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A04615 Summary:

Add Art 18 Title 1 §§18-0101 - 18-0103, Title 2 §§18-0201 - 18-0203, Title 3 §18-0301, Title 4 §18-0401, Title 5 §18-0501, En Con L
Regulates outdoor night lighting to preserve and enhance the state's dark sky.
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A04615 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 4, 2025
        Introduced  by M. of A. GLICK -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Environmental Conservation
        AN ACT to amend the  environmental  conservation  law,  in  relation  to
          enacting the dark skies protection act
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Short title. This act shall be known and may  be  cited  as
     2  the "dark skies protection act".
     3    §  2.  The  environmental  conservation law is amended by adding a new
     4  article 18 to read as follows:
     5                                 ARTICLE 18
     6                           LIGHT POLLUTION CONTROL
     7  Title 1. Short title, declaration of purpose, general definitions.
     8        2. Lighting fixtures.
     9        3. Exemptions.
    10        4. Preemption.
    11        5. Department responsibility.
    12                                      TITLE 1
    14  Section 18-0101. Short title.
    15          18-0102. Declaration of purpose.
    16          18-0103. General definitions.
    17  § 18-0101. Short title.
    18    This act shall be known and may be cited as the "dark skies protection
    19  act".
    20  § 18-0102. Declaration of purpose.
    21    The purpose of this article is to regulate outdoor night  lighting  to
    22  preserve  and  enhance  the  state's dark sky while promoting safety for
    23  people, birds, and other wildlife, conserving energy  and  reducing  our
    24  carbon  footprint,  and  preserving the aesthetic qualities of the night
    25  sky.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4615                             2

     1  § 18-0103. General definitions.
     2    For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall mean:
     3    1. "Outdoor lighting fixture" means an outdoor artificial illuminating
     4  device,  whether  permanent or portable, used for illumination or adver-
     5  tisement, including but not limited  to  searchlights,  spotlights,  and
     6  floodlights,  whether  for architectural lighting, parking lot lighting,
     7  landscape lighting, billboards or street lighting.
     8    2. "Shielded" means a fixture that is shielded in such a  manner  that
     9  light  rays  emitted  by  the  fixture, either directly from the lamp or
    10  indirectly from the fixture, are  projected  below  a  horizontal  plane
    11  running through the lowest point on the fixture where light is emitted.
    12    3. "Municipality" shall mean a county, city, town, or village.
    13    4.  "Governing  board"  includes the board of supervisors of a county,
    14  the town board of a town, the common council of a city, and the board of
    15  trustees of a village.
    16                                    TITLE 2
    17                              LIGHTING FIXTURES
    18  Section 18-0201. Shielding of outdoor lighting fixtures.
    19          18-0202. Nonconforming lighting fixtures.
    20          18-0203. Outdoor recreational facilities.
    21  § 18-0201. Shielding of outdoor lighting fixtures.
    22    All outdoor lighting fixtures shall be shielded after  January  first,
    23  two thousand twenty-eight, including but not limited to outdoor lighting
    24  fixtures installed at residential, commercial, industrial, and municipal
    25  buildings and structures.
    26  § 18-0202. Nonconforming lighting fixtures.
    27    1.  In  addition to other exemptions provided in this article, outdoor
    28  lighting fixtures not in compliance with the provisions of this  article
    29  shall  be  allowed,  provided  that such fixtures are extinguished by an
    30  automatic or manual shutoff device between the hours of eleven p.m.  and
    31  sunrise  or  are  motion-activated  lights  with a duration of less than
    32  fifteen minutes and equipped with an automatic shutoff device.
    33    2. The department may, in its discretion, adopt regulations to  exempt
    34  certain  lighting  fixtures  from  the requirements of this article if a
    35  shielded fixture is not reasonably available.
    36  § 18-0203. Outdoor recreational facilities.
    37    No outdoor recreational  facility,  amphitheater,  arena,  or  similar
    38  facility  whether  public  or  private, shall be illuminated between the
    39  hours of eleven p.m. and five a.m. except for a recreational or sporting
    40  event or other activity that is in progress prior to eleven p.m.  at  an
    41  outdoor recreational facility, amphitheater, arena, or similar facility.
    42                                   TITLE 3
    43                                 EXEMPTIONS
    44  Section 18-0301. Exemptions.
    45  § 18-0301. Exemptions.
    46    The following are exempt from the requirements of this article:
    47    1. Outdoor lighting fixtures on advertisement signs on interstates and
    48  federal primary highways;
    49    2. Navigational lighting systems at airports and other lighting neces-
    50  sary  for  aircraft  safety  pursuant to the requirements of the Federal
    51  Aviation Authority, including but not  limited  to  lighting  placed  on
    52  communication towers or wind turbines;
    53    3.  Outdoor  lighting  fixtures  that are necessary for worker safety,
    54  including but not limited to lights at agricultural  facilities,  indus-
    55  trial, manufacturing, or commercial sites;

