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J00357 Summary:

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J00357 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 357
        CONGRATULATING  George Becker upon the occasion of
        celebrating his 100th Birthday on February 22, 2025
  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative  Body  to  commemorate
and  recognize  certain  milestones celebrated by citizens of this great
Empire State; and
  WHEREAS, Senior citizens bring a wealth of experience and  knowledge
to  the  increasingly  active  roles they play in today's society; their
past contributions and future participation are a  vital  part  of,  and
valuable asset to, the fabric of community life and activity; and
  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to
congratulate  George  Becker  upon the occasion of celebrating his 100th
Birthday on Saturday, February 22, 2025; and
  WHEREAS, George  Becker  enlisted  in  the  United  States  Navy  on
November  23,  1942,  at  the  age of 17; he attended boot camp and Navy
Class A school at Sampson Naval Training Station in Romulus,  New  York,
training as an Electrician's Mate from March to July of 1943; and
  WHEREAS,  In August 1943, George Becker was sent to Treasure Island,
California, where he joined the commissioning crew of the USS  Emery,  a
destroyer  escort; the ship set sail for the South Pacific in October of
the same year; one month later, the Emery became part of a 200-ship task
force that took part in the invasion of the Gilbert Islands; and
  WHEREAS, After returning to Pearl Harbor in December 1943, the Emery
set off again as part of  the  task  force  that  invaded  the  Marshall
Islands in January 1944; and
  WHEREAS, George Becker participated in several protection and escort
missions throughout World War II; on December 1, 1944, he was reassigned
to  Camp  Perry,  where he completed Class B Advanced Electrician's Mate
school in July 1945; and
  WHEREAS, Following his training, George Becker joined  the  crew  of
the USS Admiral W.S. Sims, a troop transport ship commissioned after the
war's conclusion;
  WHEREAS,  When Japan officially surrendered on V-J Day, September 2,
1945, the USS Admiral W.S. Sims was tasked  with  transporting  American
troops back home; George Becker and his fellow sailors made two trips to
Manila and one to Okinawa, bringing nearly 5,000 troops on each journey;
  WHEREAS, George Becker was honorably discharged on April 3, 1946, at
the  esteemed rank of Electrician's Mate Second Class; in recognition of
his service, he was awarded the World War  II  Victory  Medal,  American
Campaign Medal, and Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal; and
  WHEREAS,  George Becker returned to Rochester, New York, on April 4,
1946, and a week later, he began working at Rochester  Gas  &  Electric,
where  he  remained  until  his  retirement  in  1987, after 41 years of
service; and
  WHEREAS,  A  resident  of Riga, New York, George Becker continued to
contribute to his community after his military  service;  he  played  an
active  role  in the Town of Riga's development, serving on the Board of
Assessment Review, the Zoning Board of Appeals, and  the  Monroe  County
Planning  Council;  he  also  served  for  27 years on the Town Planning
Board, eight of which he was chairman; and
  WHEREAS, George Becker met his wife,  Florence,  in  the  summer  of
1940;  they  dated  during  his service and married on October 25, 1947;
they were together for nearly  61  years  until  Florence's  passing  on
October 11, 2008; and
  WHEREAS,  Together, George and Florence Becker had four sons: David,
Douglas, Daniel, and Bruce; Bruce passed away on April 2,  2016;  George
is also the proud grandfather of five grandchildren: Douglas Becker Jr.,
Kathy  Rudd,  Suzie  Bird,  Jessica  Wallace, and Andrew Becker, and has
eight great-grandchildren: James Becker, Nicholas Becker, Cierra Becker,
Isaac Rudd, Abby Rudd, Hannah Bird, Carter Bird, and Harper Wallace; and
  WHEREAS, George Becker  often  reflects  on  how  his  time  in  the
military  taught  him  to  respect  authority, work well with others, be
patient, and appreciate what  he  has;  he  still  lives  independently,
taking  care  of  his  home and tending to his large lawn, which he mows
himself; and
  WHEREAS, George Becker, with his zest for  life,  has  inspired  and
enhanced the lives of his family and friends; and
  WHEREAS, This exceptional centenarian has experienced the incredible
joys  and  sorrows  characteristic  of  and  reserved for those with the
stamina and courage to savor a full life; and
  WHEREAS, George Becker has enriched the lives of  those  around  him
through  his joyous and sincere love for others and through the profound
charm and wisdom which comes only from a fullness of years; and
  WHEREAS, It is the intent  of  this  Legislative  Body  to  publicly
recognize  those  who  have  reached  such a remarkable age and who have
witnessed and celebrated the  innovations,  cultural  developments,  and
magnificent  achievements of this country during the last century, while
themselves contributing to the  growth  and  excellence  of  this  great
Empire State; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
congratulate George Becker upon the occasion of  celebrating  his  100th
Birthday; and be it further
  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to George Becker.
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