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A04879 Summary:

COSPNSRGonzalez-Rojas, Simon, Clark, Levenberg, Colton, Burdick, Reyes, Gallagher, Shrestha, Epstein, Cruz, Forrest, Mamdani, McMahon, Lunsford, Walker, Cunningham, Seawright, Taylor, Shimsky, Bichotte Hermelyn, Weprin, Gibbs, Hevesi, Septimo, Tapia, Raga, Bores, Davila, Simone, Lucas, Glick
Amd §§611 & 2, Cor L
Relates to the health, safety and human rights of incarcerated pregnant individuals, incarcerated birthing parents and their children.
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A04879 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 7, 2025
          RAGA, BORES, DAVILA, SIMONE, LUCAS, GLICK -- read once and referred to
          the Committee on Correction
        AN ACT to amend the correction law, in relation to promoting the health,
          safety,  and human rights of incarcerated pregnant individuals, incar-
          cerated birthing parents of children and their children
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Legislative purpose and findings.  People incarcerated in
     2  institutions or local correctional facilities face unique  health  risks
     3  during  pregnancy,  childbirth, postpartum, and early childcare. Lack of
     4  appropriate prenatal, obstetric, and postpartum medical care, and appro-
     5  priate health and safety measures, can result in serious harm  to  these
     6  birthing  parents and their children. Birthing parents and such persons'
     7  young children need prenatal, obstetric, and pediatric care, as well  as
     8  developmentally-appropriate  resources  provided in a safe, healthy, and
     9  nurturing environment.  Unless  comprehensive  and  compassionate  laws,
    10  policies,  and  practices  are in place, the rights and care of birthing
    11  parents and such persons' young  children  may  be  compromised  by  the
    12  conditions of confinement in correctional institutions or facilities.
    13    §  2.  Section 611 of the correction law, as amended by chapter 242 of
    14  the laws of 1930, the section heading as amended by chapter 322  of  the
    15  laws  of  2021,  subdivision  1  as amended by chapter 17 of the laws of
    16  2016, paragraph (c) of subdivision 1 and  subdivision  2  as  separately
    17  amended  by  chapters 322 and 621 of the laws of 2021, and subdivision 4
    18  as amended by chapter 486 of the laws of 2022, is  amended  to  read  as
    19  follows:

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 4879                             2
     1    §  611.  [Births  to  incarcerated  individuals of correctional insti-
     2  tutions and care of children of incarcerated individuals of correctional
     3  institutions] Rights and care of  birthing  parents  and  such  persons'
     4  children.  1.    For  the  purposes of this section, the following terms
     5  shall have the following meanings:
     6    (a)  "Birthing  parent" means any person who is incarcerated and preg-
     7  nant, postpartum, or with custody of a child up to twenty-four months of
     8  age.
     9    (b) "Prenatal" means the period in which a person becomes pregnant and
    10  up until birth or other pregnancy outcome occurs.
    11    (c) "Perinatal" means the twelve-week period immediately before  birth
    12  and the twelve-week period immediately after birth.
    13    (d)  "Postpartum"  means the twelve-week period after giving birth and
    14  shall include stillbirth, miscarriage, and neonatal death, in accordance
    15  with the American college of obstetricians and gynecologists.
    16    (e) "Nursery" means a space where a birthing parent lives  with  their
    17  child  and  receives  services. A nursery shall include, at a minimum, a
    18  window for natural light and the equipment and furnishings  required  by
    19  section  7651.17  of  title 9 of the codes, rules and regulations of the
    20  state of New York.
    21    (f) "Timely" means within the timeframe recommended  by  the  treating
    22  medical provider, unless otherwise specified in this section.
    23    2.  (a)  If  a  [woman]  person  confined  in any institution or local
    24  correctional facility be pregnant and about to give birth  to  a  child,
    25  the superintendent or sheriff in charge of such institution or facility,
    26  a  reasonable  time  before  the  anticipated birth of such child, shall
    27  cause such [woman] person to be removed from such institution or facili-
    28  ty and provided with comfortable accommodations, maintenance and medical
    29  care elsewhere, under such supervision and safeguards to  prevent  [her]
    30  such  birthing  parent's  escape  from  custody as the superintendent or
    31  sheriff or [his or her] their designee may determine. No  restraints  of
    32  any kind shall be used during transport of such [woman] birthing parent,
    33  a  [woman]  person who is known to be pregnant by correctional personnel
    34  or personnel providing medical services  to  the  institution  or  local
    35  correctional  facility,  or a [woman] birthing parent within eight weeks
    36  after delivery or pregnancy outcome, absent extraordinary  circumstances
    37  in which:
    38    i.  the  superintendent  or  sheriff or [his or her] their designee in
    39  consultation with the medical professional responsible for the  institu-
    40  tion has made an individualized determination that restraints are neces-
    41  sary  to  prevent  such  [woman] birthing parent from injuring [herself]
    42  themself or medical or  correctional  personnel  or  others  and  cannot
    43  reasonably be restrained by other means, including the use of additional
    44  personnel; or
    45    ii.  the correctional personnel directly responsible for the transport
    46  of such a [woman] birthing parent determine that an emergency has arisen
    47  in which restraints are necessary because the  [woman]  birthing  parent
    48  poses  an  immediate  risk  of serious injury to [herself] themselves or
    49  medical or correctional personnel or others  and  cannot  reasonably  be
    50  restrained by other means.
