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A04465 Summary:

Add Art 4-B §135-a, Judy L
Establishes a housing court for actions and proceedings involving the enforcement of state and local laws for the establishment and maintenance of housing standards; makes related provisions.
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A04465 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 4, 2025
        Introduced  by M. of A. VANEL -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Judiciary
        AN ACT to amend the judiciary law, in relation  to  establishing  a  new
          housing court part for certain homes
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The judiciary law is amended by adding a new article 4-B to
     2  read as follows:
     3                                 ARTICLE 4-B
     4                                HOUSING COURT
     5  Section 135-a. Housing court.
     6    § 135-a. Housing court. (a) Notwithstanding any  law,  rule  or  regu-
     7  lation to the contrary, a housing court shall be established for actions
     8  and  proceedings  involving  the enforcement of state and local laws for
     9  the establishment and maintenance of housing standards. The jurisdiction
    10  of such courts shall extend to the following:
    11    (1) Actions for the imposition and collection of civil  penalties  for
    12  the violation of such laws.
    13    (2)  Actions  and  proceedings  for  the establishment, enforcement or
    14  foreclosure of liens upon real property and upon the rents therefrom for
    15  civil penalties, or for costs, expenses and  disbursements  incurred  by
    16  the  county  in  the  elimination  or  correction of a nuisance or other
    17  violation of such laws.
    18    (3) Proceedings for the issuance of injunctions and restraining orders
    19  or other orders for the enforcement  of  housing  standards  under  such
    20  laws.
    21    (4)  Actions  and  proceedings for the partition of real property, for
    22  dower, for the foreclosure, redemption or  satisfaction  of  a  mortgage
    23  upon  real  property,  for  the  foreclosure  of a lien arising out of a
    24  contract for the sale of real property, for specific  performance  of  a
    25  contract  relating  to real property, for the enforcement or foreclosure
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4465                             2
     1  of a mechanic's lien on real property, for reformation or rescission  of
     2  a  deed,  contract or mortgage affecting real property, or to compel the
     3  determination of a claim to real property under article fifteen  of  the
     4  real  property  actions  and proceedings law, where the real property to
     5  which the action relates is situated within the county; or to  foreclose
     6  a  lien upon a chattel in a case specified in section two hundred six of
     7  the lien law where the lien does not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars
     8  in amount and the chattel is found within the municipality.
     9    (5) Proceedings for the appointment of a receiver of rents, issues and
    10  profits of buildings in order to remove or remedy a nuisance or to  make
    11  repairs required to be made under such laws.
    12    (6)  Actions  and  proceedings  for  the removal of housing violations
    13  recorded pursuant to such laws, or for the imposition of such  violation
    14  or for the stay of any penalty thereunder.
    15    (7)  The  municipal  department  charged  with  enforcing the multiple
    16  dwelling law and other state and local laws applicable to  the  enforce-
    17  ment  of  proper housing standards may commence any action or proceeding
    18  described in this subdivision by an  order  to  show  cause,  returnable
    19  within  five  days, or within any other time period in the discretion of
    20  the court. Upon the signing of such order,  the  clerk  of  the  housing
    21  court shall issue an index number.
    22    (b)  On  the application of any municipal department, any party, or on
    23  its own motion, the housing court shall, unless good cause is  shown  to
    24  the  contrary,  consolidate  all actions and proceedings pending in such
    25  part as to any building.
    26    (c) The housing court shall continue jurisdiction  of  any  action  or
    27  proceeding  relating to a building until all violations of law have been
    28  removed.
    29    (d) In any of the actions or proceedings specified in subdivision  (a)
    30  of  this  section  and  on  the  application of any party, any municipal
    31  department or the court, on its own motion, may join any other person or
    32  municipal department as a party in order to  effectuate  proper  housing
    33  maintenance standards and to promote the public interest. In addition to
    34  any  other  application  of its powers under this subdivision, the court
    35  may, on the application of any party or on its own  motion,  join  as  a
    36  party  the department of social services of such county in any action or
    37  proceeding in which the payment or non-payment of rent by a recipient of
    38  or applicant for public assistance pursuant to the social  services  law
    39  is  at  issue,  and  the court may join as a party the division of adult
    40  protective services of the social services district in  such  county  in
    41  any such action or proceeding, where appropriate.
    42    (e)  Housing  court  judges shall be appointed pursuant to subdivision
    43  (f) of this section and shall be  duly  constituted  judicial  officers,
    44  empowered  to  hear, determine and grant any relief within the powers of
    45  the housing part in any action or proceeding except those to be tried by
    46  jury. Such housing judges shall have the power of judges of the court to
    47  punish for contempts. Rules of evidence shall be applicable  in  actions
    48  and  proceedings before the housing part. The determination of a housing
    49  judge shall be final and shall be entered and may  be  appealed  in  the
    50  same manner as a judgment of the court.
    51    (f)  The  housing court judge may be an elected supreme court judge of
    52  such jurisdiction. Such housing judge shall be  qualified  by  training,
    53  interest,  experience,  judicial  temperament  and knowledge of federal,
    54  state and local housing laws and programs.
    55    (g) A housing court judge shall have been admitted to the bar  of  the
    56  state  for  at  least  five years, two years of which shall have been in

        A. 4465                             3
     1  active practice. Each housing  judge  shall  serve  full-time  for  five
     2  years.    If such housing court judge was appointed, reappointment shall
     3  be at the discretion of the administrative judge of  the  supreme  court
     4  and  on  the  basis  of the performance, competency and results achieved
     5  during the preceding term.
     6    (h) Any municipal department charged with enforcing any state or local
     7  law applicable to the enforcement of proper  housing  standards  may  be
     8  represented  in the housing part by its department counsel in any action
     9  or proceeding in which it is a party. A corporation which is a party may
    10  be represented by an officer, director or a principal stockholder.
    11    (i) Nothing contained in this section shall  in  any  way  affect  the
    12  right of any party to trial by jury as provided by law.
    13    (j) There shall be a sufficient number of pro se clerks of the housing
    14  court  to assist persons without counsel. Such assistance shall include,
    15  but need not be  limited  to,  providing  information  concerning  court
    16  procedure,  helping to file court papers, and, where appropriate, advis-
    17  ing persons to seek administrative relief.
    18    § 2. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    19  it shall have become a law.
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