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A04543 Summary:

Amd §99-h, St Fin L
Relates to monies appropriated and received each year by the state as a portion of the negotiated percentage of the net drop from electronic gaming devices the state receives.
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A04543 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 4, 2025
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  MORINELLO  --  read once and referred to the
          Committee on Racing and Wagering
        AN ACT to amend the state finance law, in relation to  the  tribal-state
          compact revenue account
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subdivision 3 of section 99-h of the state finance law,  as
     2  amended  by chapter 174 of the laws of 2013, is amended and a new subdi-
     3  vision 4 is added to read as follows:
     4    3. Moneys of the account, following the segregation of  appropriations
     5  enacted  by  the  legislature, shall be available for purposes including
     6  but not limited to: (a) reimbursements or payments to municipal  govern-
     7  ments  that  host  tribal casinos pursuant to a tribal-state compact for
     8  costs incurred in connection with services provided to such  casinos  or
     9  arising  as a result thereof, for economic development opportunities and
    10  job expansion programs authorized by the executive law; provided, howev-
    11  er, that for any gaming facility located  in  the  county  of  Erie  [or
    12  Niagara],  the  municipal governments hosting the facility shall collec-
    13  tively receive a  minimum  of  twenty-five  percent  of  the  negotiated
    14  percentage  of  the  net  drop  from electronic gaming devices the state
    15  receives pursuant to the compact, and  provided  further  that  for  any
    16  gaming  facility located in the city of Niagara Falls, county of Niagara
    17  a minimum of twenty-five percent of the negotiated percentage of the net
    18  drop from electronic gaming devices the state receives pursuant  to  the
    19  compact shall be distributed in accordance with subdivision four of this
    20  section,  and  provided  further that for any gaming facility located in
    21  the county or counties  of  Cattaraugus,  Chautauqua  or  Allegany,  the
    22  municipal  governments  of  the state hosting the facility shall collec-
    23  tively receive a  minimum  of  twenty-five  percent  of  the  negotiated
    24  percentage  of  the  net  drop  from electronic gaming devices the state
    25  receives pursuant to the compact; and provided further that pursuant  to
    26  chapter  five hundred ninety of the laws of two thousand four, a minimum
    27  of twenty-five percent of the revenues received by the state pursuant to
    28  the state's compact with the St. Regis Mohawk tribe shall be made avail-
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4543                             2
     1  able to the counties of Franklin and St. Lawrence, and affected towns in
     2  such counties. Each such county and its  affected  towns  shall  receive
     3  fifty  percent  of  the moneys made available by the state; and provided
     4  further  that  the  state shall annually make twenty-five percent of the
     5  negotiated percentage of the net drop from all gaming devices the  state
     6  actually  receives pursuant to the Oneida Settlement Agreement confirmed
     7  by section eleven of the executive law available to the county of  Onei-
     8  da,  and  a  sum  of three and one-half million dollars to the county of
     9  Madison. Additionally, the state shall distribute, for a period of nine-
    10  teen and one-quarter years, an additional annual sum of two and one-half
    11  million dollars to the county of Oneida. Additionally, the  state  shall
    12  distribute  the one-time eleven million dollar payment actually received
    13  by the state pursuant to the Oneida Settlement Agreement to  the  county
    14  of  Madison  by wire transfer upon receipt of such payment by the state;
    15  and (b) support and services of treatment programs for persons suffering
    16  from gambling addictions.  Moneys not segregated for such purposes shall
    17  be transferred to the general fund for the support of government  during
    18  the fiscal year in which they are received.
