Requires proportionally equivalent appointees of both the majority and minority houses of the legislature in all legislatively enacted workgroups, task forces, commissions, councils, advisory boards, committees and any other legislatively enacted and appointed groups or workgroups; requires that the number of appointees by the legislature shall be proportionally equivalent to the number of appointees by the governor.
2025-2026 Regular Sessions
February 4, 2025
Introduced by M. of A. GALLAHAN -- read once and referred to the Commit-
tee on Governmental Operations
AN ACT in relation to the appointees of all legislatively enacted work-
groups, task forces, commissions, councils, advisory groups and
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, all legisla-
2 tively enacted workgroups, task forces, commissions, councils, advisory
3 groups, committees, or any other legislatively enacted and appointed
4 groups or panels, shall have proportionally equivalent numbers of
5 appointees in both the majority and minority of the senate and the
6 assembly; provided, further, that the number of appointees by the legis-
7 lature shall be proportionally equivalent to the number of appointees by
8 the governor.
9 § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[] is old law to be omitted.