    51    (b)  If a determination has been made pursuant to subparagraph i or ii
    52  of paragraph (a) of this subdivision  that  extraordinary  circumstances
    53  exist  then  restraints shall be limited to wrist restraints in front of
    54  the body. The superintendent or sheriff or [his or her]  their  designee
    55  pursuant  to  subparagraph  i  of  paragraph  (a) of this subdivision or
    56  correctional personnel pursuant to subparagraph ii of paragraph  (a)  of

        A. 4879                             3
     1  this  subdivision  shall  document  in  writing the facts upon which the
     2  finding of extraordinary circumstances were based within  five  days  of
     3  the  use  of  such  restraints  and  shall  also  document  the  type of
     4  restraints used and the length of time such restraints were used.
     5    (c) No restraints of any kind shall be used when such [woman] birthing
     6  parent  is  in  labor, admitted to a hospital, institution or clinic for
     7  delivery, or recovering after giving birth. Any such personnel as may be
     8  necessary to supervise the [woman] birthing parent during  transport  to
     9  and  from  and  during  [her] their stay at the hospital, institution or
    10  clinic shall be provided to ensure adequate care, custody and control of
    11  the [woman] birthing parent, except that no correctional staff shall  be
    12  present in the delivery room during the birth of a baby unless requested
    13  by  the medical staff supervising such delivery or by the [woman] birth-
    14  ing parent giving birth. The [woman] birthing parent shall be  permitted
    15  to  have  at  least one support person of [her] their choosing accompany
    16  [her] them in the delivery room and when such [woman] birthing parent is
    17  in labor and recovering after giving birth. A support person  shall  not
    18  need  to  have  visited  the  [woman]  birthing parent at a correctional
    19  facility prior to serving as a support  person.  A  person  may  not  be
    20  denied eligibility to serve as a support person solely on the basis of a
    21  past  criminal  conviction  or  that such person is on probation, condi-
    22  tional release, parole or post release supervision. Any decision  by  an
    23  agency  to deny a [woman's] birthing parent's request to have a specific
    24  person serve as a support person shall be made with reasons specified in
    25  writing within five days of [her] the request and promptly  provided  to
    26  the  [woman]  birthing  parent. A support person shall be notified imme-
    27  diately after such [woman] birthing parent goes  into  labor,  or  imme-
    28  diately after a caesarean section or termination is scheduled. If avail-
    29  able,  a  doula,  midwife  or other birthing support specialist may also
    30  assist during labor and delivery in addition to  at  least  one  support
    31  person of the [woman's] birthing parent's choosing. Any [woman] birthing
    32  parent  confined in a state or local correctional facility shall receive
    33  notice in writing in a language and manner understandable to [her]  such
    34  birthing  parent  about the requirements of this section upon [her] such
    35  birthing parent's admission to such state or local correctional facility
    36  and again when [she] the birthing parent is known to  be  pregnant.  The
    37  superintendent  or  sheriff  shall publish notice of the requirements of
    38  this section in prominent locations where medical care is provided.  The
    39  superintendent  or  sheriff  or  [his or her] their designee shall cause
    40  such [woman] birthing parent to be subject to return to such institution
    41  or local correctional facility as soon after the  birth  of  [her]  such
    42  birthing  parent's  child  as  the state of [her] such birthing parent's
    43  health will permit as determined by the medical professional responsible
    44  for the care of such [woman] birthing parent. If such  [woman]  birthing
    45  parent is confined in a local correctional facility, the expense of such
    46  accommodation,  maintenance  and  medical  care  shall  be  paid by such
    47  [woman] birthing parent or [her] their relatives or from  any  available
    48  funds  of the local correctional facility and if not available from such
    49  sources, shall be a charge upon the county, city or  town  in  which  is
    50  located  the court from which such incarcerated individual was committed
    51  to such local correctional facility. If such [woman] birthing parent  is
    52  confined  in  any  institution  under the control of the department, the
    53  expense of such accommodation, maintenance and  medical  care  shall  be
    54  paid by such [woman] birthing parent or [her] their relatives and if not
    55  available  from such sources, such maintenance and medical care shall be
    56  paid by the state. In cases where payment of such accommodations,  main-

        A. 4879                             4
     1  tenance  and  medical  care  is assumed by the county, city or town from
     2  which such incarcerated individual was committed the  payor  shall  make
     3  payment by issuing payment instrument in favor of the agency or individ-
     4  ual  that provided such accommodations and services, after certification
     5  has been made by the head of the institution to which  the  incarcerated
     6  individual  was  legally  confined,  that  the charges for such accommo-
     7  dations, maintenance and medical care were necessary and are  just,  and
     8  that the institution has no available funds for such purpose.
