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A04588 Summary:

Add §73-b, Pub Serv L
Establishes New York state renewable electric generation pilot programs to authorize the development of up to three hundred megawatts of renewable electric capacity statewide, in order to stimulate the growth of clean, affordable and reliable sources of energy and to foster new partnerships between electric corporations, energy producers and energy customers in this state.
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A04588 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 4, 2025
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  CUNNINGHAM  -- read once and referred to the
          Committee on Energy
        AN ACT to amend the public service law, in relation to  New  York  state
          renewable electric generation pilot programs
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The public service law is amended by adding a  new  section
     2  73-b to read as follows:
     3    §  73-b.  New York state renewable electric generation pilot programs.
     4  1. The commission shall establish  New  York  state  renewable  electric
     5  generation  pilot  programs  to authorize the development of up to three
     6  hundred megawatts of renewable electric capacity statewide, in order  to
     7  stimulate the growth of clean, affordable, and reliable sources of ener-
     8  gy  and to foster new partnerships between electric corporations, energy
     9  producers and energy customers in New York state.
    10    2. (a) The commission shall oversee the implementation  of  the  pilot
    11  programs  and shall direct electric corporations to build or cause to be
    12  built renewable energy facilities to be financed under terms established
    13  through an order of the commission which  shall  authorize  capital  and
    14  operating  costs  to  be  recovered in the corporations rate base and to
    15  earn a reasonable return over a period to be determined by  the  commis-
    16  sion,  provided  that  the  corporation  shall,  at minimum, provide the
    17  commission with the following:
    18    (i) A detailed description and economic  evaluation  of  the  proposed
    19  investment;
    20    (ii)  A  discussion of the costs, benefits, and risks of the proposal,
    21  including an analysis of the costs, benefits, and rate  implications  to
    22  the participating customers, to the company's default service customers,
    23  and to the utility's distribution customers;
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4588                             2
     1    (iii)  A  description of any equipment or installation specifications,
     2  solicitations, and procurements it has implemented or intends to  imple-
     3  ment;
     4    (iv)  A  showing  that it has made reasonable efforts to involve local
     5  businesses in its program;
     6    (v) Evidence of compliance with all applicable  emission  limitations;
     7  and
     8    (vi)  A copy of any customer contracts or agreements to be executed as
     9  part of the program.
    10    (b) Renewable generation facilities eligible  to  be  constructed  and
    11  financed  under  the  New York state renewable electric generation pilot
    12  programs shall:
    13    (i) generate electricity through use of  the  following  technologies:
    14  solar; wind; photovoltaics; tidal; geothermal; and fuel cells; or
    15    (ii)  generate electricity through low-impact, run-of-river hydroelec-
    16  tric electric generating equipment with capacity up to thirty  megawatts
    17  with no new storage impoundment;
    18    (iii)  be  manufactured,  installed  and  operated  in accordance with
    19  applicable government and industry standards;
    20    (iv) connect to the electric system and operated in parallel  with  an
    21  electric corporation's transmission and distribution facilities;
    22    (v)  operate  in compliance with any standards and requirements estab-
    23  lished by the commission; and
    24    (vi) be located within the state, including facilities that consist of
    25  customer-owned or leased generators.
    26    (c) Authorize electric corporations to own an equity interest in  such
    27  facilities  and  allow  partnerships  with  independent power producers,
    28  developers, and/or customer-owned or leased generators.
    29    § 2. The public service commission shall provide an annual  report  on
    30  or before the first day of June to the governor, the temporary president
    31  of  the  senate, the speaker of the assembly, the minority leader of the
    32  senate, and the minority leader of the assembly reporting  the  progress
    33  of  their  efforts and the effects of the program on the environment and
    34  public. Such report shall identify each facility  participating  in  the
    35  pilot  project  and shall include, but not be limited to, information on
    36  each energy source or sources used for generation at such facility;  the
    37  sum  capacity, in megawatts, of all electrical generating equipment used
    38  by the facility; the date the facility will begin or has begun  generat-
    39  ing electricity; and the number and category of customer-owned or leased
    40  generators.
    41    §  3.  This act shall take effect immediately; provided, however, that
    42  not later than the one hundred eightieth day after this act  shall  have
    43  become  a  law,  the  public  service  commission  shall have in place a
    44  competitive process which shall be open to electric corporations.
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