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A04428 Summary:

Add Art 19-E §§697 & 698, Lab L
Directs the commissioner of labor to establish an immigrant worker's bill of rights.
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A04428 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 4, 2025
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  CUNNINGHAM  -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Labor
        AN ACT to amend the labor law, in relation to establishing an  immigrant
          workers' bill of rights
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The labor law is amended by adding a new  article  19-E  to
     2  read as follows:
     3                                ARTICLE 19-E
     4                      IMMIGRANT WORKERS' BILL OF RIGHTS
     5  Section 697. Definitions.
     6          698. Immigrant workers' bill of rights.
     7    § 697. Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall
     8  have the following meanings:
     9    1.  "Mobile  application"  shall  mean  a type of application software
    10  designed to run on a mobile device, such as  a  smartphone  or  computer
    11  tablet.
    12    2.  "Temporary  protected  status"  shall have the same meaning as set
    13  forth in section 1254a of title 8 of the United States code.
    14    § 698. Immigrant workers' bill of  rights.  1.  No  later  than  March
    15  first, two thousand twenty-seven, the commissioner, in coordination with
    16  the  department's  division of immigrant policies and affairs, the divi-
    17  sion on human rights,  and  community  and  labor  organizations  deemed
    18  appropriate  by  the  commissioner,  shall  provide  on the department's
    19  website in English and such other languages as deemed appropriate by the
    20  commissioner information about rights under relevant federal  and  state
    21  law  that  apply  to  employees,  prospective  employees  or independent
    22  contractors in the state. Such information shall indicate  which  rights
    23  apply to workers regardless of immigration status and shall also include
    24  information about the right to organize a union.
    25    2. An employer shall:
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4428                             2
     1    (a)  provide to each employee employed by such employer, no later than
     2  August first, two thousand twenty-seven, and thereafter on or before  an
     3  employee's  first  day of work, the information described in subdivision
     4  one of this section; and
     5    (b) conspicuously post the information described in subdivision one of
     6  this  section  at  an employer's place of business in an area accessible
     7  and visible to employees employed by such employer.
     8    3. The information required to be provided by an employer pursuant  to
     9  subdivision  two  of  this  section shall be in English and any language
    10  spoken as a primary language by  at  least  five  percent  of  employees
    11  employed  by such employer, if the commissioner has made the information
    12  available in such language.
    13    4. An employer shall make available online or on its  mobile  applica-
    14  tion  the  information  described in subdivision one of this section for
    15  employees to view if such means are regularly used to  communicate  with
    16  such employer's employees.
    17    5.  Any  employer  who violates any provision of this section shall be
    18  liable for a civil penalty of five hundred  dollars,  except  that  with
    19  respect to a first violation, the commissioner shall notify such employ-
    20  er  of  such  violation and request that action be taken to correct such
    21  violation within thirty days and shall afford such employer an  opportu-
    22  nity  to contest the commissioner's finding. A proceeding to recover any
    23  civil penalty authorized pursuant to this subdivision may be brought  by
    24  the  commissioner  in  any court of competent jurisdiction or within any
    25  agency of the state designated to conduct such proceedings.
    26    6. No later than April first, two thousand twenty-seven,  the  depart-
    27  ment's  division of immigrant policies and affairs, in coordination with
    28  the department and community and labor organizations deemed  appropriate
    29  by  the  department,  shall  conduct  outreach regarding the information
    30  described in subdivision one of this section to  employees,  prospective
    31  employees, and independent contractors in the state. Such outreach shall
    32  include, but not be limited to, the following:
    33    (a)  Contact  information for the New York state office for new Ameri-
    34  cans hotline;
    35    (b) Resources and contact information for immigration  legal  services
    36  and the department's division of immigrant policies and affairs;
    37    (c)  Information on what to expect if immigration enforcement authori-
    38  ties come to an individual's workplace; and
    39    (d) Information regarding federal eligibility requirements  of  tempo-
    40  rary  protected  status following designations, extensions, and redesig-
    41  nations of such status pursuant to section  1254a  of  title  8  of  the
    42  United States code.
    43    7. Community outreach and education efforts pertaining to the informa-
    44  tion  described  in  subdivisions  one  and six of this section shall be
    45  conducted via the  internet,  print  media,  and  public  transportation
    46  advertisements.  Community outreach described in subdivision six of this
    47  section  shall  include,  but  not  be limited to, distributing outreach
    48  materials at humanitarian emergency response and relief  centers,  emer-
    49  gency  shelters,  respite centers, and asylum seeker resource navigation
    50  centers. The department's division of  immigrant  policies  and  affairs
    51  shall create such outreach materials in English and such other languages
    52  as deemed appropriate by the commissioner.
    53    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
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