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A09430 Summary:

COSPNSRSantabarbara, Reyes, Hevesi, Rosenthal L, Slater, Lee
Add Art 4 §§401 - 404, St Tech L
Enacts the legislative oversight of automated decision-making in government act (LOADinG Act) to regulate the use of automated decision-making systems and artificial intelligence techniques by state agencies.
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A09430 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                   IN ASSEMBLY
                                     March 14, 2024
        Introduced  by M. of A. OTIS, SANTABARBARA, REYES, HEVESI, L. ROSENTHAL,
          SLATER -- read once and referred to the Committee on Science and Tech-
          nology -- committee discharged, bill  amended,  ordered  reprinted  as
          amended  and recommitted to said committee -- reported and referred to
          the Committee on Rules -- Rules Committee  discharged,  bill  amended,
          ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to the Committee on Rules
        AN ACT to amend the state technology law, in relation to automated deci-
          sion-making by state agencies
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Short title.  This act shall be known and may be  cited  as
     2  the  "legislative  oversight  of automated decision-making in government
     3  act (LOADinG Act)".
     4    § 2. The state technology law is amended by adding a new article 4  to
     5  read as follows:
     6                                  ARTICLE IV
     8  Section 401. Definitions.
     9          402. Use of automated decision-making systems by agencies.
    10          403. Impact assessments.
    11          404. Submission to the governor and legislature.
    12    § 401. Definitions. For the purpose of this article:
    13    1.  "Automated  decision-making  system"  shall mean any software that
    14  uses algorithms, computational models, or artificial intelligence  tech-
    15  niques, or a combination thereof, to automate, support, or replace human
    16  decision-making  and  shall  include,  without  limitation, systems that
    17  process data, and apply predefined rules or machine learning  algorithms
    18  to   analyze  such  data,  and  generate  conclusions,  recommendations,
    19  outcomes, assumptions, projections, or  predictions  without  meaningful
    20  human  discretion.  "Automated decision-making system" shall not include
    21  any software used primarily for basic computerized  processes,  such  as
    22  calculators,  spellcheck  tools,  autocorrect  functions,  spreadsheets,
    23  electronic communications, or any tool that  relates  only  to  internal
    24  management  affairs  such  as  ordering  office  supplies  or processing
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 9430--B                          2
     1  payments, and that do not materially affect the rights, liberties, bene-
     2  fits, safety or welfare of any individual within the state.
     3    2.  "Meaningful  human  review" means review, oversight and control of
     4  the automated decision-making process by one  or  more  individuals  who
     5  understand the risks, limitations, and functionality of, and are trained
     6  to  use, the automated decision-making system and who have the authority
     7  to intervene or alter the  decision  under  review,  including  but  not
     8  limited  to  the ability to approve, deny, or modify any decision recom-
     9  mended or made by the automated system.
    10    3. "State agency" shall mean any department, public authority,  board,
    11  bureau,  commission,  division, office, council, committee or officer of
    12  the state. Such terms shall not include the legislature or judiciary.
    13    4. "Public assistance benefit" shall mean any service or program with-
    14  in the control of the state, or benefit provided by the state  to  indi-
    15  viduals  or  households, including but not limited to public assistance,
    16  cash assistance, grants,  child  care  assistance,  housing  assistance,
    17  unemployment  benefits,  transportation  benefits, education assistance,
    18  domestic violence services, and any other assistance or  benefit  within
    19  the  authority  of  the  state to grant to individuals within the state.
    20  This shall not include any federal program that is administered  by  the
    21  federal government or the state.
    22    §  402.  Use  of  automated decision-making systems by agencies. 1. No
    23  state agency, or any entity acting  on  behalf  of  such  agency,  which
    24  utilizes  or  applies  any automated decision-making system, directly or
    25  indirectly, in performing any function  that:  (a)  is  related  to  the
    26  delivery  of  any  public  assistance  benefit; (b) will have a material
    27  impact on the rights, civil liberties, safety or welfare of any individ-
    28  ual within the state; or (c) affects any statutorily or constitutionally
    29  provided right of an individual, shall utilize such automated  decision-
    30  making  system,  unless such automated decision-making system is subject
    31  to continued and operational meaningful human review.
