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A06889 Summary:

COSPNSRWallace, Kim, Steck, Hevesi, Simon, Zebrowski, Simone, Dinowitz, Burgos
Amd §§7502, 7503 & 7506, add §§7513-a, 7513-b & 7517, CPLR
Amends provisions of law governing arbitration proceedings; specifies fees and expenses with regard to employment or consumer arbitration proceedings; directs certain sanctions on a party which breaches an arbitration agreement.
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A06889 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                       May 8, 2023
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  LAVINE,  WALLACE, KIM, STECK, HEVESI, SIMON,
          ZEBROWSKI, SIMONE, DINOWITZ, BURGOS -- read once and referred  to  the
          Committee on Judiciary -- recommitted to the Committee on Judiciary in
          accordance  with Assembly Rule 3, sec. 2 -- committee discharged, bill
          amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said  commit-
        AN  ACT  to amend the civil practice law and rules, in relation to arbi-
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Subdivision (a) of section 7502 of the civil practice law
     2  and rules is amended by adding a new paragraph (v) to read as follows:
     3    (v) If there are multiple parties seeking arbitration against the same
     4  party or parties, the proceeding may be brought in any court and  county
     5  where  any  of the parties seeking arbitration resides or is doing busi-
     6  ness or where the arbitration was held or is pending.
     7    § 2. Subdivision (c) of section 7503 of the  civil  practice  law  and
     8  rules,  as  amended  by  chapter 1028 of the laws of 1973, is amended to
     9  read as follows:
    10    (c) Notice of intention to arbitrate. A party may serve  upon  another
    11  party  a  demand  for arbitration or a notice of intention to arbitrate,
    12  specifying the agreement pursuant to which arbitration is sought and the
    13  name and address of the party serving the notice, or of  an  officer  or
    14  agent  thereof if such party is an association or corporation, and stat-
    15  ing that unless the party served applies to stay the arbitration  within
    16  twenty  days  after  such  service  [he]  such party shall thereafter be
    17  precluded from objecting that a valid agreement was not made or has  not
    18  been  complied  with and from asserting in court the bar of a limitation
    19  of time. Such notice or demand shall be served in the same manner  as  a
    20  summons or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. An
    21  application  to stay arbitration must be made by the party served within
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 6889--A                          2
     1  twenty days after service upon [him] such party of the notice or demand,
     2  or [he] such party shall be so precluded.   Notice of  such  application
     3  shall  be  served  in  the  same manner as a summons or by registered or
     4  certified  mail,  return receipt requested.   Service of the application
     5  may be made upon the adverse party, or upon [his] such party's  attorney
     6  if  the  attorney's  name  appears  on the demand for arbitration or the
     7  notice of intention to arbitrate. Service of  the  application  by  mail
     8  shall  be  timely  if  such  application is posted within the prescribed
     9  period. Any provision in an arbitration agreement or  arbitration  rules
    10  which  waives the right to apply for a stay of arbitration or prescribes
    11  a manner of notifying a party of an intention  to  commence  arbitration
    12  that  is  more  burdensome than that described in this section is hereby
    13  declared null and void.
    14    § 3. Subdivision (d) of section 7506 of the  civil  practice  law  and
    15  rules is amended to read as follows:
    16    (d)  Representation  by  attorney. A party has the right to be repres-
    17  ented by an attorney and may claim such right at any time as to any part
    18  of the arbitration or hearings which have not taken  place.  This  right
    19  may  not  be waived. If a party is represented by an attorney, papers to
    20  be served on the party shall be served upon [his] such party's attorney.
    21  Any agreement which discriminates  against  or  penalizes  a  party  for
    22  retaining the services of counsel in an arbitration is null and void.