     9    (d)  Any  [woman]  birthing parent confined in an institution or local
    10  correctional facility shall receive notice in writing in a language  and
    11  manner  understandable  to [her] such birthing parent about the require-
    12  ments of this section upon [her] such birthing parent's admission to  an
    13  institution  or  local  correctional  facility and again when [she] such
    14  birthing parent is known to be pregnant. The superintendent  or  sheriff
    15  shall  publish  notice  of the requirements of this section in prominent
    16  locations where medical care is provided. The department and the sheriff
    17  shall provide annual training on  provisions  of  this  section  to  all
    18  correctional  personnel  who  are involved in the transportation, super-
    19  vision or medical care of incarcerated [women] individuals.
    20    (e) The department shall report annually to the governor,  the  tempo-
    21  rary  president  of  the  senate, the minority leader of the senate, the
    22  speaker of the assembly, the minority leader of the assembly, the chair-
    23  person of the senate crime victims, crime and correction  committee  and
    24  the  chairperson  of  the assembly correction committee concerning every
    25  use of restraints on a  [woman]  birthing  parent  under  this  section,
    26  including the reason such restraint was used, the type of restraint used
    27  and the length of time such restraint was used pursuant to paragraph (b)
    28  of  this  subdivision, but shall exclude individual identifying informa-
    29  tion. The sheriff of each county shall report,  in  a  form  and  manner
    30  prescribed  by  the  commission,  every  use  of restraints on a [woman]
    31  birthing parent under this section, including the reason such  restraint
    32  was  used,  the  type  of  restraint  used  and  the length of time such
    33  restraint was used pursuant to paragraph (b) of this subdivision,  annu-
    34  ally to the commission. The commission shall include such information in
    35  its  annual  report  pursuant to section forty-five of this chapter, but
    36  shall exclude identifying information from such report. Reports required
    37  by this section shall be  posted  on  the  websites  maintained  by  the
    38  department and the commission.
    39    [2.]  3.  Birthing  parents  shall  be provided with comprehensive and
    40  uninterrupted  access  to  prenatal,  perinatal,  and  postpartum  care,
    41  including all necessary prenatal screening and diagnostic tests, medica-
    42  tion  as  prescribed  by  medical personnel, consultation and treatment,
    43  including treatment by specialists, and appropriate medical  care  after
    44  delivery  or  other  pregnancy  outcomes, including postpartum physical,
    45  mental, and reproductive health care, as  recommended  by  the  American
    46  college  of  obstetricians  and  gynecologists.   The commissioner shall
    47  establish rules and regulations relating to conditions in  the  institu-
    48  tion  or  local  correctional  facility,  treatment  and care that shall
    49  include, but is not limited to:
    50    (a) Regularly scheduled obstetric care  appointments  with  a  medical
    51  practitioner,  beginning  in  early  pregnancy,  within  one week of the
    52  institution or local correctional facility  learning  an  individual  is
    53  pregnant, and continuing as recommended by medical personnel through the
    54  postpartum period;
    55    (b)  The appointment within the first week of the institution or local
    56  correctional facility upon learning  an  individual  is  pregnant  shall

        A. 4879                             5
     1  include  a comprehensive prenatal examination appropriate to the trimes-
     2  ter and health of such individual as recommended by the American college
     3  of obstetricians and gynecologists. If the medical practitioner is not a
     4  high-risk  obstetrician  and  determines  that a referral to a high-risk
     5  obstetrician is necessary, such individual shall be referred to a  high-
     6  risk obstetrician without delay;
     7    (c) Prenatal appointments with a medical practitioner pursuant to this
     8  paragraph  at  a  frequency  of, at a minimum, once per month during the
     9  first six months of pregnancy, twice per month during  the  seventh  and
    10  eighth months of pregnancy, and weekly during the last month of pregnan-
    11  cy if such individual does not have a high-risk pregnancy;
    12    (d)  Fetal ultrasound imaging conducted by a sonographer who is certi-
    13  fied in or who has received a  degree  in  sonography  from  a  national
    14  certifying  or  degree-granting  body  at  a frequency determined by the
    15  medical practitioner caring for such individual, including, at  a  mini-
    16  mum:  one dating ultrasound if such individual is in their first trimes-
    17  ter  or  has not yet had or does not have records of a prior such ultra-
    18  sound; one ultrasound to  assess  fetal  anatomy  between  eighteen  and
    19  twenty-two  weeks  of  pregnancy  if such individual has not yet reached
    20  twenty-two weeks of pregnancy; and within two weeks of entering  custody
