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A06446 Summary:

COSPNSRKelles, Lunsford, Reyes, Jacobson, Curran, Ramos, McDonald
Amd §206, Pub Health L; amd §§305, 923 & 3624, Ed L; amd §§1203-a, 1203-h, 375, 509-d, 509-k & 1229-c, V & T L; amd §517, Judy L
Makes conforming changes reflecting the previously authorized scope of practice of nurse practitioners; adds nurse practitioners as persons who can authorize or make certain determinations authorized to be made or determined by physicians.
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A06446 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     April 11, 2023
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  PAULIN,  KELLES,  LUNSFORD, REYES, JACOBSON,
          CURRAN, RAMOS, McDONALD -- read once and referred to the Committee  on
          Higher  Education  -- recommitted to the Committee on Higher Education
          in accordance with Assembly Rule 3, sec. 2  --  committee  discharged,
          bill  amended,  ordered  reprinted  as amended and recommitted to said
          committee -- again  reported  from  said  committee  with  amendments,
          ordered  reprinted  as  amended  and  recommitted to said committee --
          committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as  amended  and
          recommitted to said committee
        AN  ACT  to  amend the public health law, the education law, the vehicle
          and traffic law, and the judiciary law, in relation to making conform-
          ing changes reflecting the previously authorized scope of practice  of
          nurse practitioners
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Subdivisions 28 and 31 of section 206 of the public  health
     2  law,  subdivision  28  as  added  by chapter 496 of the laws of 2011 and
     3  subdivision 31 as added by chapter 500 of the laws of 2021, are  amended
     4  to read as follows:
     5    28.  The  commissioner  shall  assist the commissioner of education in
     6  developing rules and regulations, relating to  pupils  who  suffer  mild
     7  traumatic  brain  injuries  and  the  physicians and nurse practitioners
     8  authorized to evaluate  such  pupils,  in  accordance  with  subdivision
     9  forty-two  of  section  three  hundred  five  of  the education law, and
    10  provide for the posting on the department's  internet  website  of  such
    11  information as shall be required pursuant to such subdivision.
    12    31.  The  commissioner  shall develop information, in conjunction with
    13  the commissioner of education related to students who exhibit  signs  or
    14  symptoms  of  pending  or  increased risk of sudden cardiac arrest. Such
    15  information shall include, but not be  limited  to,  the  definition  of
    16  sudden  cardiac arrest, signs and symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest, and
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 6446--B                          2
     1  information for the physicians and  nurse  practitioners  authorized  to
     2  evaluate  whether a student may resume athletic activity.  Such informa-
     3  tion shall be posted on the department's website.
     4    §  2.   Subparagraph (iii) of paragraph a of subdivision 42 of section
     5  305 of the education law, as added by chapter 496 of the laws  of  2011,
     6  is amended to read as follows:
     7    (iii)  requiring the immediate removal from athletic activities of any
     8  pupil believed to have sustained or who has sustained a  mild  traumatic
     9  brain injury. In the event that there is any doubt as to whether a pupil
    10  has  sustained  a concussion, it shall be presumed that [he or she] such
    11  pupil has been so injured until proven otherwise. No  such  pupil  shall
    12  resume  athletic  activity  until [he or she] such pupil shall have been
    13  symptom free for not less than twenty-four hours, and has been evaluated
    14  by and received written and signed authorization from a licensed  physi-
    15  cian  or  a  certified nurse practitioner.   Such authorization shall be
    16  kept on file in the pupil's permanent health record.  Furthermore,  such
    17  rules  and  regulations  shall  provide  guidelines  for limitations and
    18  restrictions on school attendance and activities  for  pupils  who  have
    19  sustained  mild traumatic brain injuries, consistent with the directives
    20  of the pupil's treating physician or a nurse practitioner.
    21    § 3. Subdivision b of section 923 of the education law,  as  added  by
    22  chapter 500 of the laws of 2021, is amended to read as follows:
    23    b.  The  commissioner shall promulgate rules and regulations requiring
    24  that any student displaying signs or symptoms of  pending  or  increased
    25  risk of sudden cardiac arrest shall be immediately removed from athletic
    26  activities and shall not resume athletic activity until [he or she] such
    27  student  has  been evaluated by and received written and signed authori-
    28  zation from a licensed physician  or  a  certified  nurse  practitioner.
    29  Such authorization shall be kept on file in the pupil's permanent health
    30  record.
