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S01569 Summary:

Amd Art 7 §11, Constn
Prohibits certain borrowing arrangements; relates to the authorization for the contracting of debt; relates to the manner by which payments are appropriated and paid.
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S01569 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    January 10, 2025
        Introduced  by Sens. TEDISCO, WALCZYK -- read twice and ordered printed,
          and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Judiciary
        proposing amendments to article 7 of the constitution,  in  relation  to
          the  prohibition  of  certain  borrowing arrangements and the authori-
          zation for the contracting of debt
     1    Section 1. Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That section 11 of arti-
     2  cle 7 of the constitution be amended to read as follows:
     3    § 11. 1. Except the debts or refunding debts specified in sections  9,
     4  10  and 13 of this article, [no debt shall be hereafter contracted by or
     5  in behalf of the state, unless] as authorized in subdivision 2 or  3  of
     6  this  section,  or as expressly provided for elsewhere in this constitu-
     7  tion, the state shall not enter into  any  financing  or  other  similar
     8  arrangement,  whether by statute, contract, lease, or otherwise, whereby
     9  the state agrees to make payments which will be used directly  or  indi-
    10  rectly, for the payment of interest, installments of principal, contrib-
    11  utions  to  sinking funds, or related payments on indebtedness issued or
    12  contracted by any state agency, municipality, individual, or  public  or
    13  private  corporation  for  state  purposes or to finance grants or loans
    14  made or to be made by or on behalf of the state  for  any  purpose.  The
    15  restrictions  in  this  subdivision shall apply whether or not the obli-
    16  gation of the state to make such payments is subject to appropriation or
    17  is otherwise contingent.
    18    2. The state may contract debt which is secured by  a  pledge  of  the
    19  full  faith  and credit of the state if such debt shall be authorized by
    20  law, for some single capital work or purpose, to be distinctly specified
    21  therein[. No]; provided that no such law  shall  take  effect  until  it
    22  shall,  at  a  general  election, have been submitted to the people, and
    23  have received a majority of all the votes cast for  and  against  it  at
    24  such  election  nor  shall  it  be submitted to be voted on within three
    25  months after its passage nor at any general election when any other  law
    26  or any bill shall be submitted to be voted for or against.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 1569                             2
     1    3.  The  state  may also contract debt, in a manner prescribed by law,
     2  which shall be secured by a pledge of specific revenues  of  the  state.
     3  The  legislature shall, by law, identify the capital works or purpose to
     4  be financed with such debt. Revenues in excess of the required  payments
     5  of  interest  and  installment  payments  of principal, contributions to
     6  sinking funds, and other payments relating to such debt  shall  be  made
     7  available for such other purposes, as provided by law.
     8    4.  The  state may not contract debt pursuant to subdivision 3 of this
     9  section during any single fiscal year in excess of  thirty-five  percent
    10  of  the total amount of capital works in such fiscal year, provided that
    11  the limit may be increased to fifty percent for any year in which  total
    12  state  revenues  decline,  excluding  declines caused by a change in the
    13  rate of taxation, by two percent or more. The limit shall be reduced  to
    14  forty-five  percent  of  the  total amount of capital works in the first
    15  year succeeding a year when revenues decline by two percent or more, and
    16  to forty percent in the second year  succeeding  a  year  when  revenues
    17  decline  by  two  percent or more. The limit shall return to thirty-five
    18  percent of the total amount of capital works for  all  other  succeeding
    19  years.
    20    5. The legislature may, at any time [after the approval of such law by
    21  the  people], if no debt shall have been contracted in pursuance [there-
    22  of], of a particular law authorized under subdivision 2  or  3  of  this
    23  section  repeal  [the  same]  such  law authorizing the issuance of such
    24  debt; and may at any time, by law, forbid the contracting of any further
    25  debt or liability under such law.
    26    6. No debt may be contracted pursuant to subdivision 2 or  3  of  this
    27  section, except to finance capital works or purposes.
    28    7.  The  state may contract debt to refund debt contracted pursuant to
    29  subdivision 2  or  3  of  this  section  provided  such  refundings  are
    30  conducted  in accordance with the provisions of section 13 of this arti-
    31  cle.
    32    8. The provisions of subdivision 1 of this section shall not  prohibit
    33  the  state  from  providing  monies for any of the obligations hereafter
    34  prohibited  by  said  subdivision  1,  including  payment  of  interest,
    35  installment  payments  of  principal, contributions to sinking funds, or
    36  related payments or obligations to  the  extent  such  obligations  were
    37  contracted for or otherwise incurred prior to the effective date of such
    38  subdivision  or  on  obligations  issued  to  refund  such  obligations,
    39  provided such refundings are conducted in accordance with the provisions
    40  of section 13 of this article.
    41    § 2. Resolved (if the Assembly concur), That the  foregoing  amendment
    42  be referred to the first regular legislative session convening after the
    43  next  succeeding  general  election  of members of the assembly, and, in
    44  conformity with  section  1  of  article  19  of  the  constitution,  be
    45  published for 3 months previous to the time of such election.
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