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A00069 Summary:

COSPNSRSteck, Kelles, Hevesi, Epstein, Burdick, Levenberg, Cunningham, Woerner, Kim, O'Pharrow, Griffin, Schiavoni, McDonald, Reyes, Seawright, Forrest, Meeks, Burroughs
Amd §97-aaaaa, St Fin L; amd Part NN §5, Chap 57 of 2018
Enacts the overdose prevention and recovery act; directs that at least twenty percent of funds from the opioid stewardship fund shall be invested in recovery services and supports; requires an annual report to the legislature regarding funds distributed from the opioid stewardship fund; makes the opioid stewardship fund permanent.
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A00069 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     January 8, 2025
        Introduced by M. of A. GONZALEZ-ROJAS, STECK, KELLES, HEVESI, EPSTEIN --
          read once and referred to the Committee on Health
        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  state  finance  law,  in relation to the opioid
          stewardship fund; and to amend part NN of chapter 57 of  the  laws  of
          2018,  amending the public health law and the state finance law relat-
          ing to enacting the opioid stewardship act, in relation to the  effec-
          tiveness thereof
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Short title. This act shall be known and may  be  cited  as
     2  the "overdose prevention and recovery act".
     3    §  2.  Subdivisions  4  and 5 of section 97-aaaaa of the state finance
     4  law, as added by section 3 of part NN of chapter 57 of the laws of 2018,
     5  are amended and a new subdivision 8 is added to read as follows:
     6    4. Moneys of the opioid stewardship fund,  when  allocated,  shall  be
     7  available,  subject  to  the  approval of the director of the budget, to
     8  support programs operated by the New York state office  of  [alcoholism]
     9  addiction  services  and  [substance  abuse  services]  supports  or the
    10  department of health or  agencies  certified,  authorized,  approved  or
    11  otherwise  funded by the New York state office of [alcoholism] addiction
    12  services and [substance abuse services] supports or  the  department  of
    13  health  to  provide opioid treatment, recovery and prevention and educa-
    14  tion services; and to provide support for  the  prescription  monitoring
    15  program registry as established pursuant to section thirty-three hundred
    16  forty-three-a of the public health law, provided, however, that at least
    17  twenty  percent  of  funds  shall  be  invested in recovery services and
    18  supports and at least twenty percent of funds shall be allocated to  the
    19  department  of  health  to be used for harm reduction services including
    20  but not limited to syringe service programs and drug user  health  hubs.
    21  Provided,  further,  that moneys of the fund shall be used to supplement
    22  and not supplant or replace any other funds, including federal or  state
    23  funding,  which  would  otherwise  have  been expended for substance use
    24  disorder prevention, treatment, recovery or harm reduction  services  or
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 69                               2

     1  programs,  and  general operation funds or baseline funding shall not be
     2  reduced due to monies expended from the fund.
     3    5.  At the request of the budget director, the state comptroller shall
     4  transfer moneys to support the  costs  of  opioid  treatment,  recovery,
     5  prevention,  education  services,  harm  reduction  services,  and other
     6  related programs, from the opioid stewardship fund to any other fund  of
     7  the state to support this purpose.
     8    8.  (a)  On  or before November first of each year, beginning one year
     9  after the effective date of this subdivision, the  commissioner  of  the
    10  office  of  addiction  services  and  supports  in  conjunction with the
    11  commissioner of health shall provide a written report to  the  governor,
    12  temporary president of the senate, speaker of the assembly, chair of the
    13  senate  finance  committee, chair of the assembly ways and means commit-
    14  tee, chair of the senate alcoholism and substance use disorders  commit-
    15  tee, and chair of the assembly alcoholism and drug abuse committee.
    16    (b)  Such report shall be presented as a consolidated dashboard and be
    17  made  publicly  available  on  the  office  of  addiction  services  and
    18  supports' and the department of health's websites. Such report shall, to
    19  the  extent practicable after making all diligent efforts to obtain such
    20  information, include the following:
    21    (i) the baseline funding for any entity that receives funding from the
    22  opioid stewardship fund, prior to the receipt of such funds; and
    23    (ii) how funds deposited in the  opioid  stewardship  fund  have  been
    24  utilized in the preceding calendar year, including but not limited to:
    25    (A)  the amount of money disbursed from the fund and the award process
    26  used for such disbursement, if applicable;
    27    (B) the names of the recipients, the amounts awarded to such recipient
    28  and details about the purpose such funds  were  awarded  for,  including
    29  what  specific  services  and  programs  the funds were used on and what
    30  populations such services or programs served;
    31    (C) the main criteria utilized to determine the award,  including  how
    32  the  program  or  service assists to reduce the effects of substance use
    33  disorders;
    34    (D) an analysis of the effectiveness of the services  and/or  programs
    35  that  received opioid stewardship funding in their efforts to reduce the
    36  effects of the overdose and substance use disorder epidemic. Such analy-
    37  sis shall utilize evidence-based  uniform  metrics  when  reviewing  the
    38  effects  the  service  and/or program had on prevention, harm reduction,
    39  treatment, and recovery advancements;
    40    (E) any relevant information provided by any state agency; and
    41    (F) any other information the commissioner  deems  necessary  to  help
    42  inform  future  appropriations  and  funding  decisions, and ensure such
    43  funding is not being used to supplant local, state, or federal funding.
    44    § 3. Section 5 of part NN of chapter 57 of the laws of 2018,  amending
    45  the public health law and the state finance law relating to enacting the
    46  opioid  stewardship act, as amended by section 7 of part B of chapter 57
    47  of the laws of 2024, is amended to read as follows:
    48    § 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 2018 [and shall expire and  be
    49  deemed  to be repealed on June 30, 2029], provided that, effective imme-
    50  diately, the addition, amendment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation
    51  necessary for the implementation of this act on its effective  date  are
    52  authorized  to  be  made and completed on or before such effective date,
    53  and, provided that this act shall only apply to the sale or distribution
    54  of opioids in the state of New York on or before December 31, 2018.
    55    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.
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