  section  three  hundred thirty-five-b of this article, the household
    45  shall be allowed to continue to receive a rental voucher for up to three
    46  months while the family attempts  to  come  into  compliance  with  such
    47  mandatory work requirements.  If, after three months, the family remains
    48  out  of  compliance  with  such  mandatory work requirements, the rental
    49  voucher shall no longer be provided to such family and the family  shall
    50  be  referred  to  alternative  assistance  programs  to meet their basic
    51  needs. Provided, however, that the loss of a rental voucher for  failure
    52  to  comply  with such mandatory work requirements shall not preclude the
    53  family's eligibility for a rental voucher should they meet the mandatory
    54  work requirements in the future.
    55    3. Families in receipt of  a  rental  voucher  shall  be  required  to
    56  provide  the  local  social  services district with notice of changes in

        A. 4313                             3
     1  income or employment status within one month of  such  change.  Families
     2  shall  be  recertified for the rental voucher program at least every six
     3  months.  Such recertification shall not require  a  face-to-face  inter-
     4  view.
     5    § 313. Rental payments. Families shall pay as rent for a dwelling unit
     6  assisted with a rental voucher the highest of the following amounts:
     7    1. thirty percent of the family's monthly adjusted income; or
     8    2. ten percent of the family's monthly income.
     9    §  314.  Maintenance  of effort. To the extent allowable under federal
    10  law, state funding for rental vouchers for  working  families  shall  be
    11  utilized  to  meet  the federally mandated maintenance of effort for the
    12  temporary assistance for needy families block grant.
    13    § 2. This act shall take effect April 1, 2026.
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