    32    2. No state agency shall authorize any procurement, purchase or acqui-
    33  sition of any service or system  utilizing,  or  relying  on,  automated
    34  decision-making  systems in performing any function that is: (a) related
    35  to the delivery of any public assistance benefit; (b) will have a  mate-
    36  rial  impact  on  the  rights, civil liberties, safety or welfare of any
    37  individual within the state; or (c) affects any statutorily or constitu-
    38  tionally provided right of an individual  unless  such  automated  deci-
    39  sion-making  system  is  subject to continued and operational meaningful
    40  human review.
    41    3. The use of an automated decision-making system shall not affect (a)
    42  the existing rights of employees  pursuant  to  an  existing  collective
    43  bargaining agreement, or (b) the existing representational relationships
    44  among employee organizations or the bargaining relationships between the
    45  employer  and  an  employee  organization. The use of an automated deci-
    46  sion-making system shall not result in the: (1) discharge,  displacement
    47  or  loss of position, including partial displacement such as a reduction
    48  in the hours of non-overtime work, wages,  or  employment  benefits,  or
    49  result  in  the impairment of existing collective bargaining agreements;
    50  (2) transfer of existing duties and  functions  currently  performed  by
    51  employees  of  the state or any agency or public authority thereof to an
    52  automated decision-making system; or (3) transfer of future  duties  and
    53  functions  ordinarily  performed by employees of the state or any agency
    54  or public authority. The use  of  an  automated  decision-making  system
    55  shall  not  alter  the rights or benefits, and privileges, including but
    56  not limited to terms and conditions of employment, civil service status,

        A. 9430--B                          3
     1  and collective bargaining unit membership status of all existing employ-
     2  ees of the state or any agency or  public  authority  thereof  shall  be
     3  preserved and protected.
     4    §  403.  Impact  assessments.  1. State agencies seeking to utilize or
     5  apply an automated decision-making system permitted under  section  four
     6  hundred  two  of  this article with continued and operational meaningful
     7  human review shall  conduct  or  have  conducted  an  impact  assessment
     8  substantially  completed  and bearing the signature of one or more indi-
     9  viduals responsible for meaningful human review for the lawful  applica-
    10  tion  and  use  of  such automated decision-making system. Following the
    11  first impact assessment, an impact  assessment  shall  be  conducted  in
    12  accordance  with  this  section at least once every two years. An impact
    13  assessment shall be conducted prior to any material change to the  auto-
    14  mated  decision-making  system  that may change the outcome or effect of
    15  such system.  Such impact assessments shall include:
    16    (a) a description of the objectives of the  automated  decision-making
    17  system;
    18    (b)  an  evaluation  of  the  ability of the automated decision-making
    19  system to achieve its stated objectives;
    20    (c) a description and evaluation of the objectives and development  of
    21  the automated decision-making including:
    22    (i)  a  summary of the underlying algorithms, computational modes, and
    23  artificial intelligence tools that are used within the  automated  deci-
    24  sion-making system; and
    25    (ii)  the design and training data used to develop the automated deci-
    26  sion-making system process;
    27    (d) testing for:
    28    (i) accuracy, fairness, bias and discrimination, and an assessment  of
    29  whether the use of the automated decision-making system produces discri-
    30  minatory  results  on the basis of a consumer's or a class of consumers'
    31  actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, religion,  national  origin,
    32  sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, familial status, biom-
    33  etric  information,  lawful source of income, or disability and outlines
    34  mitigations for  any  identified  performance  differences  in  outcomes
    35  across relevant groups impacted by such use;
    36    (ii)  any  cybersecurity  vulnerabilities  and privacy risks resulting
    37  from the deployment and use of the automated decision-making system, and
    38  the development or existence of safeguards to mitigate the risks;
    39    (iii) any public health or safety risks resulting from the  deployment
    40  and use of the automated decision-making system;
    41    (iv)  any reasonably foreseeable misuse of the automated decision-mak-
    42  ing system and the development or existence of safeguards  against  such
    43  misuse;
    44    (e)  the extent to which the deployment and use of the automated deci-
    45  sion-making system requires input of sensitive and  personal  data,  how
    46  that  data is used and stored, and any control users may have over their
    47  data; and
    48    (f) the notification mechanism or procedure, if any, by which individ-
    49  uals impacted by the utilization of the automated decision-making system
    50  may be notified of the use of such automated decision-making system  and
    51  of  the  individual's  personal  data,  and informed of their rights and
    52  options relating to such use.
