Clarifies how certain non-billing information regarding the delivery of water is disclosed to residents of cooperatives, condominiums or multi-family dwellings; requires water-works corporations to notify customers of their ability to receive non-billing related information.
2023-2024 Regular Sessions
February 14, 2023
Introduced by M. of A. ZEBROWSKI -- read once and referred to the
Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions
AN ACT to amend the public service law, in relation to clarifying how
certain non-billing information regarding the delivery of water is
disclosed to residents of cooperatives, condominiums or multi-family
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. Subdivision 17 of section 89-c of the public service law,
2 as added by chapter 191 of the laws of 2021, is amended to read as
3 follows:
4 17. The commission shall [have power to] require each water-works
5 corporation to establish a process for residents of any cooperative,
6 condominium or multi-family dwelling with five or more residential
7 units, which uses a master meter to distribute water to such residents,
8 to obtain non-billing related information in the same manner that
9 customers of such water-works corporation are entitled to receive such
10 information regarding the delivery of water including but not limited to
11 service updates, water quality notices and other information deemed
12 essential to water consumers. The commission shall require each water-
13 works corporation to identify all cooperatives, condominiums or multi-
14 family dwellings with five or more residential units which use a master
15 meter within their territory, and such water-works corporation shall,
16 initially and periodically thereafter, provide written notice to all
17 residents in the identified cooperatives, condominiums or multi-family
18 dwellings with five or more residential units which use a master meter
19 within their territory of the option to obtain non-billing related
20 information about their water service. Such written notice shall include
21 an option for such resident to provide contact information and a
22 preferred method of contact of the resident for purposes of disclosing
23 non-billing related information.
24 § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[] is old law to be omitted.