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A05661 Summary:

COSPNSRGlick, Dinowitz, Colton, Weprin, Carroll, Gonzalez-Rojas, Epstein
Rpld §36 sub 5 ¶¶(e), (f) & (g), amd §36, Munic Home R L
Relates to the city charter referendum process; repeals certain provisions regarding the adoption of a new or revised city charter proposed by a charter commission which limit the submission of questions to a city's qualified electors; eliminates the rule that provides that whenever a city charter commission puts a proposal on the local ballot, all other local referendum proposals are barred from the ballot.
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A05661 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     March 20, 2023
          -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. COOK -- read once  and  referred  to
          the  Committee  on Cities -- recommitted to the Committee on Cities in
          accordance with Assembly Rule 3, sec. 2 -- committee discharged,  bill
          amended,  ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said commit-
        AN ACT to amend the municipal home rule law, in  relation  to  the  city
          charter  referendum process; and to repeal paragraphs (e), (f) and (g)
          of subdivision 5 of section 36 of the municipal home rule law,  relat-
          ing  to  limitations  on the submitting of a question to the qualified
          electors of a city when there is a question  submitted  by  a  charter
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Paragraphs (e), (f) and (g) of subdivision 5 of section  36
     2  of the municipal home rule law are REPEALED.
     3    §  2.  Paragraphs  (b)  and  (d) of subdivision 5 of section 36 of the
     4  municipal home rule law, as amended by chapter 592 of the laws of  1964,
     5  are amended and a new paragraph (e) is added  to read as follows:
     6    (b) Such new charter or amendments shall be completed and filed in the
     7  office  of the city clerk (i) no less than one hundred eighty days after
     8  the charter commission was created and organized, and no less than thir-
     9  ty days after a charter commission report has been made public  pursuant
    10  to paragraph (a) of this subdivision, and (ii) in time for submission to
    11  the  electors not later than the second general election after the char-
    12  ter commission is created and organized. The local  law  or  certificate
    13  establishing  the commission or, in the absence of such provision there-
    14  in, the charter commission shall provide for such publication  or  other
    15  publicity in respect to the provisions of the proposed charter or amend-
    16  ments  as it may deem proper, and for submission thereof to the electors
    17  of the city at a general or special election held not earlier than sixty
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 5661--A                          2
     1  days after the filing thereof in the office of the city  clerk  and  not
     2  later  than  the  next  general election which does not occur within the
     3  said sixty days, provided, however, that if such general election occurs
     4  within ninety days after the said filing, the proposed charter or amend-
     5  ments  shall be submitted at such general election. At such election, if
     6  a proposed new charter is submitted as a single proposal, there shall be
     7  submitted to the qualified electors of the city the question: "Shall the
     8  new city charter proposed by the city charter commission be  adopted  ?"
     9  The  charter  commission may, however, require that its proposed charter
    10  be submitted in two or more parts so arranged that  corresponding  parts
    11  of  the  existing  charter shall remain in effect if one or more of such
    12  parts are not adopted, or may in lieu of a new charter submit a revision
    13  of the existing charter in one or more amendments and  may  also  submit
    14  alternative  charters  or amendments or alternative provisions to super-
    15  sede designated portions of a proposed charter or amendment if  adopted.
    16  In  such  case  the  charter  commission shall prescribe the form of the
    17  questions to be submitted, which shall be such as  clearly  to  indicate
    18  the effect of their approval.
    19    (d)  If  any question submitted by the charter commission receives the
    20  affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified  electors  of  the  city
    21  voting  thereon,  the  proposal  submitted  thereby shall take effect as
    22  specified therein and the new charter or the amendment or amendments  to
    23  the existing charter as so proposed shall become operative as prescribed
    24  therein[;  except  that if there be a conflict between the provisions of
    25  two or more proposals approved by the electors at the same election, the
    26  proposal receiving the largest number of affirmative votes shall prevail
    27  to the extent of such conflict].
    28    (e) Notwithstanding paragraph (d) of this subdivision, if there  is  a
    29  conflict between the provisions of two or more proposals approved by the
    30  electors at the same election, the proposal receiving the largest number
    31  of affirmative votes shall prevail to the extent of such conflict.
    32    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.
          REPEAL  NOTE.--Paragraphs (e), (f) and (g) of subdivision 5 of section
        36 of the municipal home rule law proposed to be repealed  by  this  act
        provides  limitations  including prohibition on submission by local law,
        ordinance, resolution or petition of a question to the  qualified  elec-
        tors of a city when any question is submitted by a charter commission.
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