    31    §  4.  Section 3624 of the education law, as amended by chapter 529 of
    32  the laws of 2002, is amended to read as follows:
    33    § 3624. Drivers,  monitors  and  attendants.  The  commissioner  shall
    34  determine and define the qualifications of drivers, monitors and attend-
    35  ants and shall make the rules and regulations governing the operation of
    36  all transportation facilities used by pupils which rules and regulations
    37  shall  include,  but  not  be  limited to, a maximum speed of fifty-five
    38  miles per hour for school vehicles engaged in pupil transportation  that
    39  are operated on roads, interstates or other highways, parkways or bridg-
    40  es  or  portions  thereof  that  have  posted  speed limits in excess of
    41  fifty-five miles per hour, prohibitions relating to smoking, eating  and
    42  drinking  and  any  and  all other acts or conduct which would otherwise
    43  impair the safe operation of such transportation facilities while  actu-
    44  ally  being  used  for  the  transport of pupils. The employment of each
    45  driver, monitor and attendant shall be  approved  by  the  chief  school
    46  administrator  of  a school district for each school bus operated within
    47  [his or her] such chief school administrator's district. For the purpose
    48  of determining [his or her] such driver, monitor and  attendant's  phys-
    49  ical  fitness,  each  driver,  monitor  and attendant may be examined on
    50  order of the chief school administrator by a duly licensed physician  or
    51  nurse practitioner within two weeks prior to the beginning of service in
    52  each  school  year  as  a  school  bus driver, monitor or attendant. The
    53  report of the physician or certified  nurse  practitioner,  in  writing,
    54  shall be considered by the chief school administrator in determining the
    55  fitness  of the driver to operate or continue to operate any transporta-
    56  tion facilities used by pupils and in determining  the  fitness  of  any

        A. 6446--B                          3
     1  monitor  or  attendant to carry out [his or her] such monitor or attend-
     2  ant's functions on  such  transportation  facilities.  Nothing  in  this
     3  section  shall  prohibit a school district from imposing a more restric-
     4  tive  speed limit policy for the operation of school vehicles engaged in
     5  pupil transportation than the speed  limit  policy  established  by  the
     6  commissioner.
     7    §  5.  Paragraph  (i)  of  subdivision  1 and subdivision 3 of section
     8  1203-a of the vehicle and traffic law, paragraph (i) of subdivision 1 as
     9  amended by chapter 205 of the laws of 2024 and subdivision 3 as  amended
    10  by chapter 220 of the laws of 1984, are amended to read as follows:
    11    (i)  any resident of New York state who is a severely disabled person,
    12  as defined in subdivision four of section four hundred  four-a  of  this
    13  chapter,  upon  application  of  such  person or such person's parent or
    14  guardian, provided, however, that an issuing agent shall  issue  permits
    15  only  to  residents  of  the city, town or village in which such issuing
    16  agent is located, except that, an issuing agent,  in  their  discretion,
    17  may  issue  a permit to a severely disabled person who is not a resident
    18  of the city, town, or village in which such  issuing  agent  is  located
    19  where  such  person  resides  in  a  city, town, or village in which the
    20  governing body has not appointed an issuing agent; and an issuing agent,
    21  in their discretion, may issue a temporary special  vehicle  identifica-
    22  tion parking permit, as authorized by subdivision three of this section,
    23  to  a person who is temporarily unable to ambulate without the aid of an
    24  assisting device, as certified by [a physician] any  healthcare  practi-
    25  tioner  authorized  to  certify  that an individual is severely disabled
    26  pursuant to subdivision four of section  four  hundred  four-a  of  this
    27  chapter,  who  resides  in a city, town, or village in which the issuing
    28  agent does not issue temporary special  vehicle  identification  parking
    29  permits,  or who is not a resident of the United States and is temporar-
    30  ily visiting the state; or
    31    3. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary,  any
    32  municipality  may issue a temporary special vehicle identification park-
    33  ing permit to any person who is temporarily unable to  ambulate  without
    34  the  aid  of  an  assisting  device,  as  certified by [a physician] any
    35  healthcare practitioner authorized to  certify  that  an  individual  is
    36  severely  disabled  pursuant to subdivision four of section four hundred
    37  four-a of this chapter.  Such temporary special  vehicle  identification
    38  parking  permit shall be valid for not more than six months and shall be
    39  recognized statewide.
    40    § 6. Paragraph (d) of subdivision 3 of section 1203-h of  the  vehicle
    41  and traffic law, as added by chapter 243 of the laws of 2007, is amended
    42  to read as follows:
    43    (d)  are  severely disabled persons, as defined in subdivision four of
    44  section four hundred four-a of this chapter, whose severe disability, as
    45  certified by [a licensed physician] any healthcare practitioner  author-
    46  ized to certify that an individual is severely disabled pursuant to that
    47  subdivision, limits one or more of the following:
    48    (i) fine motor control in both hands;
    49    (ii) ability to reach or access a parking meter due to use of a wheel-
    50  chair or other ambulatory device; or
    51    (iii)  ability  to  reach a height of forty-two inches from the ground
    52  due to the lack of finger, hand or upper extremity strength or mobility.
