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A07537 Summary:

COSPNSRGallagher, Aubry, Jacobson, Steck, Burdick, Simon, Mitaynes, Epstein, Stirpe, Thiele, Mamdani, Forrest, Carroll, Rosenthal L, De Los Santos, Septimo, Reyes, Raga
Amd §2, add §§54, 77-a & 85-a, Pub Serv L
Prohibits utility corporations from imposing late fees, interest, or penalties during an investigation by the commission; allows retroactive late fees, interest, or penalties if a determination is made in favor of such utility corporation; prohibits utility services from being terminated during an investigation by the commission; requires utility corporations to notify customers of investigations; requires notice to the general public.
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A07537 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                      May 25, 2023
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  SHRESTHA, GALLAGHER, AUBRY, JACOBSON, STECK,
          once and referred to the Committee on  Corporations,  Authorities  and
          Commissions  -- recommitted to the Committee on Corporations, Authori-
          ties and Commissions in accordance with Assembly Rule  3,  sec.  2  --
          committee  discharged,  bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and
          recommitted to said committee  --  recommitted  to  the  Committee  on
          Corporations,  Authorities and Commissions in accordance with Assembly
          Rule  3,  sec.  2  --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended,  ordered
          reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee
        AN  ACT  to  amend the public service law, in relation to termination of
          certain utility services
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.   Short title. This act shall be known and may be cited as
     2  the "consumer utility protections  during  investigations  act"  or  the
     3  "CUPDI act".
     4    §  2.  Section  2 of the public service law is amended by adding a new
     5  subdivision 30 to read as follows:
     6    30. "Final determination" or "finally  determined"  means  a  judicial
     7  decision: (i) by the highest court of competent jurisdiction; or (ii) by
     8  a  court  of  competent jurisdiction from which no appeal has been taken
     9  and the time within which to appeal has expired.
    10    § 3. The public service law is amended by adding a new section  54  to
    11  read as follows:
    12    §  54.  Investigations relating to residential gas, electric and steam
    13  utility service. 1. For the purposes of this section, the term "investi-
    14  gation" shall mean a formal proceeding conducted by  the  commission  to
    15  examine  the  policies, practices, rates, charges, services, facilities,
    16  operations, or management of  a  utility  corporation  or  to  determine
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 7537--B                          2
     1  compliance  with  any law, rule, regulation, order, or tariff applicable
     2  to such utility corporation. The term "investigation" shall include such
     3  proceedings conducted pursuant to section seventy-one of  this  chapter.
     4  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the term "investigation" shall
     5  not  include  commission  inquiries  triggered by an individual customer
     6  complaint filed pursuant to section forty-three of this article.
     7    2. (a) A utility corporation shall not impose late fees,  interest  or
     8  penalties  during  an  investigation  if such utility corporation is the
     9  subject of a pending investigation, provided  however,  that  such  late
    10  fees, interest and penalties may be imposed retroactively if such inves-
    11  tigation  is  issued a final order in favor of such utility corporation.
    12  Such late payment charges shall be in compliance with the guidelines set
    13  forth in section forty-two of this article.
    14    (b) Upon the final determination or by the issuance of a final  order,
    15  of  any  investigation  covered  by  this  section, the commission shall
    16  either (i) determine any allowable penalties the utility corporation may
    17  impose upon its customers, or (ii) waive, or partially waive, any inter-
    18  est or fees charged by the utility corporation to the consumer  on  such
    19  consumer's  billing  statements during a period such utility corporation
    20  determines to be related to such investigation.
    21    3. Notwithstanding any law, rule, regulation, order, or tariff to  the
    22  contrary,  utility  service  shall  not  be  terminated  to  residential
    23  accounts for non-payment of an overdue charge from the  commencement  of
    24  any  commission  investigation  until  one hundred twenty days after the
    25  findings of such investigation have been published and  a  determination
    26  has been issued by the commission. Nothing in this section shall prohib-
    27  it a utility corporation from disconnecting service necessary to protect
    28  the health and safety of customers and the public.
    29    4.  (a)  Within  ten days of the commencement of an investigation, the
    30  utility corporation shall notify residential customers of such  investi-
    31  gation.  Forms of notification of an investigation from a utility corpo-
    32  ration to a residential customer shall include, but not be  limited  to,
    33  letters,  notices  on  utility bills, phone calls, and notices posted on
    34  the utility corporation's website.
    35    (b) Within three days of the commencement  of  an  investigation,  the
    36  department  shall  post  a notice to the general public of such investi-
    37  gation on its website.
    38    § 4. The public service law is amended by adding a new section 77-a to
    39  read as follows:
    40    § 77-a. Investigations relating to commercial gas and electric utility
    41  service. 1. For the purposes of this section, the  term  "investigation"
    42  shall  mean  a  formal proceeding conducted by the commission to examine
    43  the policies, practices, rates,  charges,  services,  facilities,  oper-
    44  ations,  or  management of a utility corporation or to determine compli-
    45  ance with any law, rule, regulation, order or tariff applicable to  such
    46  utility   corporation.  The  term  "investigation"  shall  include  such
    47  proceedings conducted pursuant to section seventy-one of  this  article.
    48  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the term "investigation" shall
    49  not  include  commission  inquiries  triggered by an individual customer
    50  complaint filed pursuant to section forty-three of this chapter.
    51    2. (a) A utility corporation shall not impose late fees,  interest  or
    52  penalties  during  an  investigation  if such utility corporation is the
    53  subject of a pending investigation, provided  however,  that  such  late
    54  fees, interest and penalties may be imposed retroactively if such inves-
    55  tigation  is  issued a final order in favor of such utility corporation.