    21  in  an  institution  or  local  correctional facility if such individual
    22  enters custody past twenty-two weeks of pregnancy. Such individual shall
    23  be permitted to view their ultrasound imaging during the  procedure  and
    24  shall  be  provided  with physical images from the ultrasound to keep at
    25  the institution or local correctional facility and  an  additional  copy
    26  for  a person of the individual's choosing if such images are capable of
    27  being generated and if such individual wants such images;
    28    (e) For individuals with  a  high-risk  pregnancy,  the  frequency  of
    29  prenatal  appointments shall be determined by the high-risk obstetrician
    30  caring for such individuals in line with recommendations by the American
    31  college of obstetricians and gynecologists;
    32    (f) Emergency access to a medical practitioner pursuant to this  para-
    33  graph  for  twenty-four  hours per day seven days per week. If emergency
    34  access is needed, such individuals shall be permitted to speak with such
    35  practitioners directly;
    36    (g) No correction staff or volunteers shall be  present  during  these
    37  examinations  unless  requested by the birthing parent or by the medical
    38  staff when the situation poses a clear risk of  danger  to  the  medical
    39  staff or others;
    40    (h)  At  least once each trimester, a consultation with a nutritionist
    41  or dietician about pregnancy appropriate nutrition and  physical  activ-
    42  ity;
    43    (i)  Access  to a dentist within one month of the institution or local
    44  correctional facility learning such individual is pregnant. Such dentist
    45  shall offer such individual a comprehensive exam, cleaning,  and  timely
    46  referral to dental specialists if necessary, pursuant to the recommenda-
    47  tions by the American college of obstetricians and gynecologists;
    48    (j) At least one consultation prior to the birth between such individ-
    49  ual  and  such individual's medical practitioner, midwife, and/or doula,
    50  to discuss anticipatory guidance related to the birth  and  establish  a
    51  birth plan, including but not limited to:
    52    (i)  modes  of delivery, possible interventions and guidance regarding
    53  medical testing and fetal monitoring;
    54    (ii) medication that may be employed during  birth  and  the  possible
    55  side  effects  of  such  medication on such individual and their newborn

        A. 4879                             6
     1  consistent with section twenty-five hundred three of the  public  health
     2  law;
     3    (iii) preferences for newborn feeding and care, including circumcision
     4  if applicable;
     5    (iv)  information  for maternity patients as required by section twen-
     6  ty-eight hundred three-j of the public health law;
     7    (v) information regarding the length of hospital  stay  for  maternity
     8  patients contained in section twenty-eight hundred three-n of the public
     9  health law; and
    10    (vi)  a  comprehensive  postpartum appointment schedule with a medical
    11  practitioner pursuant to this paragraph at  a  frequency  determined  by
    12  such practitioner based on the health of such individual and any compli-
    13  cations  related to birth, including one appointment three weeks after a
    14  vaginal birth and two  weeks  after  a  cesarean  section,  and  another
    15  appointment twelve weeks after birth, in accordance with recommendations
    16  from the American college of obstetricians and gynecologists;
    17    (k)  Perinatal  vitamins  that meet the standards of the United States
    18  Food and Drug Administration and that include key vitamins and  minerals
    19  as  recommended  by  the American college of obstetricians and gynecolo-
    20  gists in order to safely deliver a child and breast feed them;
    21    (l) Evidence-based treatment and medication for opioid  use  disorder,
    22  smoking  cessation,  alcohol use disorder and other substance use disor-
    23  ders shall not be denied on account of pregnancy;
    24    (m) Screening for HIV, hepatitis B,  syphilis,  chlamydial  infection,
    25  and  Neisseria  Gonorrheae,  as  recommended  by the American academy of
    26  pediatrics and the American college of obstetricians  and  gynecologists
    27  with prior written and oral informed consent specific to the test;
    28    (n) Consultation access to influenza and Tdap vaccines;
    29    (o) Screening for mental health concerns and psychological and psychi-
    30  atric  therapy and treatment as needed, including consultation regarding
    31  psychiatric medications and provision to  psychiatric  medications  that
    32  are safe during pregnancy;
    33    (p)  Medical  care during labor and delivery, which shall include care
    34  by qualified medical personnel, such as someone who has  been  certified
    35  in obstetrics by the American board of medical specialties or a compara-
    36  ble  national certifying board or a midwife licensed to practice midwif-
    37  ery pursuant to article one hundred forty of the education law  provided
    38  that  such a midwife is available and such individual requests midwifery
    39  care and necessary medical equipment,  including  full  access  to  pain