    53    § 7. Paragraph (c) of subdivision 12-a of section 375 of  the  vehicle
    54  and  traffic  law,  as  amended  by  chapter 135 of the laws of 1994, is
    55  amended to read as follows:

        A. 6446--B                          4
     1    (c) Any person required for medical reasons to be  shielded  from  the
     2  direct  rays  of  the  sun  and/or  any person operating a motor vehicle
     3  belonging to such person or in which such person is an habitual  passen-
     4  ger  shall be exempt from the provisions of subparagraphs one and two of
     5  paragraph  (b) of this subdivision provided the commissioner has granted
     6  an exemption and notice of such exemption is affixed to the  vehicle  as
     7  directed  by  the  commissioner.  The  applicant for such exemption must
     8  provide a physician's or nurse practitioner's statement with the  reason
     9  for the exemption, the name of the individual with a medically necessary
    10  condition  operating  or transported in the vehicle, the specific condi-
    11  tion involved, and the minimum level of light transmission required. The
    12  commissioner shall only authorize exemptions where the medical condition
    13  certified by the physician or nurse practitioner is contained on a  list
    14  of medical conditions prepared by the commissioner of health pursuant to
    15  subdivision sixteen of section two hundred six of the public health law.
    16  If  such  [such]  exemption  is  granted,  the commissioner shall make a
    17  record thereof and shall distribute a sufficiently noticeable sticker to
    18  the applicant to be attached to any window so shielded or altered pursu-
    19  ant to such exemption.
    20    § 8. Paragraph (iii) of subdivision 3 of section 509-d of the  vehicle
    21  and traffic law, as added by chapter 675 of the laws of 1985, is amended
    22  to read as follows:
    23    (iii) the initial qualifying medical examination form and the biennial
    24  medical  examination  form completed by the carrier's physician or nurse
    25  practitioner;
    26    § 9. Section 509-k of the vehicle and traffic law, as added by chapter
    27  1050 of the laws of 1974, is amended to read as follows:
    28    § 509-k. Ill or fatigued operator. No driver shall operate a bus and a
    29  motor carrier shall not permit a driver to operate a bus while the driv-
    30  er's ability or alertness  is  so  impaired,  or  so  likely  to  become
    31  impaired,  through  fatigue,  illness  or any other cause, as to make it
    32  unsafe for [him] such driver to begin or continue to operate the bus. At
    33  the request of the driver or the motor carrier such illness, fatigue, or
    34  other cause shall be certified by a qualified physician or nurse practi-
    35  tioner.  However, in a case of grave emergency where the hazard to occu-
    36  pants of the bus or other users of the highway  would  be  increased  by
    37  compliance with this section, the driver may continue to operate the bus
    38  to the nearest place at which that hazard is removed.
    39    §  10. Subdivision 7 of section 1229-c of the vehicle and traffic law,
    40  as added by chapter 365 of the laws of  1984,  is  amended  to  read  as
    41  follows:
    42    7.  The  provisions  of this section shall not apply to a passenger or
    43  operator with a physically disabling condition whose physical disability
    44  would prevent appropriate restraint in such safety seat or  safety  belt
    45  provided,  however,  such  condition is duly certified by a physician or
    46  nurse practitioner who shall state the nature of the handicap,  as  well
    47  as the reason such restraint is inappropriate.
    48    §  11.  Paragraph 1 of subdivision (a) of section 517 of the judiciary
    49  law, as amended by chapter 380 of the laws of 2019, is amended  to  read
    50  as follows:
    51    (1) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph two of this subdivision,
    52  the  commissioner  of  jurors  may,  in [his or her] such commissioner's
    53  discretion, on the application of  a  prospective  juror  who  has  been
    54  summoned  to  attend,  excuse  such prospective juror from a part or the
    55  whole of the time of jury service or  may  postpone  the  time  of  jury
    56  service  to  a  later  day during the same or any subsequent term of the

        A. 6446--B                          5
     1  court, provided that if the prospective juror is a breastfeeding  mother
     2  and  submits with her application a note from a physician or nurse prac-
     3  titioner indicating that the prospective  juror  is  breastfeeding,  the
     4  commissioner  shall excuse the prospective juror or postpone the time of
     5  jury service. The application shall be presented to the commissioner  at
     6  such  time  and  in  such  manner as [he or she] such commissioner shall
     7  require, except that an application for postponement of the initial date
     8  for jury service may be made by telephone.
     9    § 12. The amendments to the public health law, education law,  vehicle
    10  and  traffic  law,  and judiciary law enacted by this act shall  not  be
    11  construed to expand or contract the scope of practice of any health care
    12  professional under title 8 of the education law.
    13    § 13. This act shall take effect on the sixtieth day  after  it  shall
    14  have become a law.
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