        A. 7537--B                          3
     1  Such late payment charges shall be in compliance with the guidelines set
     2  forth in section sixty-five of this article.
     3    (b)  Upon the final determination or by the issuance of a final order,
     4  of any investigation covered  by  this  section,  the  commission  shall
     5  either (i) determine any allowable penalties the utility corporation may
     6  impose upon its customers, or (ii) waive, or partially waive, any inter-
     7  est  or fees charged by such utility corporation to the consumer on such
     8  consumer's billing statements during a period such  utility  corporation
     9  determines to be related to such investigation.
    10    3.  Notwithstanding any law, rule, regulation, order, or tariff to the
    11  contrary,  utility  service  shall  not  be  terminated  to  residential
    12  accounts  for  non-payment of an overdue charge from the commencement of
    13  any commission investigation until one hundred  twenty  days  after  the
    14  findings  of  such investigation have been published and a determination
    15  has been issued by the commission. Nothing in this section shall prohib-
    16  it a utility corporation from disconnecting service necessary to protect
    17  the health and safety of customers and the public.
    18    4. (a) Within ten days of the commencement of  an  investigation,  the
    19  utility  corporation shall notify residential customers of such investi-
    20  gation. Forms of notification of an investigation from a utility  corpo-
    21  ration  to  a residential customer shall include, but not be limited to,
    22  letters, notices on utility bills, phone calls, and  notices  posted  on
    23  the utility corporation's website.
    24    (b)  Within  three  days  of the commencement of an investigation, the
    25  department shall post a notice to the general public  of  such  investi-
    26  gation on its website.
    27    § 5. The public service law is amended by adding a new section 85-a to
    28  read as follows:
    29    §  85-a.  Investigations relating to commercial steam utility service.
    30  1.  For the purposes of this section,  the  term  "investigation"  shall
    31  mean  a  formal  proceeding  conducted  by the commission to examine the
    32  policies, practices, rates, charges, services,  facilities,  operations,
    33  or  management  of a utility corporation or to determine compliance with
    34  any law, rule, regulation, order or tariff applicable  to  such  utility
    35  corporation.  The  term  "investigation"  shall include such proceedings
    36  conducted pursuant to section seventy-one of  this  chapter.    Notwith-
    37  standing  anything  to  the contrary, the term "investigation" shall not
    38  include  commission  inquiries  triggered  by  an  individual   customer
    39  complaint filed pursuant to section forty-three of this chapter.
    40    2.  (a) A utility corporation shall not impose late fees, interest, or
    41  penalties during an investigation if such  utility  corporation  is  the
    42  subject  of  a  pending  investigation, provided however, that such late
    43  fees, interest and penalties may be imposed retroactively if such inves-
    44  tigation is issued a final order in favor of such  utility  corporation.
    45  Such  late  payment charges shall be in compliance with section seventy-
    46  nine of this article.
    47    (b) Upon the final determination or by the issuance of a final  order,
    48  of  any  investigation  covered  by  this  section, the commission shall
    49  either (i) determine any allowable penalties the utility corporation may
    50  impose upon its customers, or (ii) waive, or partially waive, any inter-
    51  est or fees charged by the utility corporation to the consumer  on  such
    52  consumer's  billing  statements during a period such utility corporation
    53  determines to be related to such investigation.
    54    3. Notwithstanding any law, rule, regulation, order, or tariff to  the
    55  contrary,  utility  service  shall  not  be  terminated  to  residential
    56  accounts for non-payment of an overdue charge from the  commencement  of

        A. 7537--B                          4
     1  any  commission  investigation  until  one hundred twenty days after the
     2  findings of such investigation have been published and  a  determination
     3  has been issued by the commission. Nothing in this section shall prohib-
     4  it a utility corporation from disconnecting service necessary to protect
     5  the health and safety of customers and the public.
     6    4.  (a)  Within  ten days of the commencement of an investigation, the
     7  utility corporation shall notify residential customers of such  investi-
     8  gation.  Forms of notification of an investigation from a utility corpo-
     9  ration to a residential customer shall include, but not be  limited  to,
    10  letters,  notices  on  utility bills, phone calls, and notices posted on
    11  the utility corporation's website.
    12    (b) Within three days of the commencement  of  an  investigation,  the
    13  department  shall  post  a notice to the general public of such investi-
    14  gation on its website.
    15    § 6. This act shall take effect on the thirtieth day  after  it  shall
    16  have become a law.
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