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A05375 Summary:

COSPNSRRosenthal L, Colton, Sayegh
MLTSPNSRCarroll, Cook, Dinowitz, Glick, Simon
Amd §2801-a, Pub Health L
Makes various provisions regarding establishment of a hospital: provides that any person and various other listed entities (i.e., partnership, company, stockholder, member, corporation or other entity) with authority to operate a hospital, shall be subject to approval for establishment by the public health council (unless otherwise authorized to operate a hospital without such establishment approval); provides that any assignment or delegation of any authority to operate a hospital shall be subject to approval for establishment by the council (with certain specified exceptions); specifies circumstances under which a person, partnership, company, etc. shall be deemed to have authority to operate a hospital subject to approval for establishment by the council (with certain specified exceptions); specifies circumstances under which a person, partnership, company, etc. shall be deemed to have authority to operate a hospital (i.e., if it has decision-making authority over listed matters).
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A05375 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                                                                Cal. No. 148
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      March 9, 2023
        Introduced  by  M.  of A. PAULIN, L. ROSENTHAL, COLTON, SAYEGH -- Multi-
          Sponsored by -- M. of A. CARROLL, COOK, DINOWITZ, GLICK, SIMON -- read
          once and referred to the Committee on Health --  ordered  to  a  third
          reading,  amended  and  ordered  reprinted, retaining its place on the
          order of third reading
        AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation  to  hospital  estab-
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Subdivision 1 of section 2801-a of the public  health  law,
     2  as amended by section 57 of part A of chapter 58 of the laws of 2010, is
     3  amended to read as follows:
     4    1.  (a)  No hospital, as defined in this article, shall be established
     5  except with the written approval of the public health and  health  plan-
     6  ning  council.  No certificate of incorporation of a business membership
     7  or not-for-profit corporation shall hereafter be  filed  which  includes
     8  among its corporate purposes or powers the establishment or operation of
     9  any  hospital,  as  defined  in  this  article,  or  the solicitation of
    10  contributions for any such purpose, or two or  more  of  such  purposes,
    11  except  with  the written approval of the public health and health plan-
    12  ning council, and when otherwise required by law of  a  justice  of  the
    13  supreme  court,  endorsed  on  or annexed to the certificate of incorpo-
    14  ration. No articles of  organization  of  a  limited  liability  company
    15  established pursuant to the New York limited liability company law which
    16  includes  among its powers or purposes the establishment or operation of
    17  any hospital as defined in this article, shall be filed with the depart-
    18  ment of state except upon the approval of the public health  and  health
    19  planning council.
    20    (b)  For  the  purposes  of  this  subdivision, a person (other than a
    21  person acting solely as a member of the governing body of a hospital  or
    22  an  employee  of a hospital), partnership, company, stockholder, member,
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 5375--A                          2
     1  corporation or other entity shall be deemed to have authority to operate
     2  a hospital if it has or shares decision-making authority over any of the
     3  following:
     4    (i)  appointment or dismissal of a hospital's management-level employ-
     5  ees or medical staff;
     6    (ii) election or removal of members of the governing board  or  corpo-
     7  rate officers of the hospital;
     8    (iii) approval of the hospital's operating or capital budgets;
     9    (iv)  adoption,  approval  or  enforcement of the hospital's operating
    10  policies or procedures;
    11    (v)  approval  of  applications  for  construction  or   establishment
    12  approval filed by or on behalf of the hospital;
    13    (vi)  approval  of  hospital  debt  necessary  to  finance the cost of
    14  compliance with operational or physical plant standards required by law;
    15    (vii) approval of contracts for management  of  the  hospital  or  for
    16  clinical services at the hospital; and
    17    (viii)  approval of settlements of administrative proceedings or liti-
    18  gation to which the hospital is party that exceed the hospital's  insur-
    19  ance coverage or coverage by any applicable self-insurance fund.
    20    (c)  Any  person, partnership, company, stockholder, member, or corpo-
    21  ration, or other entity with authority to operate a  hospital  shall  be
    22  subject  to  approval  for establishment by the public health and health
    23  planning council under this section, unless otherwise authorized by this
    24  chapter to operate a hospital without such establishment approval.
    25    (d) Any assignment or delegation of any authority to operate a  hospi-
    26  tal,  as set forth in paragraph (b) of this subdivision shall be subject
    27  to approval for establishment by the public health and  health  planning
    28  council under this section, except for:
    29    (i)  assignment or delegation by the governing body of the hospital to
    30  a committee of the governing body, a corporate officer or an employee of
    31  the hospital; or
    32    (ii) a management contract under which a governing body contracts with
    33  an entity to manage day-to-day operations of a hospital or a portion  or
    34  service  thereof, provided that such a management contract shall require
    35  the written approval of the commissioner before it may take effect.
    36    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately, provided,  however,  that
    37  the provisions of this act shall only apply to applications submitted to
    38  the  public  health  and  health  planning  council seeking approval for
    39  establishment after the effective date of this act.
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