        A. 4615                             3
     1    4.  Emergency  lighting  that is used by police, firefighters, correc-
     2  tional personnel, or medical personnel and that is in operation as  long
     3  as the emergency exists;
     4    5.  Outdoor lighting regulated pursuant to federal law, rule, or regu-
     5  lation that preempts state law;
     6    6. Lighting intended for tunnels and roadway underpasses;
     7    7. Outdoor lighting used for programs, projects, or improvements of  a
     8  city  or town relating to the construction, reconstruction, improvement,
     9  or maintenance of a street or highway;
    10    8. Outdoor lighting used  for  construction  or  major  renovation  of
    11  municipal buildings, structures, and facilities of a city or town;
    12    9.  Streetlight  fixtures  if  the shielding is not available from the
    13  manufacturer; and
    14    10. Incandescent fixtures of one hundred fifty watts or less and other
    15  sources of less  than  seventy  watts,  including  but  not  limited  to
    16  seasonal and decorative lighting.
    17    11.  Lighting  fixtures  located  in  the  geographically limited area
    18  defined by section 81-70 of article VIII of the  New  York  City  Zoning
    19  Resolution, provided that the department may:
    20    (a)  require  conditions for such exemption if strategies or technolo-
    21  gies to control excess light are reasonably available; and
    22    (b) exempt all lighting fixtures within  such  geographically  limited
    23  area  upon  application of an entity representing property owners, resi-
    24  dents or businesses.
    25    12. Lighting fixtures that are culturally or historically significant,
    26  as determined by the department, provided that:
    27    (a) such exemption shall be granted upon application from  a  property
    28  owner,  or  an  entity  representing property owners, residents or busi-
    29  nesses within a geographically limited area; and
    30    (b) the department may require conditions for an exemption under  this
    31  subdivision  to  ensure  that  the  exemption does not result in greater
    32  light pollution than occurred on the effective date of this article.
    33                                   TITLE 4
    34                                 PREEMPTION
    35  Section 18-0401. Preemption.
    36  § 18-0401. Preemption.
    37    The provisions of this article are  cumulative  and  supplemental  and
    38  shall not apply within any municipality that, by local law, ordinance or
    39  resolution,  has adopted provisions restricting light pollution that are
    40  equal to or more stringent than the provisions of this article.
    41                                   TITLE 5
    42                          DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITY
    43  Section 18-0501. Department responsibility.
    44  § 18-0501. Department responsibility.
    45    1. The department shall develop educational materials to encourage the
    46  reduction of light pollution and shall make those materials available on
    47  its website.
    48    2. The department shall provide information regarding  complying  with
    49  the  requirements  of  this  article,  including  examples of conforming
    50  lighting fixtures, allowable nonconforming lighting  fixtures,  and  the
    51  provided  exemptions  and  shall  make  those materials available on its
    52  website.
    53    § 3. This act shall take effect January 1, 2028. Effective  immediate-
    54  ly,  the  addition,  amendment  and/or  repeal of any rule or regulation
    55  necessary for the implementation of this act on its effective  date  are
    56  authorized to be made and completed on or before such effective date.
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