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A04342 Summary:

COSPNSRWeprin, Davila, Dinowitz
Amd §60.45, CP L; amd §§305.2 & 344.2, Fam Ct Act
Enhances criminal investigations and prosecutions in relation to the integrity of statements of those accused of crimes and to promote confidence in the criminal justice system.
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A04342 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 4, 2025
        Introduced by M. of A. WALKER, WEPRIN, DAVILA, DINOWITZ -- read once and
          referred to the Committee on Codes
        AN  ACT to amend the criminal procedure law and the family court act, in
          relation to statements of those accused of crimes to enhance  criminal
          investigations and prosecutions and to promote confidence in the crim-
          inal justice system of this state
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Subdivision 3 of section 60.45 of  the  criminal  procedure
     2  law,  as  added  by  section  1 of part VVV of chapter 59 of the laws of
     3  2017, is amended to read as follows:
     4    3. (a) [Where] When a person is subject to  [custodial]  interrogation
     5  by a public servant [at a detention facility], and the public servant is
     6  aware  or has reason to suspect that the person interrogated committed a
     7  crime under investigation by such public servant or  a  law  enforcement
     8  entity  associated  with  such  public  servant,  the entire [custodial]
     9  interrogation, including the giving of any required advice of the rights
    10  of the individual being questioned, and the waiver of any rights by  the
    11  individual,  shall  be recorded by an appropriate video recording device
    12  [if the interrogation involves a class A-1 felony, except one defined in
    13  article two hundred twenty of the penal law; felony offenses defined  in
    14  section  130.95 and 130.96 of the penal law; or a felony offense defined
    15  in article one hundred twenty-five or one hundred  thirty  of  such  law
    16  that  is defined as a class B violent felony offense in section 70.02 of
    17  the penal law. For purposes  of  this  paragraph,  the  term  "detention
    18  facility"  shall  mean  a police station, correctional facility, holding
    19  facility for prisoners, prosecutor's  office  or  other  facility  where
    20  persons  are  held in detention in connection with criminal charges that
    21  have been or may be filed against  them].  The  interrogation  shall  be
    22  recorded    in a manner such that the persons in the recording are shown
    23  and the speech is  intelligible.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4342                             2
     1    (b) [No confession, admission or other statement shall be subject to a
     2  motion to suppress pursuant to subdivision three of  section  710.20  of
     3  this chapter based solely upon the failure to video record such interro-
     4  gation  in  a  detention  facility  as  defined in paragraph (a) of this
     5  subdivision. However, where] When the people offer into evidence against
     6  a  defendant a confession, admission or other statement made by a person
     7  [in custody] with respect to  [his  or  her  participation  or  lack  of
     8  participation in] an alleged offense [specified in paragraph (a) of this
     9  subdivision,] that has not been video recorded, the court shall [consid-
    10  er  the  failure  to  record as a factor, but not as the sole factor, in
    11  accordance with paragraph (c) of this subdivision in determining whether
    12  such confession, admission or other statement shall be admissible.
    13    (c) Notwithstanding the requirement of paragraph (a) of this  subdivi-
    14  sion,  upon  a  showing  of  good cause by the prosecutor, the custodial
    15  interrogation need not be recorded. Good cause shall include, but not be
    16  limited to:
    17    (i) If electronic recording equipment malfunctions.
    18    (ii) If electronic recording equipment is not available because it was
    19  otherwise being used.
    20    (iii) If statements  are  made  in  response  to  questions  that  are
    21  routinely asked during arrest processing.
    22    (iv)  If the statement is spontaneously made by the suspect and not in
    23  response to police questioning.
    24    (v) If the statement is made during an interrogation that is conducted
    25  when the interviewer is unaware that a qualifying offense has occurred.
    26    (vi) If the statement is made at a location other than the  "interview
    27  room"  because  the  suspect  cannot  be brought to such room, e.g., the
    28  suspect is in a hospital or the suspect is out of state and  that  state
    29  is not governed by a law requiring the recordation of an interrogation.
    30    (vii)  If the statement is made after a suspect has refused to partic-
    31  ipate in the interrogation if it is recorded, and appropriate effort  to
    32  document such refusal is made.
    33    (viii) If such statement is not recorded as a result of an inadvertent
    34  error  or  oversight,  not  the result of any intentional conduct by law
    35  enforcement personnel.
    36    (ix) If it is law enforcement's reasonable belief that such  recording
    37  would  jeopardize  the  safety of any person or reveal the identity of a
    38  confidential informant.
    39    (x) If such statement is made at a location not equipped with a  video
    40  recording  device  and  the  reason  for  using  that location is not to
    41  subvert the intent of the law. For purposes of this  section,  the  term
    42  "location"  shall  include those locations specified in paragraph (b) of
    43  subdivision four of section 305.2 of the family court act.
    44    (d) In the event the court finds that the people have not  shown  good
    45  cause  for  the  non-recording  of  the  confession, admission, or other
    46  statement, but determines that a non-recorded confession,  admission  or
    47  other  statement  is  nevertheless admissible because it was voluntarily
    48  made then, upon request of the defendant, the court  must  instruct  the
    49  jury  that  the  people's  failure to record the defendant's confession,
    50  admission or other statement as required by this section may be  weighed
    51  as  a  factor,  but  not as the sole factor, in determining whether such
    52  confession, admission or other statement was voluntarily  made,  or  was
    53  made at all.
    54    (e)  Video recording as required by this section shall be conducted in
    55  accordance with standards established by rule of the division of  crimi-

