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A04474 Summary:

Amd §§6908 & 6909, Ed L; amd §2803-j, Pub Health L
Permits certain nurses to perform medication related tasks provided by a certified medication aide.
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A04474 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 4, 2025
        Introduced by M. of A. JENSEN -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Higher Education
        AN ACT to amend the education law and the public health law, in relation
          to  permitting  certain  nurses  to  perform  medication related tasks
          provided by a certified medication aide

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Section  6908 of the education law is amended by adding a
     2  new subdivision 3 to read as follows:
     3    3. This article shall  not  be  construed  as  prohibiting  medication
     4  related tasks provided by a certified medication aide in accordance with
     5  regulations  developed  by  the  commissioner,  in consultation with the
     6  commissioner of health. At a minimum, such regulations shall:
     7    a. specify the medication-related  tasks  that  may  be  performed  by
     8  certified  medication  aides  pursuant  to  this subdivision. Such tasks
     9  shall include the administration of medications which  are  routine  and
    10  pre-filled or otherwise packaged in a manner that promotes relative ease
    11  of  administration,  provided  that  administration  of  medications  by
    12  injection, sterile procedures, and central  line  maintenance  shall  be
    13  prohibited.  Provided,  however,  such  prohibition  shall  not apply to
    14  injections  of  insulin  or  other  injections  for  diabetes  care,  to
    15  injections  of  low molecular weight heparin, and to pre-filled auto-in-
    16  jections  of  naloxone  and  epinephrine  for  emergency  purposes,  and
    17  provided,  further,  that  entities employing certified medication aides
    18  pursuant to this subdivision shall establish a  systematic  approach  to
    19  address drug diversion;
    20    b.  provide that medication-related tasks performed by certified medi-
    21  cation aides may be performed only under the supervision of a registered
    22  professional nurse licensed in New York state,  as  set  forth  in  this
    23  subdivision and subdivision twelve of section sixty-nine hundred nine of
    24  this  article, where such nurse is employed by a residential health care
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4474                             2
     1  facility licensed pursuant to article twenty-eight of the public  health
     2  law;
     3    c.  establish  a  process by which a registered professional nurse may
     4  assign medication-related tasks to a  certified  medication  aide.  Such
     5  process shall include, but not be limited to:
     6    (i)  allowing  assignment  of  medication-related tasks to a certified
     7  medication aide only where such certified  medication  aide  has  demon-
     8  strated  to  the satisfaction of the supervising registered professional
     9  nurse competency in every medication-related task  that  such  certified
    10  medication  aide is authorized to perform, a willingness to perform such
    11  medication-related tasks, and the ability to effectively and efficiently
    12  communicate with the individual receiving services and  understand  such
    13  individual's needs;
    14    (ii)  authorizing  the  supervising  registered  professional nurse to
    15  revoke any assigned medication-related task from a certified  medication
    16  aide for any reason; and
    17    (iii)  authorizing  multiple registered professional nurses to jointly
    18  agree to assign medication-related tasks to a certified medication aide,
    19  provided further that only one registered professional  nurse  shall  be
    20  required  to determine if the certified medication aide has demonstrated
    21  competency in the medication-related task to be performed;
    22    d. provide that medication-related tasks  may  be  performed  only  in
    23  accordance  with  and  pursuant  to  an authorized health practitioner's
    24  ordered care;
    25    e. provide that only a certified nurse aide may perform medication-re-
    26  lated tasks as a certified medication aide when such aide has:
    27    (i) a valid New York state nurse aide certificate;
    28    (ii) a high school diploma, GED or similar education credential;
    29    (iii) evidence of being at least eighteen years old;
    30    (iv) at least one year of experience providing nurse aide services  in
    31  an article twenty-eight residential health care facility;
    32    (v) the ability to read, write, and speak English and to perform basic
    33  math skills;
    34    (vi) completed the requisite training and demonstrated competencies of
    35  a certified medication aide as determined by the commissioner in consul-
    36  tation with the commissioner of health;
    37    (vii)  successfully  completed competency examinations satisfactory to
    38  the commissioner in consultation with the commissioner of health; and
    39    (viii) meets other appropriate qualifications  as  determined  by  the
    40  commissioner in consultation with the commissioner of health;
    41    f.  prohibit a certified medication aide from holding themself out, or
    42  accepting employment as, a person licensed to practice nursing under the
    43  provisions of this article;
    44    g. provide that a  certified  medication  aide  is  not  required  nor
    45  permitted to assess the medication or medical needs of an individual;
    46    h. provide that a certified medication aide shall not be authorized to
    47  perform  any  medication-related  tasks  or  activities pursuant to this
    48  subdivision that are outside the scope of practice of a licensed practi-
    49  cal nurse or any medication-related tasks that have not  been  appropri-
    50  ately assigned by the supervising registered professional nurse;
    51    i. provide that a certified medication aide shall document all medica-
    52  tion-related  tasks  provided  to  an  individual,  including medication
    53  administration to each individual through the use of a medication admin-
    54  istration record; and
    55    j. provide that the supervising registered  professional  nurse  shall
    56  retain  the  discretion  to  decide whether to assign medication-related

        A. 4474                             3
     1  tasks to certified medication aides under this program and shall not  be
     2  subject to coercion, retaliation, or the threat of retaliation.
     3    §  2.  Section  6909  of  the education law is amended by adding a new
     4  subdivision 12 to read as follows:
     5    12. A registered professional nurse, while working for  a  residential
     6  health  care  facility  licensed pursuant to article twenty-eight of the
     7  public health law, may, in  accordance  with  this  subdivision,  assign
     8  certified medication aides to perform medication-related tasks for indi-
     9  viduals  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  subdivision three of section
    10  sixty-nine hundred eight of this article and supervise certified medica-
    11  tion aides who perform assigned medication-related tasks.
    12    § 3. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 3 of section 2803-j  of  the  public
    13  health  law,  as added by chapter 717 of the laws of 1989, is amended to
    14  read as follows:
    15    (a) Identification of individuals who have  successfully  completed  a
    16  nurse aide training and competency evaluation program, [or] a nurse aide
    17  competency evaluation program, or a medication aide program;
    18    § 4. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    19  it shall have become a law.
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