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A08192 Summary:

SPONSORRosenthal L
COSPNSRCarroll, Rivera J, Englebright, Zinerman, Gottfried, Lunsford
Amd 12 & 13, Dom Rel L
Permits the witnessing and solemnization of a marriage ceremony and the issuance of a marriage license application or marriage license to be performed utilizing audio-video technology provided certain conditions are met.
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A08192 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     August 25, 2021
        Introduced by M. of A. L. ROSENTHAL, CARROLL, J. RIVERA -- read once and
          referred to the Committee on Judiciary
        AN  ACT  to  amend the domestic relations law, in relation to permitting
          the witnessing and solemnization of a marriage ceremony and the  issu-
          ance  of  a  marriage  license  application  or marriage license to be
          performed utilizing audio-video technology
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.    Section  12 of the domestic relations law is amended to
     2  read as follows:
     3    § 12.  Marriage, how solemnized. 1. No particular form or ceremony  is
     4  required when a marriage is solemnized as herein provided by a clergyman
     5  or  magistrate, but the parties must solemnly declare in the presence of
     6  a clergyman or magistrate and the attending witness  or  witnesses  that
     7  they  take  each other as husband and wife.  In every case, at least one
     8  witness beside the clergyman or magistrate must be present at the  cere-
     9  mony.
    10    2.  The  witnessing or solemnizing of the ceremony is authorized to be
    11  performed utilizing audio-video technology provided that  the  following
    12  conditions are met:
    13    (a)  the  couple  seeking  the  marriage services, shall present valid
    14  photo identification to verify identity whenever required by law  during
    15  the video conference;
    16    (b)  the  video  conference shall allow for direct interaction between
    17  the couple and the witness or witnesses and the person  solemnizing  the
    18  marriage;
    19    (c)  the couple shall affirmatively represent that they are physically
    20  situated in the jurisdiction where the marriage is  legally  allowed  to
    21  occur within the state;
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 8192                             2
     1    (d)  the  couple  shall  transmit by fax or electronic means a legible
     2  copy of the signed marriage license directly to the witness or witnesses
     3  and the person solemnizing the marriage on the same date it was signed;
     4    (e)  the  witness or witnesses and the person solemnizing the marriage
     5  shall sign the transmitted copy of the marriage license and transmit the
     6  same back to the person responsible for the marriage license; and
     7    (f) to the extent  practicable,  all  parties  shall  use  their  best
     8  efforts to ensure the marriage license is transmitted in the most confi-
     9  dential  manner  and information will not be released to any third party
    10  not associated with the marriage license and marriage ceremony.
    11    3. The preceding provisions of this chapter, so far as they relate  to
    12  the  manner  of  solemnizing marriages, shall not affect marriages among
    13  the people called friends or quakers; nor marriages among the people  of
    14  any  other denominations having as such any particular mode of solemniz-
    15  ing marriages; but such marriages must be solemnized in the manner here-
    16  tofore used and practiced  in  their  respective  societies  or  denomi-
    17  nations,  and  marriages  so  solemnized  shall  be  as valid as if this
    18  article had not been enacted.
    19    § 2. Section 13 of the domestic relations law, as amended  by  chapter
    20  95 of the laws of 2011, is amended to read as follows:
    21    §  13.  Marriage  licenses.  1.  It shall be necessary for all persons
    22  intended to be married in New York state to obtain  a  marriage  license
    23  from a town or city clerk in New York state and to deliver said license,
    24  within  sixty  days,  to the clergyman or magistrate who is to officiate
    25  before the marriage ceremony may be performed. In  case  of  a  marriage
    26  contracted pursuant to subdivision four of section eleven of this [chap-
    27  ter]  article, such license shall be delivered to the judge of the court
    28  of record before whom the acknowledgment is to be taken. If either party
    29  to the marriage resides upon an island located not less than twenty-five
    30  miles from the office or residence of the town  clerk  of  the  town  of
    31  which  such  island is a part, and if such office or residence is not on
    32  such island such license may be obtained from any justice of  the  peace
    33  residing  on  such  island,  and  such justice, in respect to powers and
    34  duties relating to marriage licenses, shall be subject to the provisions
    35  of this article governing town clerks and shall file all  statements  or
    36  affidavits  received  by  him  while acting under the provisions of this
    37  section with the town clerk of such town. No application for a  marriage
    38  license  shall be denied on the ground that the parties are of the same,
    39  or a different, sex.
    40    2. Any issuance of a marriage license application or marriage  license
    41  is  authorized to be performed utilizing audio-video technology provided
    42  that the following conditions are met:
    43    (a) the couple seeking the  marriage  services,  shall  present  valid
    44  photo  identification to verify identity whenever required by law during
    45  the video conference;
    46    (b) the video conference shall allow for  direct  interaction  between
    47  the couple and the town or city clerk;
    48    (c)  the couple shall affirmatively represent that they are physically
    49  situated in the jurisdiction of the town or city clerk;
    50    (d) the couple shall transmit by fax or  electronic  means  a  legible
    51  copy  of  the  signed document directly to the town or city clerk on the
    52  same date it was signed;
    53    (e) the town or city clerk shall sign  the  transmitted  copy  of  the
    54  document  and  transmit  the same back to the person responsible for the
    55  document; and

        A. 8192                             3
     1    (f) to the extent practicable, all parties will use their best efforts
     2  to ensure the document is transmitted in the  most  confidential  manner
     3  and  information  will not be released to any third party not associated
     4  with the marriage license.
     5    The  electronic  signed  copy  of  the marriage license application or
     6  marriage license shall be the official document  for  purposes  of  this
     7  chapter.  Local  town  and city clerks shall provide guidance related to
     8  how marriage licensure applications and issuance is implemented  in  the
     9  jurisdiction of such clerk.
    10    §  3.  This  act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after it shall
    11  have become a law.    Effective  immediately,  the  addition,  amendment
    12  and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implementation
    13  of  this  act  on  its  effective  date  are  authorized  to be made and
    14  completed on or before such effective date.
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