    19    4.  (a)  Monies  which  are appropriated and received each year by the
    20  state as a portion of the negotiated percentage of  the  net  drop  from
    21  electronic  gaming  devices the state receives in relation to the opera-
    22  tion of a gaming facility in  the  city  of  Niagara  Falls,  county  of
    23  Niagara  as  required  under subdivision three of this section, shall be
    24  budgeted and disbursed by the city of Niagara  Falls  in  the  following
    25  manner:
    26    (i) eighty percent of the total annual amount received shall be avail-
    27  able  for  expenditure  by  the  city  of  Niagara Falls for such public
    28  purposes as are determined, by the city, to be necessary  and  desirable
    29  to  accommodate and enhance economic development, neighborhood revitali-
    30  zation, public health and safety, and infrastructure improvement in  the
    31  city, shall be deposited into the tribal revenue account of the city and
    32  any  and all interest and income derived from the deposit and investment
    33  of such monies shall be deposited into the general operating fund of the
    34  city; provided however, that any amount allocated to the  not-for-profit
    35  organization  known  as the Niagara Falls underground railroad interpre-
    36  tive center created to continue the Niagara Falls  Underground  Railroad
    37  Heritage Commission's mission to operate an underground railroad museum,
    38  to  the  extent  that  its  share pursuant to the formula established in
    39  clause four of subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph exceeds one  percent,
    40  such  amounts  shall be distributed from the funds available to the city
    41  for its public purposes pursuant to this paragraph; and
    42    (ii) the remaining twenty percent of the total annual amount  received
    43  shall  be  allocated  for  the city of Niagara Falls to be available for
    44  expenditure in the following manner:
    45    (1) within thirty-five days upon receipt of such funds by  such  city,
    46  five  and  one-half  percent of the total annual amount received in each
    47  year, not to exceed seven hundred fifty thousand dollars annually, shall
    48  be transferred to Niagara Falls memorial medical center to be  used  for
    49  capital construction projects; and
    50    (2)  within  thirty-five days upon receipt of such funds by such city,
    51  five and one-half percent of the total annual amount  received  in  each
    52  year, not to exceed seven hundred fifty thousand dollars annually, shall
    53  be  transferred  to  the  Niagara Falls city school district for capital
    54  construction projects; and
    55    (3) within thirty-five days upon receipt of such funds by  such  city,
    56  seven  percent  of  the total amount received in each year not to exceed

        A. 4543                             3
     1  one million dollars, shall be transferred to  the  Niagara  tourism  and
     2  convention center corporation for marketing and tourism promotion in the
     3  county of Niagara including the city of Niagara Falls; and
     4    (4)  within  thirty-five days upon receipt of such funds by such city,
     5  one percent or two hundred thousand dollars, whichever  is  greater,  of
     6  the  total  annual  amount received in each year shall be transferred to
     7  the not-for-profit organization known as the Niagara  Falls  underground
     8  railroad  interpretive  center  created  to  continue  the Niagara Falls
     9  Underground Railroad Heritage Commission's mission to operate an  under-
    10  ground railroad museum, to be used for, but not limited to, development,
    11  capital  improvements,  acquisition of real property, and acquisition of
    12  personal property within the heritage area in the city of Niagara  Falls
    13  as  established  pursuant  to  the commission; provided in the event the
    14  distribution available pursuant to this clause exceeds one  percent,  it
    15  shall  be distributed from the moneys available pursuant to subparagraph
    16  (i) of this paragraph; and
    17    (5) within thirty-five days upon receipt of such funds by  such  city,
    18  fifty  thousand  dollars of the total amount received in each year shall
    19  be transferred to Mount Saint Mary's Neighborhood Health Center; and
    20    (6) within thirty-five days upon receipt of such funds by  such  city,
    21  fifty  thousand dollars of the total annual amount received in each year
    22  shall be transferred to the Niagara Falls housing authority  established
    23  pursuant  to  title twelve of article thirteen of the public housing law
    24  for upgrades to their facilities; and
    25    (7) all other monies appropriated or received for distribution  pursu-
    26  ant  to  this  subdivision  after the transfer of money pursuant to this
    27  subparagraph and subparagraph (i) of this paragraph in each  year  shall
    28  be  allocated  to  the city of Niagara Falls for infrastructure and road
    29  improvement projects.
    30    (b) On or before the first of  April,  each  entity  receiving  moneys
    31  pursuant to subparagraphs (i) and (ii) of paragraph (a) of this subdivi-
    32  sion,  shall  annually submit a report to the governor, temporary presi-
    33  dent of the senate, speaker of the  assembly,  minority  leader  of  the
    34  senate,  minority  leader  of the assembly, mayor of the city of Niagara
    35  Falls and leader of the city council of the city of Niagara Falls.  Each
    36  such  report  shall include an accounting of all moneys received by such
    37  entity pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subdivision and the expenditure
    38  of any such moneys.
    39    (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary,  fail-
    40  ure  by  the  city  of  Niagara  Falls to disburse funds as such city is
    41  required pursuant to clauses one, two, three and  four  of  subparagraph
    42  (ii) of paragraph (a) of this subdivision within thirty-five days of the
    43  actual  receipt of the funds or the submission of the subentity expendi-
    44  ture report due by April first of each year, whichever is  later,  shall
    45  result in an additional payment by the city of Niagara Falls of one-half
    46  percent  per week not to exceed eighteen percent of the amount which was
    47  to have been disbursed pursuant to such  clauses.  Any  such  additional
    48  payment  required  to  be  made  by the city shall be disbursed from the
    49  city's share described in subparagraph (i)  of  paragraph  (a)  of  this
    50  subdivision.
    51    (d) In the event that any monies to be distributed pursuant to clauses
    52  one, three and four of subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (a) of this subdi-
    53  vision  cannot,  for  any  reason,  be received or utilized, such monies
    54  shall be distributed to the city of Niagara Falls for economic  develop-
    55  ment projects within such city.
    56    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
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