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J00382 Summary:

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J00382 Text:

Senate Resolution No. 382
BY: Senator WEBB
        COMMEMORATING  the  9th Annual Sock Out Cancer Day
        on June 1, 2025, in conjunction with the  observance
        of National Cancer Survivors Day
  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  custom  of this Legislative Body to recognize
official days that are set aside to increase awareness of serious health
issues that affect the lives of citizens of New York State; and
  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing  traditions, this Legislative Body is moved to commemorate
the 9th Annual Sock Out Cancer Day on June 1, 2025, in conjunction  with
the  observance of National Cancer Survivors Day, in solidarity with all
New York State residents and their families fighting cancer; and
  WHEREAS, These endeavors during 2024 included one  Sock  Out  Cancer
benefit concert featuring Kevin Chalfant, who performed as a singer with
Journey  -  in  conjunction  with the Philip Myers Band and opening act,
Alyssa Crosby as seen on "The Voice" - created this special  concert  to
be  presented  by Sock Out Cancer; this concert was performed on October
19, 2024 in Binghamton, NY; numerous cancer patients and their  families
were  presented  with complimentary tickets to provide for a much-needed
respite from their daily routines; all  net  proceeds  raised  from  the
concert  were distributed the evening of the event to the local hospital
foundations; and
  WHEREAS, In furtherance of the cause, events in 2024  included  Sock
Out  Cancer  Awareness  Day  at  the Binghamton Black Bears hockey game,
March 31, 2023; Sock Out Cancer Awareness Day at the  Binghamton  Rumble
Ponies  baseball  game,  June  4, 2023; Birdies for Cancer at the Dick's
Sporting Goods Open, June 24, 2023; and the Broome Oncology 5K  Run/Walk
on  September 17, 2023 where the net proceeds raised were distributed to
the local hospital foundations and Mercy  House  of  the  Southern  Tier
(Community Care Shelter for Terminally Ill Patients); and
  WHEREAS,  In  furtherance of the cause, events in 2024 included Sock
Out Cancer Awareness Day at the  Binghamton  Black  Bears  hockey  game,
March  22,  2024; Sock Out Cancer Awareness Day at the Binghamton Rumble
Ponies baseball game, June 2, 2024; Birdies for  Cancer  at  the  Dick's
Sporting  Goods Open, June 21, 2024; and the Broome Oncology 5K Run/Walk
on September 8, 2024, where the net proceeds raised were distributed  to
the  local  hospital  foundations  and  Mercy House of the Southern Tier
(Community Care Shelter for Terminally Ill Patients); and
  WHEREAS, Security Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York and many
other individuals and organizations throughout the  state,  and  beyond,
have  shown  their  caring  and  commitment over the past seven years by
helping to sponsor these events and raise over  $1.82  million  for  the
benefit  of  financially  distressed  cancer  patients  being treated in
Binghamton, Syracuse, Albany, New York City, and throughout  the  state;
  WHEREAS,  In  furtherance of the cause, events are being planned for
2025 in various locations throughout the state; these events  will  help
provide   financial  support  of  Sock  Out  Cancer's  mission  to  help
financially  distressed  cancer  patients  throughout  the  state   with
non-medical  needs  such  as food, housing, transportation to treatment,
etc.,  thus enabling the patients to put additional energy into fighting
cancer; and
  WHEREAS, These concerts and other Sock Out  Cancer  initiatives  are
designed  to  serve  as  a  blueprint for individuals and health service
organizations in other regions of New York State  and  beyond  to  begin
instituting  programs  benefiting  cancer  patients  needing  assistance
within their own home communities; and
  WHEREAS, Throughout the state, citizens help support the program and
show solidarity with their friends and family members fighting cancer by
purchasing and wearing Sock Out Cancer's signature  multi-colored  socks
representing the more than 20 different types of cancer; and
  WHEREAS,  Sock  Out  Cancer,  LLC has entered into an agreement with
Finger Lakes Textiles, a division of Mozaic, which is a  member  of  the
Arc   New  York,  whose  workforce  includes  individuals  with  varying
abilities, to manufacture the Sock Out Cancer  socks  in  Waterloo,  New
York; and
  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  sense  of  this  Legislative  Body  that when
organizations of such noble aims and accomplishments are brought to  our
attention,  they should be celebrated and recognized by all the citizens
of this great Empire State; now, therefore, be it
  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
commemorate  the  9th  Annual  Sock  Out  Cancer Day in conjunction with
National Cancer Survivors Day on June 1, 2025; and be it further
  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted  to  Bruce  W.  Boyea,  Chairman  of  the Board, and Kirk R.
Gravely, President & CEO of Security Mutual Life  Insurance  Company  of
New York.
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