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J01293 Summary:

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J01293 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 1293
        HONORING  Luz  Marquez Benbow upon the occasion of
        her  designation  as  recipient  of  the  Jim  Perry
        Progressive  Leadership  Award  by  Capital District
        Citizen Action on September 14, 2021
  WHEREAS, It is incumbent upon the people of the State of New York to
recognize  and  acknowledge  those  within  our  midst  who  have   made
significant contributions to the quality of life therein; and
  WHEREAS,  From  time  to  time  this  Legislative Body takes note of
certain extraordinary individuals  it  wishes  to  recognize  for  their
valued contributions to the success and progress of society and publicly
acknowledge their endeavors which have enhanced the basic humanity among
us all; and
  WHEREAS,  This Legislative Body is justly proud to honor Luz Marquez
Benbow upon the occasion of her designation  as  recipient  of  the  Jim
Perry Progressive Leadership Award by Capital District Citizen Action to
be  celebrated  at its 29th Annual Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, September
14, 2021, at The Linda, WAMC's Performing Arts Studio, Albany, New York;
  WHEREAS, The Jim  Perry  Progressive  Leadership  Award  honors  the
legacy  of  Jim  Perry,  a  gay rights leader and founding member of the
Capital District Chapter of Citizen Action of New York;  his  leadership
role  both  in the Capital District and statewide was exemplary, and his
dedication to politics and coalition building  paved  the  way  for  the
passage of Albany's Human Rights Ordinance; and
  WHEREAS,  It  is  with the memories of Jim Perry's actions and words
that this vital organization recognizes those who  have  demonstrated  a
commitment to community activism and leadership; and
  WHEREAS,  Luz  Marquez  Benbow is being honored with this auspicious
award for her role as  one  of  the  area's  most  dedicated,  inspiring
activists  and leaders who has spent countless hours working to make her
community a stronger, more just place to live; and
  WHEREAS, Luz Marquez Benbow, who experienced a traumatic  childhood,
is  guided  by  survivor  leadership and working at the intersections of
gender and race; and
  WHEREAS, As a former Just Beginnings Collaborative Fellow from 2016-
2019, Luz Marquez Benbow was able to focus on her Black Latinx community
and formed the International Alianza  de  Mujeres  Negrx  (IamNegrx),  a
survivor  network of Afro Latinx to advance policy and movement building
toward  ending  child  sexual  abuse  and  sexual  violence  across  the
Diaspora; and
  WHEREAS, Additionally, she co-organized three national gatherings of
Afrodescendant  adult  survivors during El Dia Internacional de la Mujer
Afrolatinx,  AfroCaribena  y  la  Diaspora  at  Howard   University   in
Washington, DC from 2016-2018; and
  WHEREAS,  Historically,  this  international day was founded by four
Afrodominican sisters in the  Dominican  Republic  in  1992  to  address
sexism and racism; and
  WHEREAS,  Utilizing this important celebration globally, Luz Marquez
Benbow, along with five other survivor leaders and  an  ally  envisioned
honoring  this day (El Dia July 25th) in the U.S by centering Afrolatinx
survivors to discuss a taboo subject such  as  child  sexual  abuse  and
sexual violence within her own community; and
  WHEREAS,  Luz  Marquez  Benbow has been an anti-rape policy advocate
since 1998, where she worked on statewide anti-sexual assault issues  at
the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault; and
  WHEREAS,  In  2003,  Luz  Marquez  Benbow  co-founded  the  National
Organization of Sisters of Color  Ending  Sexual  Assault  (SCESA),  the
first  national  anti-sexual  assault  organization developed by and for
Women of Color; and
  WHEREAS, In her capacity as co-founder  and  Associate  Director  of
SCESA,  Luz Marquez Benbow led the policy efforts for the development of
the Culturally Specific Grant program within the Violence Against  Women
Act in 2005 and 2012; and
  WHEREAS, Moreover, Luz Marquez Benbow spearheaded the policy efforts
regarding the equitable distribution of violence against women resources
in  the  Family  Violence  Prevention  and Services Act (FVPSA) of 2010,
across the U.S Territories of Puerto Rico,  Guam,  American  Samoa,  U.S
Virgin Islands and Northern Mariana Islands; and
  WHEREAS, As a result, in 2010, Luz Marquez Benbow was present in the
Oval  Office  to  witness the signing of the reauthorization of FVPSA by
then President Barack Obama; and
  WHEREAS, Locally in her beloved City of Troy, New York, Luz  Marquez
Benbow  is  one  of  the  founders  of  Troy4BlackLives, a collective of
organizers focused on police accountability and  transparency  who  came
together in 2017 after the non-fatal police shooting of Dahmeek McDonald
and police killing of Edson Thevenin in 2016; and
  WHEREAS,  Luz  Marquez Benbow is the proud mother of three children,
raised in East Harlem and a first-generation Black Puerto  Rican  raised
by  a single mom who made the best pasteles sold at the NYC Puerto Rican
Day Parade since 1979; and
  WHEREAS, Rare indeed  is  the  impressive  dedication  shown  by  an
individual  for  the  benefit  of  others  which  Luz Marquez Benbow has
displayed throughout her life; and
  WHEREAS, It  is  the  sense  of  this  Legislative  Body  that  when
individuals  of  such  noble aims and accomplishments are brought to our
attention, they should be celebrated and recognized by all the  citizens
of this great Empire State; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Luz Marquez  Benbow  upon  the  occasion  of  her  designation  as
recipient  of  the  Jim  Perry  Progressive  Leadership Award by Capital
District Citizen Action; and be it further
  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Luz Marquez Benbow.
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