    40  management  medications when safe. A birthing parent shall remain at the
    41  hospital and in care by  qualified  medical  personnel  for  forty-eight
    42  hours  after  vaginal birth and ninety-six hours after cesarean birth in
    43  accordance with recommendations from the American college  of  obstetri-
    44  cians and gynecologists.  Prior to release from the hospital, the birth-
    45  ing  parent  shall receive consultations from qualified practitioners to
    46  include but not be limited to:
    47    (i) a certified dietician and/or nutritionist for postpartum  physical
    48  activity  recommendations  appropriate to labor and delivery outcomes of
    49  the birthing parent; and
    50    (ii) a certified lactation consultant to assess, diagnose,  and  treat
    51  any  breastfeeding  issues such as nipple soreness, cracking or blister-
    52  ing, and to provide education  on  proper  latching,  positioning,  milk
    53  supply  management,  and  common breastfeeding considerations, including
    54  but not limited to, challenges expressing  breast  milk,  proper  breast
    55  pump  and storage techniques, and dietary considerations and medications
    56  that may impact breastfeeding;

        A. 4879                             7

     1    (q) Timely access to medications, vaccines, and  prenatal,  perinatal,
     2  postpartum,  and  fetal tests as recommended by the medical practitioner
     3  caring for such individual and timely access to results of  such  tests,
     4  including  tests  identifying  the  sex of the fetus, if such individual
     5  confirms they want this information;
     6    (r) Appropriate hydration and nutrition.  Such hydration shall include
     7  distilled  water  for  bottles  and bottled filtered water for drinking.
     8  Such nutrition shall include the provision  of  additional  portions  of
     9  nutritious  food,  fresh  fruits and vegetables that are safe to consume
    10  during the prenatal, perinatal and postpartum periods, including breast-
    11  feeding-related nutritional recommendations of the American  college  of
    12  obstetricians  and gynecologists and the American academy of pediatrics.
    13  These individuals may request an additional  tray  of  food,  milk,  and
    14  hydration  to bring back to their living area during the prenatal, peri-
    15  natal and postpartum periods and while breastfeeding;
    16    (s) Regular access to safe and appropriate exercise facilities for  at
    17  least  one  hour  per  day during the prenatal, perinatal and postpartum
    18  periods as appropriate to their physical health and  birth  outcome,  as
    19  well  as  trips  outside  the institution or local correctional facility
    20  guided by correctional officers for birthing parents;
    21    (t) Reasonable accommodations for sleep, rest, and  work  requirements
    22  for the prenatal, perinatal and postpartum periods and the entire period
    23  the child remains with birthing parent.  Reprieve from daily activities,
    24  such  as  repeatedly  climbing  stairs  and  lifting heavy items, if the
    25  medical practitioner providing care to such individual  determines  that
    26  such activities present a risk of harm to such individual;
    27    (u)  Access  to  seating  with back support in situations that require
    28  sitting, including waiting  for  an  appointment  and  participating  in
    29  programs or work duties;
    30    (v)  Privacy with regard to the care of prenatal, perinatal, and post-
    31  partum conditions. Breastfeeding birthing parents shall have access to a
    32  nursing cover;
    33    (w) Prevention from exposure to substances  or  chemicals  that  could
    34  present a risk of harm to the birthing parent during the prenatal, peri-
    35  natal and postpartum periods or such person's fetus or infant;
    36    (x)  Safe  and  appropriate  housing  and living conditions, including
    37  adequate bedding, clothing, and personal hygiene and self-care  supplies
    38  during  prenatal, perinatal and postpartum periods and during the entire
    39  period the child remains with the birthing  parent.    Bedding  includes
    40  additional mattresses, pillows, blankets, and sheets;
    41    (y) In-person consultations with legal counsel of their choice regard-
    42  ing  their  postpartum decisions related to the short term and long term
    43  care of the child, or by telephone or video if necessary, and  appropri-
    44  ate  peer  and social support of other incarcerated parents in person or
    45  online or via videoconference if necessary. Such postpartum  individuals
    46  shall also have access to reasonable technology to take and share photos
    47  of such person's child;
    48    (z)  Authority  to  make  decisions regarding their child's daily life
    49  including feeding, dressing, sleeping, and hygiene, provided  that  such
    50  decisions  do  not present a significant risk to the health of the child
    51  or the safety and security of  the  institution  or  local  correctional
    52  facility; and
    53    (aa)  Freedom  from discrimination with respect to access to services,
    54  education or programming, including programming related to early release
    55  or sentence-shortening options.

