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S02666 Summary:

Amd §611, Cor L
Relates to the provision of breast pumps and related collection and storage materials to all mothers who are confined in or committed to an institution or local correctional facility with or without their child subject to specific time limitations; requires institutions and local correctional facilities to provide pumps and related materials to such mothers, but not beyond the date such child reaches twenty-four months of age except in limited circumstances related to parole; allows children to remain with their mothers in a correctional institution until twenty-four months of age, or longer in certain cases related to parole; requires the commissioner of corrections and community supervision to issue an annual report on data relating to incarcerated mothers.
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S02666 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    January 22, 2025
        Introduced  by Sens. SALAZAR, HINCHEY -- read twice and ordered printed,
          and when printed to be committed to the Committee  on  Crime  Victims,
          Crime and Correction
        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  correction law, in relation to providing breast
          pumps to certain incarcerated nursing birth parents

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Section 611 of the correction law is amended by adding four
     2  new subdivisions 5, 6, 7 and 8 to read as follows:
     3    5. A person who gives birth in a hospital or medical facility while in
     4  the  custody  of  an institution or local correctional facility shall be
     5  permitted to keep all health and newborn related supplies and  equipment
     6  provided  to  them by the hospital or medical facility upon their return
     7  to the institution or local correctional  facility,  including  but  not
     8  limited  to  diapers,  breast  pump  equipment,  breastfeeding supplies,
     9  breast pads, sanitary napkins, underwear,  water  bottle,  heating  pad,
    10  perineal  squirt  bottles, sitz baths, and health creams, ointments, and
    11  sprays. Such person and their newborn shall be  provided  with  uninter-
    12  rupted  access to therapeutically equivalent medication as prescribed by
    13  medical personnel at the hospital or medical  facility  for  a  duration
    14  consistent with the timeframe prescribed by such personnel.
    15    6.  (a)  For  purposes  of this subdivision, a breastfeeding parent is
    16  defined as:
    17    (i) a parent in custody of an institution or local correctional facil-
    18  ity who lives with their child pursuant to subdivisions two and three of
    19  this section; and
    20    (ii) a parent in custody  of  an  institution  or  local  correctional
    21  facility  who  is  able  to  produce breast milk of any amount and whose
    22  child is living in the community and is  thirty-six  months  of  age  or
    23  younger.
    24    (b) (i) A breastfeeding parent shall have the right to:
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 2666                             2
     1    (A)  breastfeed  their  child consistent with the rights enumerated in
     2  subdivision three of section twenty-five hundred five-a  of  the  public
     3  health law;
     4    (B)  breastfeed  their  child  in any location consistent with section
     5  seventy-nine-e of the civil rights law or use a breast pump  or  express
     6  breast  milk  in  any  location,  provided that the institution or local
     7  correctional facility has authorized such parent and their child  to  be
     8  in such location;
     9    (C)  breastfeed  and  express breast milk at a frequency determined by
    10  such parent;
    11    (D) store breast milk at the institution or local correctional facili-
    12  ty in a fashion consistent with the requirements set forth in paragraphs
    13  (f) and (g) of this subdivision; and
    14    (E) if such parent is not living with their child, designate an  indi-
    15  vidual  in  the  community to gather breast milk from the institution or
    16  local correctional facility for the purpose  of  delivering  the  breast
    17  milk to their child.
    18    (ii) An institution or local correctional facility shall not require a
    19  parent  to  breastfeed  or discriminate against or penalize in any way a
    20  parent for their breastfeeding decisions and actions.
    21    (c) A breastfeeding parent participating in jobs  and  programs  shall
    22  not  be penalized for engaging in activities consistent with section two
    23  hundred six-c of the labor law, and shall  be  provided  with  the  same
    24  accommodations as required under such section of the labor law.
