Provides that vehicles with permits for handicapped parking issued anywhere in the state may use all spaces for handicapped parking in the city of New York.
2025-2026 Regular Sessions
February 4, 2025
Introduced by M. of A. STERN -- read once and referred to the Committee
on Transportation
AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law and the New York city char-
ter, in relation to permitted use of handicapped spaces in the city of
New York
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. The opening paragraph of subdivision 1 of section 1203-a of
2 the vehicle and traffic law, as amended by chapter 298 of the laws of
3 2007, is amended to read as follows:
4 The commissioner shall distribute special vehicle identification park-
5 ing permits to the governing bodies of all cities, towns and villages in
6 the state. Notwithstanding any local law or ordinance to the contrary,
7 such permits shall entitle any vehicle displaying such permit to park in
8 any area in any city, town or village of the state which has been desig-
9 nated by such city, town or village or pursuant to the provisions of
10 section twelve hundred three-c of this article as a place for parking
11 for persons with disabilities. Such permits shall entitle any vehicle
12 displaying such permit to park in the authorized parking spaces for
13 vehicles having a special identification permit as described in subpara-
14 graph (f) of paragraph fifteen of subdivision a of section twenty-nine
15 hundred three of the New York city charter. The design, period of valid-
16 ity, and procedures for reissuance of such permits shall be as deter-
17 mined by the commissioner. A city, town or village issuing a permit
18 pursuant to this subdivision or subdivision three of this section shall
19 indelibly inscribe or otherwise mark, on the face of such permit, the
20 last three digits of the identification number of the driver's license
21 or non-driver identification card of the person to whom the permit is
22 issued. The governing bodies of cities, towns and villages in the state
23 shall appoint an issuing agent to issue such permits. Any person issued
24 a permit pursuant to this section who holds a driver's license or non-
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[] is old law to be omitted.
A. 4611 2
1 driver identification card shall make the last three digits of such
2 license or identification card available to an issuing agent at the time
3 of permit issuance or renewal by presenting such license or identifica-
4 tion card to such issuing agent. Any person issued a permit pursuant to
5 this section who holds a driver's license or non-driver identification
6 card shall carry and make available to a law enforcement officer upon
7 demand, or as soon as practicable thereafter, his or her driver's
8 license or non-driver identification card which shall be presumptive
9 evidence of the validity of his or her special vehicle identification
10 parking permit. Failure to make available such driver's license or non-
11 driver identification card upon demand shall not be deemed a violation.
12 The permits shall be issued to:
13 § 2. Paragraph 15 of subdivision a of section 2903 of the New York
14 city charter is amended by adding a new subparagraph (f) to read as
15 follows:
16 (f) A special vehicle identification parking permit issued pursuant to
17 this paragraph shall entitle any vehicle displaying such permit to park
18 in any area in any city, town or village of the state which has been
19 designated by such city, town or village or pursuant to the provisions
20 of section twelve hundred three-c of the vehicle and traffic law as a
21 place for parking for persons with disabilities as described in the
22 opening paragraph of subdivision one of section twelve hundred three-a
23 of the vehicle and traffic law.
24 § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.