        A. 4879                             8
     1    4. (a) A child [so born may be returned with its mother to the correc-
     2  tional institution in which the mother is confined] shall have the right
     3  to return with their birthing parent and remain in  the  institution  or
     4  local correctional facility with their birthing parent:
     5    (i) until the child is eighteen months old; provided, however, that if
     6  the birthing parent is to be paroled by the time the child becomes twen-
     7  ty-four    months  of  age,  such child may remain at the institution or
     8  local correctional facility until the birthing parent is paroled.  If  a
     9  birthing parent of a child under the age of eighteen months is incarcer-
    10  ated  at  an  institution or local correctional facility, such child may
    11  accompany such person to such institution  or facility if such person is
    12  physically fit to have the care of such child, subject to the provisions
    13  of this section. If any person committed  to  any  such  institution  or
    14  facility  at  the time of such commitment is the birthing parent of, and
    15  has under their exclusive care, a child more  than  eighteen  months  of
    16  age,  the  justice or magistrate committing such person shall refer such
    17  child to the commissioner of public welfare or other  officer  or  board
    18  exercising in relation to children the power of a commissioner of public
    19  welfare of the county from which the person is committed to be cared for
    20  as  provided  by  law in the case of a child becoming dependent upon the
    21  county.
    22    (ii) unless the chief medical officer of the  [correctional]  institu-
    23  tion  [shall certify that the mother is physically unfit to care for the
    24  child, in which case the statement of the said medical officer shall  be
    25  final.    A  child  may  remain in the correctional institution with its
    26  mother for such period as seems desirable for the welfare of such child,
    27  but not after it is one year of age, provided, however, if the mother is
    28  in a state reformatory and is to be  paroled  shortly  after  the  child
    29  becomes  one year of age, such child may remain at the state reformatory
    30  until its mother is paroled, but in no case after the child is  eighteen
    31  months  old.  If  a pregnant woman or mother of a child under the age of
    32  eighteen months is incarcerated at a state or local correctional facili-
    33  ty, the department shall inform her of her ability to apply to any nurs-
    34  ery program run by the department and the locality] or local correction-
    35  al facility demonstrates a finding by clear and convincing evidence that
    36  such person poses an imminent risk to  the  health  and  safety  of  the
    37  child.
    38    (b)  Any  [woman] person confined in [a state] an institution or local
    39  correctional facility shall receive notice in writing in a language  and
    40  manner  understandable  to  [her] them about [the requirements of] their
    41  rights under this section upon [her] their admission  to  [a  state]  an
    42  institution  or local correctional facility and again when [she is] they
    43  are known to be pregnant. The superintendent or  sheriff  shall  publish
    44  notice  of  [the  requirements of this section] such rights in prominent
    45  locations where medical care is provided. [The officer in charge of such
    46  institution may cause a child cared for therein with its  mother  to  be
    47  removed from the institution at any time before the child is one year of
    48  age.  He or she shall make provision for a child removed from the insti-
    49  tution without its mother or a child born to a woman incarcerated  indi-
    50  vidual who is not returned to the institution with its mother as herein-
    51  after provided. He or she]
    52    (c)  No  child  shall  be removed from the nursery without the express
    53  oral and written consent of the birthing parent or a finding,  by  clear
    54  and convincing evidence, that the birthing parent poses an imminent risk
    55  to the health and safety of the child and that this risk cannot be miti-
    56  gated  through  reasonable efforts on behalf of the institution or local

        A. 4879                             9
     1  correctional facility. The right to counsel and  due  process  shall  be
     2  afforded  to  the  birthing  parent as well as to the child prior to, or
     3  shortly after, such removal and if the finding above is  not  sustained,
     4  the  child  shall be immediately returned to the care and custody of the
     5  birthing parent. The officer  in  charge  of  an  institution  or  local
     6  correctional  facility  may,  upon proof being furnished by the [father]
     7  non-birthing parent or other relatives of [their] such relatives' abili-
     8  ty to properly care for and maintain such child, and  with  the  express
     9  written  and  oral  consent of the birthing parent who gave birth to the
    10  child within the previous eighteen months, give the child into the  care
    11  and custody of such [father] non-birthing parent or other relatives, who
    12  shall  thereafter  maintain  the  same at their own expense. If it shall
    13  appear that such [father] non-birthing parent  or  other  relatives  are
    14  unable  to properly care for and maintain such child, such officer shall
    15  place the child in the care of the commissioner  of  public  welfare  or
    16  other officer or board exercising in relation to children the power of a
    17  commissioner  of public welfare of the county from which such [incarcer-
    18  ated individual] birthing parent was committed as  a  charge  upon  such
    19  county. The officer in charge of the correctional institution shall send
    20  to  such  commissioner,  officer  or  board  a report of all information
    21  available in regard to the [mother] birthing parent and the child.  Such
    22  commissioner  of public welfare or other officer or board shall care for
    23  or place out such child as provided by law in the case of a child becom-
    24  ing dependent upon the county.
