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J02730 Summary:

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J02730 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 2730
        COMMENDING  Michael Philip Pitre, Michael Susinno,
        Shane  McCoy,  and   John   McPartland   for   their
        designation  as  recipients  of  Liberty Medals, the
        highest honor bestowed upon an individual by the New
        York State Senate
  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to  recognize  and
commend  the  caring  concern  and  heroic  acts of individuals who take
prompt and appropriate action in emergency situations  to  preserve  the
life of another; and
  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to
commend  Michael  Philip  Pitre,  Michael Susinno, Shane McCoy, and John
McPartland upon the occasion  of  their  designation  as  recipients  of
Liberty Medals, the highest honor bestowed upon an individual by the New
York State Senate; and
  WHEREAS,  The New York State Senate Liberty Medal was established by
Resolution and is  awarded  to  individuals  who  have  merited  special
commendation  for exceptional, heroic, or humanitarian acts on behalf of
their fellow New Yorkers; and
  WHEREAS, On the evening of Sunday,  June  23,  2024,  a  33-year-old
woman  was  driving  northbound  on  Bread  and  Cheese  Hollow  Road in
Northport, Long Island, New York, where she swerved to  avoid  colliding
with an animal; the driver's vehicle struck a utility pole, and both the
pole and her vehicle caught fire; and
  WHEREAS,  Shane  McCoy  was driving home that night when he suddenly
noticed that the black Hyundai had crashed diagonally into  the  utility
pole, obscuring the street and catching on fire; and
  WHEREAS,  Shane  McCoy  heard popping sounds which authorities later
said were the vehicle's tires and windows exploding; as  he  neared  the
vehicle, he observed bystanders running toward the Hyundai, and two men,
Michael Susinno and John McPartland, were already at the car, talking to
the driver through the window; and
  WHEREAS,  Michael  Susinno  and  John  McPartland  were two vehicles
behind the Hyundai when the collision occurred; only seconds after  they
approached  the  wreckage,  the flames erupted 15 feet high, causing the
utility pole to explode; the two Samaritans could feel the heat  of  the
blaze  which  was  creeping  toward  the windshield; they recognized the
urgency of removing the victim to save her life; and
  WHEREAS, Michael Pitre, a medical malpractice attorney  who  arrived
at  the  scene,  also  heard the popping sounds; Shane McCoy immediately
pulled his car to the side of the road, put his hazard  lights  on,  and
ran over to the Hyundai to see if he could assist; and
  WHEREAS, Shane McCoy and Michael Pitre arrived at the Hyundai at the
same  time;  the  woman  had  sustained a serious laceration to her leg,
extending below her knee to her ankle, and she was losing blood rapidly;
  WHEREAS,  After  helping the three other men carry the victim to the
safety of the other side of the road and position  her  on  the  ground,
Shane McCoy secured a bystander's belt, and he and Michael Pitre wrapped
the woman's leg at the thigh to stop the bleeding; at the moment she was
placed on the ground, her vehicle became fully engulfed in flames; and
  WHEREAS,  Michael  Susinno,  Orchestra  Director  at  Northport High
School, recognized the young woman as one of his students 20 years  ago;
he  reminded  her  that  he  was one of her teachers when she played the
cello in high school; this familiarity was instrumental in  calming  and
comforting  the traumatized victim who not only suffered a lacerated and
broken leg but also had difficulty breathing due to the  impact  of  the
airbag; and
  WHEREAS,  The  woman  was  transported to the hospital where she was
treated  for  non-life-threatening  injuries;  due  to  the  noble   and
courageous  actions  of  Michael  Philip  Pitre,  Michael Susinno, Shane
McCoy, and John McPartland, a precious life was saved, and  a  seemingly
dire situation had positive results; and
  WHEREAS,  The  victim,  as  well  as her family and friends, will be
eternally grateful for the quick thinking and actions of the  benevolent
men  who  risked their own safety to rescue someone in need of help; the
33-year-old woman's mother, who  is  also  employed  at  Northport  High
School, sees Michael Susinno at work every day; and
  WHEREAS,  Michael  Philip  Pitre,  Michael Susinno, Shane McCoy, and
John McPartland, in their spontaneous and  heroic  act,  have  so  aptly
demonstrated  their  character and compassion for the welfare of others,
personifying, by virtue of  their  action,  the  collective  concern  of
ordinary citizens across the community of New York State who voluntarily
respond  without thought of danger or reward when others need help; now,
therefore, be it
  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
commend  Michael  Philip  Pitre,  Michael Susinno, Shane McCoy, and John
McPartland upon the occasion  of  their  designation  as  recipients  of
Liberty Medals, the highest honor bestowed upon an individual by the New
York State Senate; and be it further
  RESOLVED,  That  copies  of  this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Michael Philip Pitre, Michael Susinno, Shane  McCoy,  and
John McPartland.
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