A05400 Summary:
BILL NO | A05400 |
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SAME AS | No Same As |
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SPONSOR | Raga |
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Amd §§6451 & 6452, Ed L | |
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Requires the department of education create an online database of seats available for non-public and public institutions who offer college opportunity programs and provide such information to authorized high school counselors. |
A05400 Text:
Go to top STATE OF NEW YORK ________________________________________________________________________ 5400 2025-2026 Regular Sessions IN ASSEMBLY February 13, 2025 ___________ Introduced by M. of A. RAGA -- read once and referred to the Committee on Education AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to requiring the depart- ment of education to create a database tracking college opportunity program seats at non-public and public institutions The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem- bly, do enact as follows: 1 Section 1. Subdivision 6 of section 6451 of the education law is 2 renumbered subdivision 7 and a new subdivision 6 is added to read as 3 follows: 4 6. The commissioner shall establish a database requiring non-public 5 institutions transmit the number of seats such non-public institutions 6 have available for prospective students relying on the provisions of 7 this section. Such database shall be available on a website created by 8 the department and shall: 9 (a) be available to authorized high school counselors; 10 (b) include each non-public institution's application guidelines and 11 deadlines; 12 (c) be updated every time a non-public institution reaches a certain 13 threshold of seats taken, which shall follow increments of twenty 14 percent of seats taken until all such seats are filled; 15 (d) include ease of access accommodations for those with disabilities 16 as well as an arrangement of interactive hyperlinks; and 17 (e) be updated annually on the first day of March or at the close of 18 each non-public institution's application deadline. 19 § 2. Section 6452 of the education law is amended by adding a new 20 subdivision 6 to read as follows: 21 6. The trustees shall establish a database requiring public insti- 22 tutions transmit the number of seats such public institutions have 23 available for prospective students relying on the provisions of this EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [] is old law to be omitted. LBD04136-01-5A. 5400 2 1 section. Such database shall be available on a website created by the 2 department and shall: 3 (a) be available to authorized high school counselors; 4 (b) include each public institution's application guidelines and dead- 5 lines; 6 (c) be updated every time a public institution reaches a certain 7 threshold of seats taken, which shall follow increments of twenty 8 percent of seats taken until all such seats are filled; 9 (d) include ease of access accommodations for those with disabilities 10 as well as an arrangement of interactive hyperlinks; and 11 (e) be updated annually on the first day of March or at the close of 12 each public institution's application deadline. 13 § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.