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A04584 Summary:

SPONSORCunningham (MS)
Add §80, Cor L
Requires the department of corrections and community supervision to provide a nonpartisan, peer-led civic engagement program for incarcerated individuals in all correctional facilities in this state which shall be completed by each incarcerated individual within one year prior to their release.
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A04584 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 4, 2025
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  CUNNINGHAM -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A.
          LEVENBERG -- read once and referred to the Committee on Correction
        AN ACT to amend the correction law, in relation to requiring the depart-
          ment of corrections and community supervision to offer  civic  engage-
          ment  courses  one  year before an incarcerated individual is released
          from a correctional facility
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The correction law is amended by adding a new section 80 to
     2  read as follows:
     3    §  80. Reentering citizens civic engagement program. 1. The department
     4  shall provide a nonpartisan and peer-led civics program in  all  correc-
     5  tional  facilities  in this state to teach civics to soon-to-be released
     6  incarcerated individuals. The goal of the program shall  be  to  promote
     7  the successful integration of formerly incarcerated individuals, promote
     8  democracy, and reduce rates of recidivism within the state. This program
     9  shall  ensure  that  incarcerated  individuals being released understand
    10  their civic responsibility and know how to secure their  right  to  vote
    11  upon their release from a correctional facility.
    12    2. The reentering citizens civic engagement program shall consist of a
    13  rigorous  curriculum,  and  participants shall be instructed on subjects
    14  including, but not limited to, voting rights, governmental institutions,
    15  current affairs, and simulations of voter  registration,  election,  and
    16  democratic  processes.  The program shall consist of three sessions that
    17  are ninety minutes each which do not need to be taken consecutively. The
    18  department shall offer the reentering citizens civic engagement  program
    19  to  incarcerated  individuals  scheduled  to  be  released within twelve
    20  months, and each incarcerated individual shall enroll in the program one
    21  to twelve months prior to such incarcerated individual's  expected  date
    22  of  release. The program shall be included in the standard exit process.
    23  The department shall aim to include  the  program  in  conjunction  with
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4584                             2
     1  other  pre-release procedures and movements. Delays in the program being
     2  provided shall not cause delays in discharge.  Incarcerated  individuals
     3  may  not  be prevented from attending the program due to staffing short-
     4  ages,  lockdowns,  or  to  conflicts with family or legal visits, recre-
     5  ational sessions, dining, work, class, or bathing schedules. In case  of
     6  conflict  or staffing shortages, incarcerated individuals shall be given
     7  full opportunity to attend a workshop at a later time.
     8    3. The reentering citizens civic engagement program shall be taught by
     9  peer educators who are incarcerated in correctional facilities  and  who
    10  are  specially  trained  by  experienced  peer educators and established
    11  nonpartisan civic organizations. Established nonpartisan civic organiza-
    12  tions may be assisted by area political science or civics  educators  at
    13  colleges,  universities,  and  high schools and by nonpartisan organiza-
    14  tions providing reentry services. The  nonpartisan  civic  organizations
    15  shall  provide adequate training to peer educators on matters including,
    16  but not limited to, voting rights,  governmental  institutions,  current
    17  affairs, and simulations of voter registration, election, and democratic
    18  processes,  and shall provide periodic updates to program content and to
    19  peer educators.
    20    4. (a) Program content shall provide the following:
    21    (i) nonpartisan information on voting history procedures;
    22    (ii) nonpartisan definitions of local, state, and federal governmental
    23  institutions and offices; and
    24    (iii) examples and simulations of registration and  voting  processes,
    25  and access to voter registration and voting processes for those individ-
    26  uals who are eligible to vote.
    27    (b) Established nonpartisan civic organizations shall provide periodic
    28  updates  to  program  content  and peer educators. Updates shall reflect
    29  major relevant changes to election laws and processes in New York.
    30    (c) Program content shall be delivered in the following manners:
    31    (i) verbally via peer educators; and
    32    (ii) printed information packets.
    33    (d) (i) Peer  educators  shall  disseminate  printed  information  for
    34  voting  in  the  incarcerated  individual's  county,  including, but not
    35  limited to, election authorities'  addresses,  all  applicable  internet
    36  websites,  and  public contact information for all election authorities.
    37  This information shall be compiled into a civics handbook. The  handbook
    38  shall  also  include key information condensed into a pocket information
    39  card.
    40    (ii) This information shall also be compiled electronically and  shall
    41  be posted on the department's website.
    42    (iii)  The  commissioner  shall ensure that the wardens or superinten-
    43  dents of all correctional facilities visibly post  this  information  on
    44  all  common  areas  of  their  respective  correctional  facilities. The
    45  commissioner shall ensure that updated information is distributed  in  a
    46  timely, visible, and accessible manner.
    47    (e)  The  commissioner  shall order, in a clearly visible area of each
    48  parole office within the state, the  posting  of  a  notice  stipulating
    49  voter eligibility and that contains the current internet website address
    50  and  voter  registration  information provided by the board of elections
    51  regarding voting rights for formerly incarcerated  individuals  released
    52  from the physical custody of the department.
    53    5.  (a)  The commissioner shall ensure that wardens or superintendents
    54  and facility staff permit program sessions to be held, and that  partic-
    55  ipating  incarcerated  individuals  are  escorted  to such sessions in a
    56  consistent and timely manner.

        A. 4584                             3
     1    (b) Compliance with this  section  shall  be  monitored  by  a  report
     2  published  annually by the department, including numbers of incarcerated
     3  individuals who enrolled in the program, numbers of  incarcerated  indi-
     4  viduals  who  completed  the  program, and total numbers of incarcerated
     5  individuals released. Data shall be disaggregated by correctional facil-
     6  ity, release, or residence address of the formerly incarcerated individ-
     7  ual, and other factors.
     8    § 2. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
     9  it  shall have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition, amend-
    10  ment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implemen-
    11  tation of this act on its effective date are authorized to be  made  and
    12  completed on or before such effective date.
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