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S01548 Summary:

Amd §399-aaaa, Gen Bus L
Restricts certain substances from being used in menstrual products.
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S01548 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    January 10, 2025
        Introduced by Sen. FERNANDEZ -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Women's Issues
        AN ACT to amend the general business law, in relation to the restriction
          of certain substances in menstrual products
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Paragraph (b) of subdivision 1 of section 399-aaaa  of  the
     2  general  business  law,  as added by chapter 362 of the laws of 2019, is
     3  amended and three new paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) are added to  read  as
     4  follows:
     5    (b)  "menstrual  product"  shall mean products used for the purpose of
     6  catching menstruation and vaginal discharge, including but  not  limited
     7  to  tampons,  pads,  and  menstrual  cups.  These products may be either
     8  disposable or reusable[.];
     9    (c) "restricted substance" shall mean an unsafe chemical for inclusion
    10  in menstrual products as determined by the commissioner of health, which
    11  shall include,  but  not  be  limited  to,  lead,  mercury  and  related
    12  compounds,  formaldehyde,  triclosan,  toluene, talc, dibutyl phthalate,
    13  di(2)exylhexyl phthalate,  butylphenyl  methylpropional  and  isobutyl-,
    14  isopropyl-,  butyl-, propylparaben, and perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroal-
    15  kyl substances;
    16    (d) "perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances" shall mean a class
    17  of fluorinated organic chemicals containing at least one  fully  fluori-
    18  nated carbon atom;
    19    (e)  "intentionally  added  ingredient"  shall  mean  any  element  or
    20  compound that a manufacturer has  intentionally  added  to  a  menstrual
    21  product,  and which has a functional or technical effect in the finished
    22  product, including, but not limited to, the components of  intentionally
    23  added  fragrance, flavoring and colorants, and the intentional breakdown
    24  products of an added element or compound that also has a  functional  or
    25  technical effect on the finished product.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 1548                             2
     1    §  2. Subdivision 4 of section 399-aaaa of the general business law is
     2  renumbered subdivision 5 and a new subdivision 4 is  added  to  read  as
     3  follows:
     4    4. No menstrual products distributed, sold or offered for sale in this
     5  state,  whether  at  retail  or wholesale, for personal, professional or
     6  commercial use, or distributed for promotional purposes, shall contain:
     7    (a) as of the effective date, a restricted  substance  present  as  an
     8  intentionally added ingredient at any level; or
     9    (b)  as  of  two years after thresholds are established in regulation,
    10  but no later than January first, two thousand twenty-nine, a  restricted
    11  substance  at or above a level that the department of health, in consul-
    12  tation with the department of environmental conservation,  shall  estab-
    13  lish  in  regulation  that  is  the  lowest  level  that can feasibly be
    14  achieved; provided, however, that the department of health  and  depart-
    15  ment  of  environmental  conservation shall review such level every five
    16  years to determine whether it should be  lowered.  The  commissioner  of
    17  health  shall  promulgate regulations establishing these levels no later
    18  than a year after the effective date of this section.
    19    § 3. This act shall take effect twelve  months  after  it  shall  have
    20  become  a  law.  Effective  immediately, the addition, amendment, and/or
    21  repeal of any rule or regulation necessary  for  the  implementation  of
    22  this  act  on its effective date are authorized to be made and completed
    23  on or before such effective date.
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