Provides for the payment of state aid to the town of New Hudson and special districts therein for state land operated by the department of environmental conservation.
2025-2026 Regular Sessions
January 9, 2025
Introduced by Sen. BORRELLO -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
printed to be committed to the Committee on Investigations and Govern-
ment Operations
AN ACT to amend the public lands law, in relation to the payment of
state aid on account of certain state lands in the town of New Hudson,
in the county of Allegany
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-bly, do enact as follows:
1 Section 1. Subdivisions 1 and 2 of section 19-b of the public lands
2 law, subdivision 1 as added by chapter 260 of the laws of 1980 and
3 subdivision 2 as amended by chapter 373 of the laws of 1981, are amended
4 to read as follows:
5 1. State aid shall be payable to any municipal corporation or special
6 district as such terms are defined by section one hundred two of the
7 real property tax law and hereinafter collectively referred to in this
8 section as "taxing authority", when on any assessment roll the taxable
9 assessed valuation in such taxing authority is decreased in any year by
10 reason of the transfer of title or possession of land or improvements
11 thereon (a) to the state or an agency of the state located at West
12 Valley, Cattaraugus county and theretofore utilized by the corporation
13 known as "Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc."; or (b) to the state located in
14 the town of New Hudson, in the county of Allegany, and theretofore
15 subject to the jurisdiction of the department of environmental conserva-
16 tion.
17 2. The state aid payable to a taxing authority pursuant to this
18 section shall be computed and paid during the first fiscal year of any
19 such taxing authority commencing on or after January first, nineteen
20 hundred eighty-one, and during each fiscal year thereafter. Such state
21 aid shall in each year be equal to the amount of taxes levied or which
22 would have been levied by or in behalf of the taxing authority against
23 such lands and the improvements thereon on the last assessment roll
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
[] is old law to be omitted.
S. 1300 2
1 finally completed in the year that the land was acquired by the state,
2 adjusted for any change in assessment, but not less than the assessment
3 roll completed in nineteen hundred eighty.
4 § 2. This act shall take effect immediately and the first payment of
5 state aid shall be based upon assessment rolls completed in 2024.