    25    [3. If any woman, committed to any such  correctional  institution  at
    26  the time of such commitment is the mother of a nursing child in her care
    27  under  one year of age, such child may accompany her to such institution
    28  if she is physically fit to have the care of such child, subject to  the
    29  provisions of subdivision two of this section. If any woman committed to
    30  any such institution at the time of such commitment is the mother of and
    31  has  under  her  exclusive  care  a  child more than one year of age the
    32  justice or magistrate committing such woman shall refer  such  child  to
    33  the  commissioner of public welfare or other officer or board exercising
    34  in relation to children the power of a commissioner of public welfare of
    35  the county from which the woman is committed to be cared for as provided
    36  by law in the case of a child becoming dependent upon the county.
    37    4.] 5.  The birthing parent and their child  in  the  nursery  of  the
    38  correctional  institution  or local correctional facility shall be enti-
    39  tled to the following rights and conditions:
    40    (a) Separation or the threat of separation of a birthing parent who is
    41  caring for their child in  the  nursery  of  the  institution  or  local
    42  correctional  facility  shall  never  be  used as a disciplinary tool or
    43  sanction.
    44    (b) No person shall care for the child without the express  permission
    45  of the birthing parent.
    46    (c)  Birthing  parents  who  are caring for their child in the nursery
    47  while incarcerated shall have quiet and private  sleeping  spaces  until
    48  their  child  is  weaned  or  such child consistently sleeps through the
    49  night, whichever occurs later.
    50    (d) Birthing parents who are caring for their child in the nursery  of
    51  the institution or local correctional facility shall have timely consul-
    52  tations  with  pediatricians,  including in-person consultations.  These
    53  appointments shall be conducted after birth, at one month,  two  months,
    54  four months, six months, nine months, one year, fifteen months, eighteen
    55  months,  and  twenty-four  months,  according to the American academy of
    56  pediatrics.

        A. 4879                            10
     1    (e) Birthing parents who are caring for their child in the nursery  of
     2  the  institution  or  local correctional facility shall be provided with
     3  appropriate over-the-counter medications for their child, regardless  of
     4  whether the birthing parent has consulted with a pediatrician.
     5    (f) Birthing parents who have given birth within the previous eighteen
     6  months  shall  be provided with counseling regarding all options open to
     7  them, including all rights under this section  to  postpartum  care,  to
     8  maintain  the  care  and  custody of their child while incarcerated, all
     9  rights of such child to receive pediatric care and a safe, nurturing and
    10  developmentally appropriate environment, and alternative  care  arrange-
    11  ments for their child.
    12    (g) Under no circumstances shall a birthing parent who has given birth
    13  within the prior eighteen months and who is caring for their child while
    14  incarcerated  be  subjected to isolation or segregated confinement, used
    15  as a disciplinary tool or sanction, with or without their child.