        A. 4342                             3

     1  nal justice services] exclude such confession, admission or other state-
     2  ment from use as evidence at trial or at any pretrial hearing.
     3    §  2. Subdivisions 5-a and 8 of section 305.2 of the family court act,
     4  subdivision 5-a as added and subdivision 8 as amended by chapter 299  of
     5  the laws of 2020, are amended to read as follows:
     6    5-a.  [Where] When at any time a child is subject to interrogation [at
     7  a facility designated by the chief administrator  of  the  courts  as  a
     8  suitable  place for the questioning of juveniles pursuant to subdivision
     9  four of this section,] by a public servant and  the  public  servant  is
    10  aware  or has reason to suspect that the child interrogated committed an
    11  act that would be a crime if committed by an adult and  which  is  under
    12  investigation by such public servant or a law enforcement entity associ-
    13  ated  with  such public servant, the entire interrogation, including the
    14  giving of any required notice to the  child  as  to  [his  or  her]  the
    15  child's  rights  and  the  child's  waiver of any rights, shall be video
    16  recorded [in a manner consistent with standards established by  rule  of
    17  the division of criminal justice services pursuant to paragraph (e)] and
    18  governed  in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of subdivision three of
    19  section 60.45 of the criminal procedure law. The interrogation shall  be
    20  recorded  in  a manner such that the persons in the recording are [iden-
    21  tifiable] shown and the speech is intelligible. A copy of the  recording
    22  shall be subject to discovery pursuant to section 331.2 of this article.
    23  This  subdivision  shall  not apply to a statement made to the probation
    24  service, in accordance with subdivision seven of section 308.1  of  this
    25  part,  except  when such statement may be admissible under such subdivi-
    26  sion seven of section 308.1.
    27    8. In determining the suitability of questioning and  determining  the
    28  reasonable period of time for questioning such a child, the child's age,
    29  the  presence  or  absence  of [his or her] the child's parents or other
    30  persons legally responsible for [his or her] the childs's care,  notifi-
    31  cation  pursuant  to  subdivision  three  of this section and, where the
    32  child has been interrogated at a facility designated by the chief admin-
    33  istrator of the courts as a suitable place for the questioning of  juve-
    34  niles,  whether  the  interrogation was in compliance with the video-re-
    35  cording and  disclosure  requirements  of  subdivision  five-a  of  this
    36  section shall be included among relevant considerations.
    37    §  3.  Subdivision  3  of  section  344.2  of the family court act, as
    38  amended by chapter 299 of the laws  of  2020,  is  amended  to  read  as
    39  follows:
    40    3.  [Where a respondent] When at any time a child is subject to inter-
    41  rogation by a public servant [at a  facility  specified  in  subdivision
    42  four  of section 305.2 of this article,] and the public servant is aware
    43  or has reason to suspect that the child interrogated  committed  an  act
    44  that  would  constitute  a  crime  if committed by an adult and which is
    45  under investigation by such public servant or a law  enforcement  entity
    46  associated  with  such  public  servant, the entire [custodial] interro-
    47  gation, including the giving of any required [advice of the]  notice  to
    48  this  child  as  to  the  child's  rights [of the individual being ques-
    49  tioned,] and the waiver of any rights  [by  the  individual],  shall  be
    50  video  recorded  and  governed  in  [a  manner consistent with standards
    51  established by rule of the division of criminal justice services  pursu-
    52  ant  to  paragraph  (e)]  accordance  with the provisions of subdivision
    53  three of section 60.45 of the criminal procedure law. The  interrogation
    54  shall be recorded in a manner such that the persons in the recording are
    55  [identifiable]  shown  and  the  speech  is  intelligible. A copy of the
    56  recording shall be subject to discovery pursuant  to  section  331.2  of

        A. 4342                             4
     1  this  article.  This  subdivision shall not apply to a statement made to
     2  the probation service, in accordance with subdivision seven  of  section
     3  308.1  of  this  article,  except  when such statement may be admissible
     4  under such subdivision seven of section 308.1.
     5    §  4.  This  act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after it shall
     6  have become a law.
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