    23    §  4.  The civil practice law and rules is amended by adding three new
    24  sections 7513-a, 7513-b and 7517 to read as follows:
    25    § 7513-a. Fees and expenses of arbitration initiation. (a) (i)  In  an
    26  employment  or  consumer  arbitration,  except  an arbitration agreement
    27  included in  the  terms  of  a  collective  bargaining  agreement,  that
    28  requires,  either  expressly  or through application of state or federal
    29  law or the rules of the arbitration provider, that  the  drafting  party
    30  shall  pay certain fees and costs before the arbitration can proceed, if
    31  the fees or costs to initiate an arbitration  proceeding  are  not  paid
    32  within thirty days after the due date, the drafting party is in material
    33  breach  of  the arbitration agreement, is in default of the arbitration,
    34  and waives its right to compel arbitration.
    35    (ii) After an employee  or  consumer  meets  the  filing  requirements
    36  necessary  to  initiate  an  arbitration, the arbitration provider shall
    37  immediately provide an invoice for any fees and  costs  required  before
    38  the  arbitration  can  proceed to all of the parties to the arbitration.
    39  The invoice shall be provided in its  entirety,  shall  state  the  full
    40  amount  owed  and the date that payment is due, and shall be sent to all
    41  parties by the same means on the same day. To  avoid  delay,  absent  an
    42  express  provision  in  the  arbitration agreement stating the number of
    43  days in which the parties to the arbitration must pay any required  fees
    44  or  costs,  the  arbitration  provider  shall  issue all invoices to the
    45  parties as due upon receipt.
    46    (b) If the drafting party materially breaches the  arbitration  agree-
    47  ment  and  is  in  default  under  subdivision  (a) of this section, the
    48  employee or consumer may do either of the following:
    49    (i) withdraw the claim from arbitration and  proceed  in  a  court  of
    50  appropriate jurisdiction; or
    51    (ii)  compel arbitration in which the drafting party shall pay reason-
    52  able attorneys' fees and costs related to the arbitration.
    53    (c) If the employee or consumer withdraws the claim  from  arbitration
    54  and  proceeds  with an action in a court of competent jurisdiction under
    55  paragraph (i) of subdivision (b) of this section, the statute of limita-
    56  tions with regard to all claims brought or that relate back to any claim

        A. 6889--A                          3
     1  brought in arbitration shall be tolled as  of  the  date  of  the  first
     2  filing of a claim in a court, arbitration forum, or other dispute resol-
     3  ution forum.
     4    (d)  If the employee or consumer proceeds with an action in a court of
     5  competent jurisdiction, the court shall impose sanctions on the drafting
     6  party in accordance with this chapter.
     7    § 7513-b. Fees and expenses of arbitration continuance. (a) (i) In  an
     8  employment  or  consumer  arbitration,  except  an arbitration agreement
     9  included in  the  terms  of  a  collective  bargaining  agreement,  that
    10  requires,  either  expressly  or through application of state or federal
    11  law or the rules of the arbitration provider, that  the  drafting  party
    12  shall  pay  certain fees and costs during the pendency of an arbitration
    13  proceeding, if the fees or costs required to  continue  the  arbitration
    14  proceeding  are  not  paid  within  thirty  days after the due date, the
    15  drafting party is in material breach of the arbitration agreement, is in
    16  default of the arbitration, and waives its right to compel the  employee
    17  or consumer to proceed with that arbitration as a result of the material
    18  breach.
    19    (ii)  The  arbitration  provider shall provide an invoice for any fees
    20  and costs required for the arbitration proceeding to continue to all  of
    21  the  parties  to  the  arbitration. The invoice shall be provided in its
    22  entirety, shall state the full amount owed and the date that payment  is
    23  due, and shall be sent to all parties by the same means on the same day.
    24  To avoid delay, absent an express provision in the arbitration agreement
    25  stating  the number of days in which the parties to the arbitration must
    26  pay any required fees or costs, the arbitration provider shall issue all
    27  invoices to the parties as due upon receipt. Any extension of  time  for
    28  the due date shall be agreed upon by all parties.
