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J02713 Summary:

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J02713 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 2713
BY: Senator ORTT
        COMMENDING  Leigha Walker upon the occasion of her
        designation as recipient of  a  Liberty  Medal,  the
        highest honor bestowed upon an individual by the New
        York State Senate
  WHEREAS,  It  is the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize and
commend the caring concern and  heroic  acts  of  individuals  who  take
prompt  and  appropriate  action in emergency situations to preserve the
life of another; and
  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing  traditions,  this  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to
commend Leigha Walker upon the occasion of her designation as  recipient
of a Liberty Medal, the highest honor bestowed upon an individual by the
New York State Senate; and
  WHEREAS,  The New York State Senate Liberty Medal was established by
Resolution and is  awarded  to  individuals  who  have  merited  special
commendation  for exceptional, heroic, or humanitarian acts on behalf of
their fellow New Yorkers; and
  WHEREAS, Leigha Walker is a three-sport athlete and a team  captain;
she also rides horses; she has the ability to immediately decide whether
to  pass  the ball or guide a sprinting horse to the left or right of an
obstacle; she is one of only 15 students to take the CPR training course
the previous year; and
  WHEREAS, A resident of Holley, New York, and an  honors  student  at
Holley  High School, Leigha Walker saved the life of a man whose vehicle
crashed into the Brockport Subway restaurant where the 18-year-old young
woman is employed; and
  WHEREAS, On the morning of Sunday, June 9, 2024, Leigha  Walker  was
working  her  shift when a man crashed his truck into a support beam for
the overhang outside the restaurant; and
  WHEREAS, Leigha Walker immediately called 9-1-1 and ran  outside  to
check  on the driver, an older man who was unconscious inside the locked
truck; accompanied by two customers, another driver,  and  a  co-worker,
this  courageous  and  resourceful hero, who is used to staying calm and
being decisive in stressful situations, acted quickly and calmly to help
save the man's life while awaiting the ambulance; and
  WHEREAS, Leigha Walker secured a wooden rod that was  used  to  prop
open  the back door of the restaurant; this was instrumental in breaking
the window on the passenger side of  the  truck;  one  of  the  rescuers
reached into the vehicle and unlocked the door, cutting his arm; and
  WHEREAS,  A  Subway employee and Leigha Walker pulled the driver out
and carefully set him on the ground; the compassionate teen rolled up  a
blanket  to  provide  a  makeshift  pillow  for  the  driver's head; the
gentleman gasped for air; and
  WHEREAS, Checking the man's vital signs, Leigha  Walker  observed  a
slight  pulse;  firefighters  from  the  Brockport  Fire  District  soon
arrived; while preparing an automated external defibrillator  (AED),  it
was suggested that someone commence CPR; and
  WHEREAS,  Certified  in  CPR  training,  Leigha Walker started chest
compressions until the AED was administered;  Monroe  Ambulance  arrived
and transported the man to the hospital; and
  WHEREAS,  From  the 9-1-1 call to the transport to the hospital, the
response was only 12  minutes  in  duration;  the  conscientious  Subway
employee still worked the remaining four hours of her shift; and
  WHEREAS,  Due  to  Leigha  Walker's  noble and courageous actions, a
precious life was saved, and a seemingly  dire  situation  had  positive
results;   this   humble   hero  received  messages  from  the  driver's
brother-in-law and granddaughter, thanking her for making a  difference;
  WHEREAS,  The  Chief  of  the Brockport Fire District credits Leigha
Walker with making a tremendous difference for the driver, administering
lifesaving  CPR  in  a  timely  manner;  for  her  quick  response   and
"outstanding acts," she will be recognized by the District; and
  WHEREAS, The Assistant Principal of Holley High School expressed the
pride in Leigha Walker within the school district; the ambitious student
works  shifts  at  Subway  restaurant  while attaining top grades in her
classes; she plans to attend Morrisville State College  to  play  soccer
and study equine management; and
  WHEREAS,  Leigha  Walker,  in her spontaneous and heroic act, has so
aptly demonstrated her character  and  compassion  for  the  welfare  of
others, personifying, by virtue of her action, the collective concern of
ordinary citizens across the community of New York State who voluntarily
respond  without thought of danger or reward when others need help; now,
therefore, be it
  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
commend  Leigha Walker upon the occasion of her designation as recipient
of a Liberty Medal, the highest honor bestowed upon an individual by the
New York State Senate; and be it further
  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to Leigha Walker.
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