    25    (d)  An  institution  or  local  correctional facility shall provide a
    26  breastfeeding parent, as defined in paragraph (a) of  this  subdivision,
    27  with the following:
    28    (i)  a personal electric pump with associated parts including flanges,
    29  valves, membranes, connections, tubes, and collection bottles;
    30    (ii) a personal manual pump;
    31    (iii) a personal  breastfeeding  cover,  personal  pillow,  and  other
    32  personal  items  that allow for comfort and privacy during breastfeeding
    33  and expressing breast milk;
    34    (iv) comprehensive current information about breastfeeding and  lacta-
    35  tion  that  reflects standards of the department of health in a language
    36  and manner understandable to such parent;
    37    (v) access to breastfeeding and lactation  assistance  from  personnel
    38  with relevant expertise and, if available, other individuals incarcerat-
    39  ed  at  the  institution  or  local correctional facility who work in or
    40  otherwise support pregnancy or child related programming and are able to
    41  provide breastfeeding and lactation support; and
    42    (vi) access to breastfeeding and lactation support resources,  includ-
    43  ing in-person or online support groups and/or digital resources.
    44    (e)  Upon such parent's request for infant formula, the institution or
    45  local correctional facility shall provide such parent with formula  that
    46  meet  standards and nutrient requirements set forth by the United States
    47  food and drug administration.  If  such  parent  determines  that  their
    48  infant  is  intolerant  to or otherwise made physically uncomfortable by
    49  the formula provided, the institution  or  local  correctional  facility
    50  shall  provide  alternate formulas until such parent determines that one
    51  is sufficient for their infant. Prior  to  making  their  determination,
    52  such parent shall be afforded the opportunity to discuss formula related
    53  issues  with  personnel  providing  lactation care and pediatric care in
    54  that institution or local correctional facility.
    55    (f) An institution or local correctional facility shall acquire breast
    56  pump parts and breast milk storage devices only from  organizations  and

        S. 2666                             3
     1  agencies  that  are  in  compliance with section 37-0505 of the environ-
     2  mental conservation law,  and  shall  clean  or  allow  a  breastfeeding
     3  parent, as defined in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, to clean breast
     4  pump  parts  and  breast  milk storage devices at a frequency consistent
     5  with regulations set forth by the department of health.
     6    (g) An institution or local correctional facility shall store  breast-
     7  milk safely in a refrigerator or comparable cooling unit consistent with
     8  guidelines  set  forth by the department of health until it is ready for
     9  consumption by the child of a breastfeeding parent, as defined in  para-
    10  graph (a) of this subdivision, or for pick up by a designated individual
    11  pursuant to paragraph (b) of this subdivision.
    12    7.  (a)  The  department and commission shall compile data outlined in
    13  paragraph (b) of this subdivision for an annual report to the  governor,
    14  the  temporary  president  of  the  senate,  the  minority leader of the
    15  senate, the speaker of the assembly, the minority leader of  the  assem-
    16  bly,  the chairperson of the senate health committee, the chairperson of
    17  the senate crime victims, crime and  correction  committee,  the  chair-
    18  person of the assembly health committee, the chairperson of the assembly
    19  correction committee, the chairperson of the legislative women's caucus,
    20  and  the  chairperson  of  the  Black,  Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian
    21  legislative caucus. Such data shall be disaggregated by institution  and
    22  local  correctional  facility  and  reported in a de-identified fashion.
    23  Reports issued pursuant  to  this  paragraph  shall  be  posted  on  the
    24  websites maintained by the department and the commission.
