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A08998 Summary:

COSPNSRStirpe, Hevesi, Epstein, Raga, Maher, Burgos, Septimo, Shrestha, Simon
Amd §§408 & 2556, Ed L
Enacts the "schools impacted by gross highways (SIGH) act"; prohibits the commissioner of education from approving the plans for the erection of any new schoolhouse within five hundred feet of a controlled-access highway unless the commissioner of education determines that space limitations are so severe that there is no other site to erect such new schoolhouse, and there are adequate engineering controls to address air quality; makes related provisions.
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A08998 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                    February 1, 2024
        Introduced  by  M.  of  A.  TAPIA, STIRPE, HEVESI, EPSTEIN, RAGA, MAHER,
          BURGOS, SEPTIMO -- read once and referred to the Committee  on  Trans-
          portation  -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as
          amended and recommitted to said committee -- again reported from  said
          committee  with amendments, ordered reprinted as amended and recommit-
          ted to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to enacting the  "schools
          impacted by gross highways (SIGH) act"
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. This act shall be known and may be cited  as  the  "schools
     2  impacted by gross highways (SIGH) act".
     3    §  2.  Section  408  of  the  education law is amended by adding a new
     4  subdivision 3-a to read as follows:
     5    3-a. (a) The commissioner shall not approve the plans for the erection
     6  of any new schoolhouse within five hundred feet of  a  controlled-access
     7  highway  as  defined  in this subdivision unless the commissioner deter-
     8  mines that (i) space is so limited that there is  no  other  appropriate
     9  site  to erect such schoolhouse; (ii) plans for such schoolhouse include
    10  adequate engineering controls to address  air  quality;  and  (iii)  the
    11  school  district  has demonstrated that other potential sites would pose
    12  equal or greater hazards to health and safety.
    13    (b) For purposes of  this  subdivision,  the  construction  of  a  new
    14  schoolhouse   upon   the   site  of  an  existing  schoolhouse,  or  the
    15  construction of an addition or annex constructed to  serve  an  existing
    16  schoolhouse, shall not be considered erection of a new schoolhouse.
    17    (c)  For  purposes  of this subdivision, a "controlled-access highway"
    18  shall mean: (i) a controlled-access highway as defined  by  section  one
    19  hundred  nine  of  the vehicle and traffic law under the jurisdiction of
    20  the commissioner of transportation which has been  functionally  classi-
    21  fied  by the department of transportation as principal arterial - inter-
    22  state or principal arterial - other freeway/expressway on official func-
    23  tional   classification   maps   approved   by   the   federal   highway
    24  administration  pursuant  to  part  470.105  of  title 23 of the code of
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 8998--B                          2

     1  federal regulations, as amended from time to time; and  (ii)  a  divided
     2  highway  under  the jurisdiction of the New York state thruway authority
     3  for mixed traffic with access limited as the authority may determine and
     4  generally with grade separations at intersections.
     5    (d) Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to create a private
     6  right of action to enforce the terms of this subdivision.
     7    §  3.  Section  2556  of  the education law is amended by adding a new
     8  subdivision 5-a to read as follows:
     9    5-a. (a) Notwithstanding subdivision three-a of section  four  hundred
    10  eight  of this chapter, it shall be unlawful for a new schoolhouse to be
    11  constructed in the city of New York within five hundred feet of a  cont-
    12  rolled-access  highway    unless  (i) the president of the New York city
    13  school construction authority determines that there is no  other  appro-
    14  priate  site  to  erect  such  schoolhouse;  (ii) if such schoolhouse is
    15  planned to contain a secondary school, the community district,  as  such
    16  term  is  defined in section twenty-five hundred ninety-a of this title,
    17  in which the site of such schoolhouse is to be located has  a  projected
    18  enrollment  rate  for  secondary  school  education greater than seventy
    19  percent of its capacity, based on the most recent report issued pursuant
    20  to section 21-988 of the administrative code of the city  of  New  York;
    21  (iii)  if such schoolhouse is planned to contain an elementary school or
    22  a middle school, the subdistrict, as such term  is  defined  in  section
    23  21-989  of the administrative code of the city of New York, in which the
    24  site of such schoolhouse is to be located  has  a  projected  enrollment
    25  rate  for  elementary  school  education  or middle school education, as
    26  applicable, greater than seventy percent of capacity, based on the  most
    27  recent  report  issued  pursuant to section 21-988 of the administrative
    28  code of the city of New York; (iv)  the  site  of  such  schoolhouse  is
    29  located  on  a  property  a portion of which is used or is planned to be
    30  used for residential or commercial  purposes;  or  (v)  plans  for  such
    31  schoolhouse  include adequate engineering controls to address air quali-
    32  ty, based on regulations promulgated by the New York city department  of
    33  environmental protection.
    34    (b)  For  purposes  of this subdivision, neither the construction of a
    35  new schoolhouse upon the site of an existing schoolhouse nor an addition
    36  nor an annex constructed to  serve  an  existing  schoolhouse  shall  be
    37  considered construction of a new schoolhouse.
    38    (c)  For  purposes  of this subdivision, a "controlled-access highway"
    39  shall mean: (i) a controlled-access highway as defined by section    one
    40  hundred   nine  of the vehicle  and  traffic  law under the jurisdiction
    41  of the commissioner of transportation which has been functionally  clas-
    42  sified  by the department of  transportation  as  principal  arterial  -
    43  interstate  or principal arterial - other freeway/expressway on official
    44  functional classification   maps   approved   by   the  federal  highway
    45  administration  pursuant  to  part  470.105  of  title 23 of the code of
    46  federal regulations, as  amended from  time  to time; and (ii) a divided
    47  highway under the jurisdiction of the New York state thruway   authority
    48  for   mixed traffic  with  access limited  as  the  authority may deter-
    49  mine and generally with grade separations at intersections.
    50    (d) Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to create a private
    51  right of action to enforce the terms of this subdivision.
    52    § 4. This act shall take effect on the first of July  next  succeeding
    53  the  date upon which it shall have become a law; provided, however, that
    54  sections two and three of this act shall take effect five years after it
    55  shall have become a law; and provided, further,  that  school  districts
    56  which  have  a  new schoolhouse construction project with advertisements

        A. 8998--B                          3
     1  for bids or requests for proposals issued prior to such effective  date,
     2  or  which  have acquired real property to construct a new schoolhouse as
     3  approved by the board of education or trustees of a school district,  or
     4  which  have  had a building permit issued by the state education depart-
     5  ment shall be exempt from the provisions of this  act  with  respect  to
     6  construction  on  such  a  project;  and provided further that in a city
     7  school district in a city having a million inhabitants or  more,  a  new
     8  schoolhouse  construction project for which an advertisement for bids or
     9  requests for proposals for the planning, design or construction of  such
    10  project  was issued prior to such effective date or for which a site was
    11  selected pursuant to section 1732 of the public authorities law prior to
    12  such effective date shall be exempt from the provisions of this act.
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