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J00152 Summary:

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J00152 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 152
BY: Senator GRIFFO
        HONORING  John C. Urtz upon the occasion of his 50
        years of distinguished service to the Town  of  Lee,
        New York
  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to acknowledge the
significant   milestones   in  the  distinguished  careers  of  esteemed
residents of this noble Empire State; and
  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
John  C. Urtz upon the occasion of his 50 years of distinguished service
to the Town of Lee, New York; and
  WHEREAS, For the past 50 years,  John  C.  Urtz  rendered  faithful,
conscientious,  and  valuable  service  to  the Town of Lee, earning the
admiration, esteem, and affection of his colleagues; and
  WHEREAS, John C. Urtz learned appreciation for his community and the
importance  of  public  service  from  his  father  who  was   also   an
accomplished Town Supervisor of Lee; and
  WHEREAS,  In  1974,  John  C.  Urtz  ran  for  the  position of Town
Supervisor for the first time; he won the election by just  eight  votes
then, but solidified his reputation shortly thereafter as a hardworking,
dependable,   accomplished  elected  official,  ultimately  earning  his
reelection time and time again,  amassing  an  impressive  50  years  of
dedicated service in this esteemed position; and
  WHEREAS,  In his role as Town Supervisor, John C. Urtz advocated for
and gained access to a portion of Oneida County sales  tax  revenues  to
help  fund  necessary  expenses;  these  revenues,  coupled with careful
resource planning, supported 44 consecutive years of no town taxes; and
  WHEREAS, Further, John C. Urtz was pivotal in the construction of  a
new  town  hall  on  a reclaimed dumping site without taking on any debt
from the project; he  also  enhanced  Lee  Town  Park  through  numerous
facilities improvements and youth programming; and
  WHEREAS,  John C. Urtz also supported securing new equipment for the
Town  Highway  and  Volunteer   Fire   Departments;   additionally,   he
established  a New York State Police substation within the town, further
demonstrating his commitment to  enhancing  the  safety  of  the  town's
citizenry while enhancing the overall quality of life for everyone under
his jurisdiction; and
  WHEREAS, The Town of Lee, under John C. Urtz's able leadership, will
implement  improvements  to  the  water  system to ensure continued safe
drinking water for 1,300 local households; and
  WHEREAS, In his capacity  as  Town  Supervisor,  John  C.  Urtz  has
continued  to  serve  with  loyalty,  honor,  and  distinction,  and has
consistently been governed by a keen sense of duty and has always  shown
a unique grasp of human problems in his official acts; and
  WHEREAS, With him throughout have been his beloved wife, Eileen, and
their  family,  Kelly  Heffernan  and  her  children,  Samuel and Hayley
Heffernan; and Anastasia Urtz, J.D., her husband Louis Orbach, J.D., and
their son, Benjamin Orbach, all of whom feel privileged to be a part  of
his fruitful life and rejoice in his numerous achievements; and
  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  sense  of  this  Legislative  Body  that when
individuals of such noble aims and accomplishments are  brought  to  our
attention,  they should be celebrated and recognized by all the citizens
of the great State of New York; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
honor  John  C.  Urtz upon the occasion of his 50 years of distinguished
service to the Town of Lee, New York; and be it further
  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to John C. Urtz.
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