    53    2. Notwithstanding the provisions of this article or any other law, if
    54  an impact assessment finds that  the  automated  decision-making  system
    55  produces discriminatory or biased outcomes, the state agency shall cease

        A. 9430--B                          4
     1  any  utilization,  application,  or function of such automated decision-
     2  making system, and of any information produced using such system.
     3    §  404.  Submission  to  the  governor and legislature. 1. Each impact
     4  assessment conducted pursuant to this article shall be submitted to  the
     5  governor,  the temporary president of the senate, and the speaker of the
     6  assembly at least thirty days prior to the implementation of  the  auto-
     7  mated decision-making system that is  the  subject  of such assessment.
     8    2.  (a)  The  impact assessment of an automated decision-making system
     9  shall be published on the website of the relevant state agency.
    10    (b) If the state agency makes a determination that the  disclosure  of
    11  any  information  required  in  the  impact assessment would result in a
    12  substantial negative impact on health or safety of the public,  infringe
    13  upon  the  privacy  rights  of  individuals, or significantly impair the
    14  state agency's ability to protect its information technology  or  opera-
    15  tional  assets,  such state agency may redact such information, provided
    16  that an explanatory statement on the process by which the  state  agency
    17  made  such  determination  is  published  along with the redacted impact
    18  assessment.
    19    (c) If the impact  assessment  covers  any  automated  decision-making
    20  system that includes technology that is used to prevent, detect, protect
    21  against  or respond   to   security   incidents,  identity theft, fraud,
    22  harassment, malicious or deceptive activities or other illegal activity,
    23  preserve the integrity  or  security  of systems,  or  to   investigate,
    24  report  or  prosecute those responsible for any such malicious or decep-
    25  tive action, such state agency  may  redact  such  information  for  the
    26  purposes  of this subdivision, provided that an explanatory statement on
    27  the  process by which  the   state   agency made such  determination  is
    28  published along with the redacted impact assessment.
    29    §  3.  Disclosure  of  existing automated decision-making systems. Any
    30  state agency, that directly or indirectly, utilizes an  automated  deci-
    31  sion-making  system,  as  defined in section 401 of the state technology
    32  law, shall submit to the legislature a disclosure on  the  use  of  such
    33  system, no later than one year after the effective date of this section.
    34  Such disclosure shall include:
    35    (a)  a description of the automated decision-making system utilized by
    36  such agency;
    37    (b) a list of any software vendors related  to  such  automated  deci-
    38  sion-making system;
    39    (c) the date that the use of such system began;
    40    (d)  a  summary  of  the  purpose  and use of such system, including a
    41  description  of  human  decision-making  and  discretion  supported   or
    42  replaced by the automated decision-making system;
    43    (e)  whether  any impact assessments for the automated decision-making
    44  system were conducted and the dates and summaries of the results of such
    45  assessments where applicable; and
    46    (f) any other information deemed relevant by the agency.
    47    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately, provided that section two
    48  of this act shall take effect one year after it shall have become a law.
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