    25    (b)  Each  institution and local correctional facility shall work with
    26  relevant personnel and contracted  external  health  care  providers  to
    27  collect  the following data and provide it in a de-identified fashion to
    28  the department for the purpose outlined in paragraph (a) of this  subdi-
    29  vision:
    30    (i) the number of individuals known to be pregnant upon admission;
    31    (ii)  the  number of individuals identified as being pregnant while in
    32  custody, including the number participating in a  work  release  program
    33  and the number in custody for a parole violation;
    34    (iii) the average daily census of pregnant individuals;
    35    (iv)  the number of ectopic pregnancies, molar pregnancies, abortions,
    36  miscarriages, stillbirths, vaginal deliveries, and caesarean deliveries;
    37    (v) the number of pregnancies determined by medical  personnel  to  be
    38  high risk and the reasons for such determinations;
    39    (vi)  for each newborn, the gestational age at delivery, birth weight,
    40  and length of stay, if any, in a neonatal intensive care unit;
    41    (vii) for pregnant individuals, their race, ethnicity, gender  identi-
    42  ty, age, crime of conviction, and county of conviction;
    43    (viii)  for  individuals  who apply for a nursery program, their race,
    44  ethnicity, gender identity, age, crime  of  conviction,  and  county  of
    45  conviction,  whether  those  individuals were approved or denied for the
    46  program, along with specific and detailed reasons for denials, including
    47  how they may relate to the crime of conviction, criminal record,  custo-
    48  dial  history,  history  of  violence, history of involvement with child
    49  protective services, or history of substance use of the individual,  the
    50  mental  or physical health conditions of the individual or child, or the
    51  safety of the individual, child, or others in the nursery;
    52    (ix) the number of babies who do not return  to  an  institution  with
    53  their  parent  and  the reasons, including denial for a nursery program,
    54  and where those babies are placed, including  non-kinship  foster  care,
    55  kinship  foster  care,  with the other parent, with a friend, and with a
    56  family member not in foster care;

        S. 2666                             4
     1    (x) for institutions with a nursery program,  the  number  of  nursery
     2  beds available and the number of beds utilized each month;
     3    (xi) the length of time between each nursery application and decision,
     4  the length of time between each decision and the birth of the child, and
     5  if  admission  is  granted,  the length of time between the decision and
     6  placement of the individual in the nursery;
     7    (xii) the number of individuals participating in the nursery program;
     8    (xiii) the number of children who enter a nursery from the community;
     9    (xiv) the number of individuals removed from the nursery disaggregated
    10  by race, ethnicity, gender identity, age, crime of conviction, county of
    11  conviction, and length of nursery stay, along with specific and detailed
    12  reasons for removals, including how they may  relate  to  the  crime  of
    13  conviction,  criminal  record,  custodial  history, history of violence,
    14  history of involvement with child protective  services,  or  history  of
    15  substance  use  of  the individual, the mental or physical health condi-
    16  tions of the individual or child, and  the  safety  of  the  individual,
    17  child, or others in the nursery;
    18    (xv)  the  number  of  babies removed from a nursery program and where
    19  those babies are placed,  including  non-kinship  foster  care,  kinship
    20  foster  care,  with  the  other parent, with a friend, and with a family
    21  member not in foster care; and
    22    (xvi) the number of babies who return  to  the  community  with  their
    23  parent  after being in a nursery program and the length of time spent in
    24  the nursery.
    25    8. Any person confined in an institution or local correctional facili-
    26  ty that houses pregnant or postpartum individuals or individuals who may
    27  become pregnant shall receive notice in writing in a language and manner
    28  understandable to them about the requirements contained in each subdivi-
    29  sion of this section upon their admission and again, regardless  of  the
    30  institution  or local correctional facility in which they are housed, if
    31  they are known to be pregnant or to be a breastfeeding parent, or to  be
    32  eligible for their child to join them in an institution or local correc-
    33  tional  facility pursuant to subdivisions two and three of this section.
    34  The superintendent or sheriff shall publish notice of  the  requirements
    35  contained  in  each  subdivision  of this section in prominent locations
    36  where pregnancy related care and child related care  are  provided.  The
    37  department  and  the  sheriff  shall  provide  annual  training  on  the
    38  provisions contained in each subdivision of this section for all correc-
    39  tional, civilian and volunteer personnel who are involved in the  trans-
    40  portation,  supervision  or  care  of  pregnant  people or breastfeeding
    41  parents, as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision six this section, or
    42  parents eligible for their child to join them in an institution or local
    43  correctional facility pursuant to subdivisions two  and  three  of  this
    44  section.
    45    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
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