    29    (b)  If  the drafting party materially breaches the arbitration agree-
    30  ment and is in default  under  subdivision  (a)  of  this  section,  the
    31  employee or consumer may unilaterally elect to do any of the following:
    32    (i)  withdraw  the  claim  from  arbitration and proceed in a court of
    33  appropriate jurisdiction. If the  employee  or  consumer  withdraws  the
    34  claim  from arbitration and proceeds with an action in a court of appro-
    35  priate jurisdiction, the statute  of  limitations  with  regard  to  all
    36  claims  brought  or that relate back to any claim brought in arbitration
    37  shall be tolled as of the date of the first filing of  a  claim  in  any
    38  court, arbitration forum, or other dispute resolution forum;
    39    (ii)  continue the arbitration proceeding, if the arbitration provider
    40  agrees to continue administering  the  proceeding,  notwithstanding  the
    41  drafting party's failure to pay fees or costs. The neutral arbitrator or
    42  arbitration provider may institute a collection action at the conclusion
    43  of  the  arbitration  proceeding  against  the drafting party that is in
    44  default of the arbitration for payment of all fees associated  with  the
    45  employment  or  consumer  arbitration  proceeding, including the cost of
    46  administering any proceedings after the default;
    47    (iii) petition the court for an order compelling the drafting party to
    48  pay all arbitration fees that the drafting party  is  obligated  to  pay
    49  under  the arbitration agreement or the rules of the arbitration provid-
    50  er; or
    51    (iv) pay the drafting party's fees and proceed  with  the  arbitration
    52  proceeding. As part of the award, the employee or consumer shall recover
    53  all arbitration fees paid on behalf of the drafting party without regard
    54  to any findings on the merits in the underlying arbitration.
    55    (c)  If  the employee or consumer withdraws the claim from arbitration
    56  and proceeds in a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to  paragraph

        A. 6889--A                          4
     1  (i)  of  subdivision  (b)  of  this section, both of the following shall
     2  apply:
     3    (i) the employee or consumer may bring a motion, or a separate action,
     4  to  recover  all attorneys' fees and all costs associated with the aban-
     5  doned arbitration proceeding. The recovery of arbitration  fees,  inter-
     6  est, and related attorneys' fees shall be without regard to any findings
     7  on the merits in the underlying action or arbitration; and
     8    (ii) the court shall impose sanctions on the drafting party in accord-
     9  ance with this chapter.
    10    (d)  If  the employee or consumer continues in arbitration pursuant to
    11  paragraph (ii), (iii) or (iv) of subdivision (b) of  this  section,  the
    12  arbitrator  shall  impose  appropriate  sanctions on the drafting party,
    13  including monetary sanctions, issue sanctions,  evidence  sanctions,  or
    14  terminating sanctions.
    15    §  7517.  Breach  of  arbitration  agreement; sanctions. (a) The court
    16  shall impose a monetary sanction against a  drafting  party  that  mate-
    17  rially  breaches  an arbitration agreement, except an arbitration agree-
    18  ment included in the terms of  a  collective  bargaining  agreement,  by
    19  ordering  the  drafting  party to pay the reasonable expenses, including
    20  attorneys' fees and costs, incurred by the employee  or  consumer  as  a
    21  result of the material breach.
    22    (b)  In addition to the monetary sanction described in subdivision (a)
    23  of this section, the court may order  any  of  the  following  sanctions
    24  against  a drafting party that materially breaches an arbitration agree-
    25  ment, unless the court finds that the  party  subject  to  the  sanction
    26  acted  with  substantial  justification or that other circumstances make
    27  the imposition of the sanction unjust:
    28    (i) an evidence sanction by an order prohibiting  the  drafting  party
    29  from conducting discovery in the civil action;
    30    (ii) a terminating sanction by one of the following orders:
    31    (1)  an  order striking out the pleadings or parts of the pleadings of
    32  the drafting party; or
    33    (2) an order rendering a judgment  by  default  against  the  drafting
    34  party; or
    35    (iii)  a  contempt sanction by an order treating the drafting party as
    36  in contempt of court.
    37    § 5. This act shall take effect immediately.
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