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A05412 Summary:

Add §3615, Ed L
Enacts the "Nurse of Tomorrow Act" to provide for grants from the state commissioner of education to public and not-for-profit hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, schools and other entities for nurse recruitment, education and retention costs and activities as described herein.
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A05412 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     March 10, 2023
        Introduced  by M. of A. HYNDMAN -- read once and referred to the Commit-
          tee on Higher Education -- recommitted  to  the  Committee  on  Higher
          Education  in  accordance  with  Assembly  Rule 3, sec. 2 -- committee
          discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
          to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to enacting the "Nurse of
          Tomorrow Act of 2024" to provide for grants to public and not-for-pro-
          fit hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, schools and other  entities
          for nurse recruitment, education and retention costs and activities
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Short title. This act shall be known and may  be  cited  as
     2  the "Nurse of Tomorrow Act of 2024".
     3    § 2. The education law is amended by adding a new section 3615 to read
     4  as follows:
     5    §  3615.  Nurse of tomorrow nurse recruitment, education and retention
     6  incentive program.  1. Nurse recruitment and retention grants.   a.  The
     7  commissioner  shall  award grants to public and not-for-profit hospitals
     8  and skilled nursing facilities that are experiencing shortages in  nurs-
     9  ing personnel to be utilized toward the payment of the following costs:
    10    (i)  providing salary bonuses for nurses who make a commitment to work
    11  in the hospital or skilled nursing facility for a multi-year period;
    12    (ii) providing salary bonuses for nurses who have not been  practicing
    13  nursing for a period of at least five years and who make a commitment to
    14  work  in the hospital or skilled nursing facility for a multi-year peri-
    15  od;
    16    (iii) providing skills training and career development  of  nurses  to
    17  become  certified  in clinical specialty areas experiencing shortages in
    18  the hospital or skilled nursing facility;

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 5412--A                          2
     1    (iv) providing grants to encourage nurses to upgrade their  skills  to
     2  enable  them  to work in clinical specialty areas experiencing shortages
     3  in the hospital or skilled nursing facility;
     4    (v)  providing  salary  bonuses  for non-management nurses who recruit
     5  nurses that stay employed at the hospital or  skilled  nursing  facility
     6  for at least one year;
     7    (vi)  providing  tuition  reimbursement  for  nurses  who pursue study
     8  towards a bachelor's degree in nursing or for other health care  workers
     9  who pursue associate degrees in nursing;
    10    (vii)  providing  stipends  to  support summer internships for student
    11  nurses at the hospital or skilled nursing facility; and
    12    (viii) other nurse retention and recruitment  strategies  approved  by
    13  the commissioner.
    14    b.  In  awarding grants pursuant to this subdivision, the commissioner
    15  shall give preference to public and not-for-profit hospitals and skilled
    16  nursing facilities applicants in financial need as demonstrated  by  low
    17  or negative operating margins.
    18    2.  Basic nurse education expansion grants.  a. The commissioner shall
    19  award grants to and enter into contracts with associate  degree-granting
    20  schools  of nursing including, but not limited to single-purpose degree-
    21  granting institutions affiliated with not-for-profit  or  public  hospi-
    22  tals,  for  the  purpose  of  expanding  the  number of students who are
    23  provided basic nurse education at such schools.
    24    b. In awarding grants pursuant to this subdivision,  the  commissioner
    25  shall give preference to applicants that:
    26    (i)  have  demonstrated  the ability to recruit and create a multicul-
    27  tural student body;
    28    (ii) provide remedial education to help students  with  diverse  needs
    29  and  backgrounds  to master the language, reading and mathematics skills
    30  necessary to attain a license;
    31    (iii) provide the commissioner and the commissioner of health  with  a
    32  plan  to recruit nurse aides, licensed practical nurses and other health
    33  care workers;
    34    (iv) provide the commissioner and the commissioner of  health  with  a
    35  plan  to  build  technologically  modern  classrooms and laboratories to
    36  enable students to learn the  latest  technologies  including,  but  not
    37  limited to, medical error reduction technologies; and
    38    (v)  provide  the  commissioner  and the commissioner of health with a
    39  detailed plan to substantially expand the number of students enrolled in
    40  the school over a four-year period.
    41    3. Nurse education encouragement grants.  The commissioner shall award
    42  grants to  collegiate  schools  of  nursing,  associate  degree-granting
    43  schools  of  nursing,  diploma-granting  schools of nursing, hospital or
    44  other professional associations, not-for-profit or public hospitals  and
    45  skilled nursing facilities to enable such entities to work together with
    46  school  district  authorities to develop programs to encourage secondary
    47  school students to choose nursing as a profession.
    48    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.
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