    16    6. Children born to birthing parents and who  are  cared  for  in  the
    17  nursery of the institution or local correctional facility shall have the
    18  right to the following:
    19    (a)  in  addition to the requirements of section 7651.17 of title 9 of
    20  the codes, rules and regulations of the state of New  York,  appropriate
    21  pediatric  care, including all necessary medical and developmental test-
    22  ing, as recommended by the American academy of pediatrics;
    23    (b) an appointment for such child with a physician, physician  assist-
    24  ant,  or  nurse  practitioner  who is certified by a national certifying
    25  board to provide pediatric care at the next medically appropriate  point
    26  after  leaving  the  hospital  in  which  the child was born, along with
    27  appointments with such a practitioner at  regular  intervals  as  recom-
    28  mended by the American academy of pediatrics and timely access to pedia-
    29  tric  specialists  as  recommended by such a practitioner. Such appoint-
    30  ments shall be conducted  after  birth,  one  month,  two  months,  four
    31  months,  six  months,  nine  months,  one year, fifteen months, eighteen
    32  months, and twenty-four months;
    33    (c) emergency access to a physician,  physician  assistant,  or  nurse
    34  practitioner  who is certified by a national certifying board to provide
    35  pediatric care twenty-four hours per day,  seven  days  per  week.  Such
    36  emergency access shall include medical care for infants within two hours
    37  of  infant  distress. A telehealth option shall be available when neces-
    38  sary as a last resort;
    39    (d) access to all relevant features of  early  intervention  or  other
    40  special  medical  or developmental services when needed as determined by
    41  an assessment, via experts within or outside the facility as  stated  in
    42  article twenty-five of the public health law;
    43    (e)  a  clean,  safe  and  nurturing  environment  for children, which
    44  includes safe and appropriate sleeping arrangements that reduce the risk
    45  of sudden infant death syndrome, safe and appropriate  playing,  eating,
    46  and  bathing  spaces,  adequate  hygiene  and  personal  care  supplies,
    47  adequate over-the-counter  medication  for  common  conditions  such  as
    48  colds,  teething  pain,  and  diaper  rash,  and daily access to natural
    49  light, quiet, and music;
    50    (f) access to nonprescription  pediatric  medications,  creams,  oint-
    51  ments,  and  sprays approved by the United States Food and Drug Adminis-
    52  tration upon the birthing parent's request;
    53    (g) full opportunity to  bond  with  such  child's  birthing  parents,
    54  including  consistent  and  extensive physical skin-to-skin contact from
    55  the moment of birth;

        A. 4879                            11
     1    (h) healthy nutrition, including breastfeeding or breast milk that has
     2  been pumped, stored and warmed, if such birthing parent so chooses;
     3    (i) adequate quantities of age-appropriate diapers, baby clothes, baby
     4  blankets, burp cloths, bibs, baby bathing equipment, and developmentally
     5  appropriate toys;
     6    (j) a safe place separated from the general incarcerated population;
     7    (k)  reasonable visiting hours from family and friends, subject to the
     8  consent of the birthing parent; and
     9    (l) time outdoors with their birthing parent for at least one hour per
    10  day.
    11    7. Upon admitting a [woman] person  known  to  be  pregnant,  or  upon
    12  learning of pregnancy status, the chief medical officer of each institu-
    13  tion  or  local correctional facility housing [female incarcerated indi-
    14  viduals] birthing parents, including the medical professional  responsi-
    15  ble  for  each  local correctional facility housing [female incarcerated
    16  individuals] birthing parents, or such officer or professional's  desig-
    17  nee,  shall  immediately  inform  such  [woman]  birthing parent of [the
    18  option of participating in] their right to comprehensive pregnancy coun-
    19  seling services and the right to abortion services.
    20    8. Enforcement. (a) The department or the commission shall  promulgate
    21  rules  and  regulations necessary for the implementation of this section
    22  within one hundred eighty days of the effective date  of  this  subdivi-
    23  sion.
    24    (b) If a birthing parent claims that either they or the child in their
    25  care  have suffered as a result of conduct prohibited under this section
    26  or have been denied the rights provided in this section, the  provisions
    27  of this section shall be enforceable by a proceeding brought pursuant to
    28  article seventy-eight of the civil practice law and rules.
    29    §  3.  Subdivision  33 of section 2 of the correction law, as added by
    30  chapter 93 of the laws of 2021, is amended to read as follows:
    31    33. "Special populations" means any person: (a)  twenty-one  years  of
    32  age  or  younger; (b) fifty-five years of age or older; (c) with a disa-
    33  bility as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision twenty-one of  section
    34  two  hundred ninety-two of the executive law; or (d) who is pregnant, in
    35  the first [eight weeks] twelve weeks  of  the  [post-partum]  postpartum
    36  recovery  period  after giving birth, or caring for a child in a correc-
    37  tional institution pursuant to [subdivisions two or  three  of]  section
    38  six hundred eleven of this chapter.
    39    §  4.  Severability. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph,
    40  section, or part of this act shall be adjudged by any court of competent
    41  jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect,  impair,  or
    42  invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation
    43  to the word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part ther-
    44  eof  directly  involved  in the controversy in which such judgment shall
    45  have been rendered.
    46    § 5. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    47  it shall have become a law.
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