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A05903 Summary:

Add Art 7-A §89-x, Gen Bus L; amd §§841 & 841-b, Exec L
Enacts the "school security guard training enhancement act"; provides requirements for a specialized certification for school security guards, including, but not limited to, retired police officers; requires topics including, but not limited to, the role and responsibility of school security officers, school-related laws and liability, security awareness in the educational environment, mediation/conflict resolution, disasters and emergencies and dynamics of student behavior be covered in such training and program; provides that such specialized certification and training program shall be implemented and enforced by the department of state, in consultation with the department of education and the department of criminal justice services, the division of homeland security and emergency services, state police and local law enforcement.
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A05903 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     March 24, 2023
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  JEAN-PIERRE -- read once and referred to the
          Committee  on  Economic  Development  --  committee  discharged,  bill
          amended,  ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said commit-
          tee -- recommitted to the Committee on Economic Development in accord-
          ance with Assembly Rule  3,  sec.  2  --  committee  discharged,  bill
          amended,  ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said commit-
        AN ACT to amend the general business  law  and  the  executive  law,  in
          relation  to  enacting the "school security guard training enhancement
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Short  title. This act shall be known and may be cited as
     2  the "school security guard training enhancement act".
     3    § 2. Article 7-A of the general business law is amended  by  adding  a
     4  new section 89-x to read as follows:
     5    §  89-x.  Applicability to school security guards.  1. School security
     6  guards employed or contracted by a school in this state, including,  but
     7  not  limited to, retired police officers that have been retired for more
     8  than five years, shall obtain a specialized certification,  in  addition
     9  to  the  general  security  guard license required by article seven-A of
    10  this  chapter.  Such  specialized  certification   shall   require   the
    11  completion  of  a  school-specific  training program, including, but not
    12  limited to, role and responsibility of school security officers, school-
    13  related laws and liability, security awareness in the educational  envi-
    14  ronment, youth mediation/conflict resolution, disasters and emergencies,
    15  dynamics   of  student  behavior  and  cultural  awareness,  restorative
    16  justice, crisis prevention, and the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA).
    17    2. The specialized training program shall be implemented and  enforced
    18  by  the department, in consultation with the department of education and
    19  the department of criminal justice services, the  division  of  homeland
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 5903--B                          2
     1  security, state police and local law enforcement.  Such training program
     2  shall be standardized and approved statewide.
     3    3.  The secretary shall, in consultation with the department of educa-
     4  tion and the security guard advisory council, adopt  rules   and   regu-
     5  lations  implementing    the  provisions of this section. Such rules and
     6  regulations shall include, but not be limited to:
     7    (a) requirements of the specialized  certification and school-specific
     8  training program;
     9    (b) criteria determining if prior training and experience may be  used
    10  to satisfy the training requirements of such specialized certification;
    11    (c)  the  period  of  time  after  this section becomes a law when the
    12  program shall be implemented; and
    13    (d) upon implementation of  the  certification  program,  determine  a
    14  period  of  time  not  to  exceed one year that individuals will have to
    15  obtain such certificate to continue serving as a school security guard.
    16    4. Nothing in this section shall supersede the language of any collec-
    17  tively bargained agreement subject to  article  fourteen  of  the  civil
    18  service  law.  Any  costs  associated  with this training, or leave time
    19  required, shall be subject to a collectively bargained  agreement  under
    20  article fourteen of the civil service law.
    21    §  3.  Paragraphs (c) and (d) of subdivision 1 of section 841-b of the
    22  executive law, as added by chapter 336 of the laws of 1992, are  amended
    23  and a new paragraph (e) is added to read as follows:
    24    (c)  minimum qualifications for instructors at approved security guard
    25  training schools and training programs; [and]
    26    (d) the subject matter of all  training  requirements  which  security
    27  guards  and  security guard applicants must complete before being regis-
    28  tered as unarmed and armed security guards[.]; and
    29    (e) the training requirements for the school-specific training program
    30  described in section eighty-nine-x of the general business law.
    31    § 4. Subdivision 7 of section 841 of the executive law, as amended  by
    32  section  6  of  part  Q of chapter 56 of the laws of 2009, is amended to
    33  read as follows:
    34    7. Consult with and cooperate with other departments and  agencies  of
    35  the  state  concerned  with  police officer, school security guards, and
    36  peace officer training;
    37    § 5. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    38  it shall have become a law.  Effective immediately, the addition, amend-
    39  ment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implemen-
    40  tation of this act on its effective date are authorized to be  made  and
    41  completed on or before such effective date.
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