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A07114 Summary:

COSPNSRLucas, Burgos, Woerner, Conrad, Zaccaro, Rozic, McDonald, Clark, Giglio JM, Angelino, Shimsky, Lupardo, Manktelow, Hawley, Palmesano, Rivera, Lunsford, Hyndman, Wallace
Amd §19-0327, En Con L
Relates to bioheating fuel requirements; allows B100 or B99 biofuel and R100 or R99 renewable fuel to be used to blend with or replace fossil heating oil in order to create bioheating fuel.
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A07114 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      May 11, 2023
        Introduced by M. of A. JONES, LUCAS, BURGOS -- read once and referred to
          the  Committee  on Environmental Conservation -- committee discharged,
          bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended  and  recommitted  to  said
          committee  --  again  reported  from  said  committee with amendments,
          ordered reprinted as amended and  recommitted  to  said  committee  --
          recommitted  to the Committee on Environmental Conservation in accord-
          ance with Assembly Rule  3,  sec.  2  --  committee  discharged,  bill
          amended,  ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said commit-
        AN ACT to amend the  environmental  conservation  law,  in  relation  to
          bioheating fuel requirements
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Section 19-0327 of the environmental conservation  law,  as
     2  amended by chapter 750 of the laws of 2021, paragraph (b) of subdivision
     3  1  and  subdivision  9  as  amended by chapter 5 of the laws of 2022, is
     4  amended to read as follows:
     5  § 19-0327. Bioheating fuel requirements.
     6    (1) Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following  terms
     7  shall have the following meanings:
     8    (a)  ["Biodiesel"] "Biofuel" shall mean a fuel, designated one hundred
     9  percent B100 or a blend of ninety-nine percent B99 biodiesel by  volume,
    10  that  meets  the  requirements  of  the ASTM international specification
    11  D6751 or the requirements of the ASTM international specification  D975;
    12  provided,  however, that biofuel shall include R100 or R99 produced from
    13  hydroprocessing renewable biomass feedstocks.
    14    (b) "Renewable Hydrocarbon Diesel" shall mean a  [North  American-pro-
    15  duced]  fuel derived from vegetable oils, animal fats, and other renewa-
    16  ble feedstocks that meet the requirements of ASTM international specifi-
    17  cation D975. Renewable hydrocarbon  shall  not  include  any  fuel  from
    18  co-processed biomass with a feedstock that is not biomass.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7114--C                          2
     1    (c)  "Bioheating  fuel"  shall  mean  a  fuel, designated B100 or B99,
     2  comprised of [biodiesel] biofuel blended with petroleum heating oil that
     3  meets the requirements of the ASTM international specification  D396,  a
     4  [fuel  comprised  of domestically-produced renewable hydrocarbon diesel]
     5  biofuel,  designated  R100  or R99 with petroleum heating oil that meets
     6  the specifications of ASTM international specification  D975,  or  other
     7  specifications as determined by the commissioner.
     8    (d)  "Heating oil" shall mean petroleum oil refined for the purpose of
     9  use as fuel for combustion in a space and/or water heating  system  that
    10  meets  the  requirements  of the [ATSM] ASTM international specification
    11  D396 or other specifications as determined by the commissioner.
    12    (e) "Feedstock" shall mean soybean oil, oil from annual  cover  crops,
    13  algal  oil, biogenic waste oils, fats or greases, or non-food grade corn
    14  oil, provided that the commissioner may, by rules and regulations, modi-
    15  fy the definition of feedstock based on the vegetable oils, animal  fats
    16  or cellulosic biomass listed in table 1 of 40 C.F.R. § 80.1426.
    17    (2)  On  and  after July first, two thousand eighteen, all heating oil
    18  sold for use in any building within the counties of Nassau, Suffolk  and
    19  Westchester shall be bioheating fuel that contains at least five percent
    20  [biodiesel] biofuel.
    21    (3)  On  or after July first, two thousand twenty-two, all heating oil
    22  sold for use in any building within the state shall be  bioheating  fuel
    23  that contains at least five percent [biodiesel] biofuel.
    24    (4)  On or after July first, two thousand twenty-five, all heating oil
    25  sold for use in any building within the state shall be  bioheating  fuel
    26  that contains at least ten percent [biodiesel] biofuel.
    27    (5)  On or after July first, two thousand thirty, all heating oil sold
    28  for use in any building within the state shall be bioheating  fuel  that
    29  contains at least twenty percent [biodiesel] biofuel.
    30    (6)  The  minimum content requirements of this section shall not apply
    31  to kerosene.
    32    (7) The governor may,  by  issuing  an  executive  order,  temporarily
    33  suspend  the  applicability  of  this  section  at any time based on the
    34  governor's determination, after consulting with the New York state ener-
    35  gy research and development authority and the department,  that  meeting
    36  the  requirement  of subdivision two of this section is not feasible due
    37  to lack of adequate supply of [biodiesel] biofuel or  that  meeting  the
    38  requirement would result in financial hardship to consumers.
    39    (8)  The requirements of this section shall not: (a) prohibit the sale
    40  and use of bioheating fuel with the same or any  greater  percentage  of
    41  [biodiesel] biofuel blended with heating oil, or the sale and use of one
    42  hundred  percent  [biodiesel]  biofuel,  for  space and/or water heating
    43  purposes in the state; and (b) preempt any laws of the city of New  York
    44  with respect to mandated percentage levels of [biodiesel] biofuel blends
    45  with  heating  oil  provided  that such laws require the same or greater
    46  percentage of [biodiesel] biofuel blended with heating oil  as  required
    47  by this section.
    48    (9) No bioheating fuel shall be sold to a customer that would void the
    49  manufacturer's  warranty  for  that  burner  or  boiler  type unless the
    50  [bioheat] bioheating fuel provider warranties in writing to the customer
    51  that the use of such bioheating fuel will be covered to the  extent  and
    52  time limits of the warranty then covering such burner or boiler.
    53    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
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