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J01341 Summary:

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J01341 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 1341
        COMMENDING  five  off-post Fort Drum Soldiers upon
        the occasion of their designation as recipients of a
        Liberty Medal, the highest honor  bestowed  upon  an
        individual by the New York State Senate
  WHEREAS,  It  is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize and
commend the caring concern and  heroic  acts  of  individuals  who  take
prompt  and  appropriate  action  in emergency situations, nobly risking
their own lives in an effort to preserve the life of another; and
  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing  traditions,  this  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to
commend five off-post Fort Drum Soldiers  upon  the  occasion  of  their
designation as recipients of a Liberty Medal, the highest honor bestowed
upon an individual by the New York State Senate; and
  WHEREAS,  The New York State Senate Liberty Medal was established by
Resolution and is  awarded  to  individuals  who  have  merited  special
commendation  for exceptional, heroic, or humanitarian acts on behalf of
their fellow New Yorkers; and
  WHEREAS, On the evening of  Thursday,  October  14,  2021,  Sergeant
Major  Jake  Smith  was  pulling into the plaza on Arsenal Street in the
City of Watertown, New York, when he observed a  pickup  truck  speeding
down  the street before smashing into another vehicle and exploding into
flames; and
  WHEREAS,  Four  other  soldiers,  Specialists  Shane  T.  Cockerham,
William  L.    Berube,  Jacob  G.  Jones  and  Zachary Broxson, had just
finished dinner in the same plaza when they saw and heard  the  violent,
fiery crash; and
  WHEREAS,  Without  hesitation  or regard for their own safety, these
five brave United States Army Soldiers rushed to  the  scene  where  one
victim remained trapped in the driver's side of the pickup truck; and
  WHEREAS,  During  this  time,  as  the  vehicle  continued to become
engulfed in flames, these brave men attempted to kick in  the  door  and
break the seat while one of the soldiers crawled under the vehicle in an
effort to put out the fire; and
  WHEREAS,  Shortly  thereafter,  local  firefighters arrived and were
able to use the Jaws of Life to remove the victim from the vehicle; and
  WHEREAS, Justly recognized as heroes, Sergeant Major Jake Smith  and
Specialists  Shane  T.  Cockerham, William L. Berube, Jacob G. Jones and
Zachary Broxson richly merit the admiration of this Legislative Body and
their communities for their consummate, swift action in saving the lives
of these five individuals; and
  WHEREAS,  Moreover,  they  should  be  meritoriously  commended  for
remaining  calm  under  pressure  and for showing valor and true courage
while performing a lifesaving deed; and
  WHEREAS,   Sergeant  Major  Jake  Smith  and  Specialists  Shane  T.
Cockerham, William L. Berube, Jacob G. Jones  and  Zachary  Broxson,  in
their  spontaneous  and  heroic  acts,  have so aptly demonstrated their
character and compassion for the welfare  of  others,  personifying,  by
virtue  of  their  actions,  the collective concern of ordinary citizens
across the community of New York State who voluntarily  respond  without
thought  of  danger  or  reward  when  others  are in need of help; now,
therefore, be it
  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
commend  five  off-post  Fort  Drum  Soldiers upon the occasion of their
designation as recipients of a Liberty Medal, the highest honor bestowed
upon an individual by the New York State Senate; and be it further
  RESOLVED, That copies of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted  to  Sergeant  Major  Jake  Smith  and  Specialists Shane T.
Cockerham, William L. Berube, Jacob G. Jones and Zachary Broxson.
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