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S02754 Summary:

Amd §§120.90 & 140.20, CP L; amd §447-a, Soc Serv L
Relates to the issuance of arrest warrants upon a youth; provides for the police officer to make a reasonable effort to notify the parent or other person legally responsible for the care of such youth or with whom the youth is domiciled that the youth has been arrested; provides that the police officer need not notify the parent or other person legally responsible when such youth is not also a juvenile offender and the notification would endanger the health and safety of such youth; amends provisions relating to sexually exploited children to include persons under the age of nineteen.
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S02754 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    January 24, 2023
          RAMOS  --  read  twice  and  ordered  printed,  and when printed to be
          committed to the Committee on Codes -- recommitted to the Committee on
          Codes in accordance with Senate Rule 6, sec. 8 --  reported  favorably
          from  said  committee  and  committed  to  the Committee on Finance --
          committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as  amended  and
          recommitted to said committee
        AN  ACT to amend the criminal procedure law and the social services law,
          in relation to ensuring that parents and guardians of youth up to  age
          19 are notified when their child is arrested
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. This act shall be known and may be  cited  as  the  "family
     2  notification and protection act".
     3    § 2. Subdivision 7 of section 120.90 of the criminal procedure law, as
     4  amended  by section 16 of part WWW of chapter 59 of the laws of 2017, is
     5  amended to read as follows:
     6    7. Upon arresting a juvenile offender [or],  adolescent  offender,  or
     7  youth  as  defined in subdivision one of section 720.10 of this chapter,
     8  the police officer shall immediately notify the parent or  other  person
     9  legally responsible for [his] their care or the person with whom [he is]
    10  they   are  domiciled,  that  the  juvenile  offender  [or],  adolescent
    11  offender, or youth has been arrested, and the location of  the  facility
    12  where  [he is] they are being detained, provided that the police officer
    13  need not notify the parent or other person legally responsible for  such
    14  youth's  care or the person with whom they are domiciled when such youth
    15  is not also a juvenile offender and the  notification  of  a  parent  or
    16  other person would endanger the health or safety of such youth.
    17    §  3. Subdivisions 1, 2 and 6 of section 140.20 of the criminal proce-
    18  dure law, subdivision 1 as amended by chapter 549 of the laws  of  1987,
    19  paragraphs  (a) and (b) of subdivision 1 as amended by chapter 23 of the
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 2754--A                          2
     1  laws of 2024, paragraph (c) of subdivision 1 as  separately  amended  by
     2  chapter  382  of  the  laws  of  1987, paragraph (d) of subdivision 1 as
     3  amended and paragraph (e) as added by chapter 492 of the laws  of  2016,
     4  subdivision 2 as amended by section 3 of subpart B of part VV of chapter
     5  56  of the laws of 2023, the opening paragraph of subdivision 2 as sepa-
     6  rately amended by chapter 23 of the laws of 2024, and subdivision  6  as
     7  amended by section 20 of part WWW of chapter 59 of the laws of 2017, are
     8  amended to read as follows:
     9    1.  Upon arresting a person without a warrant, a police officer, after
    10  performing without unnecessary delay all recording,  fingerprinting  and
    11  other  preliminary  police  duties required in the particular case, must
    12  except as otherwise provided in this section, without unnecessary  delay
    13  bring  the  arrested  person  or  cause  [him] the arrested person to be
    14  brought before a local criminal court and file therewith an  appropriate
    15  accusatory  instrument  charging [him] them with the offense or offenses
    16  in question. The arrested person must be brought to the particular local
    17  criminal court, or to one of them if there be more than one,  designated
    18  in section 100.55 of this title as an appropriate court for commencement
    19  of the particular action; except that:
    20    (a)  If  the  arrest is for an offense other than a class A, B, C or D
    21  felony or a violation of section 130.25, former section 130.40,  section
    22  205.10,  205.17,  205.19 or 215.56 of the penal law committed in a town,
    23  but not in a village thereof having a village court, and the town  court
    24  of  such  town  is not available at the time, the arrested person may be
    25  brought before the local criminal court of any village within such  town
    26  or,  any  adjoining  town,  village embraced in whole or in part by such
    27  adjoining town, or city of the same county; and
    28    (b) If the arrest is for an offense other than a class A, B,  C  or  D
    29  felony  or a violation of section 130.25, former section 130.40, section
    30  205.10, 205.17, 205.19 or 215.56 of the penal law committed in a village
    31  having a village court and such court is not available at the time,  the
    32  arrested person may be brought before the town court of the town embrac-
    33  ing  such  village  or  any other village court within such town, or, if
    34  such town or village court is not available  either,  before  the  local
    35  criminal  court  of  any adjoining town, village embraced in whole or in
    36  part by such adjoining town, or city of the same county; and
    37    (c) If the arrest is for an offense committed in a city, and the  city
    38  court  thereof  is not available at the time, the arrested person may be
    39  brought before the  local  criminal  court  of  any  adjoining  town  or
    40  village, or village court embraced by an adjoining town, within the same
    41  county as such city; and
    42    (d)  If  the  arrest  is for a traffic infraction or for a misdemeanor
    43  relating to traffic, the police officer may,  instead  of  bringing  the
    44  arrested  person before the local criminal court of the political subdi-
    45  vision or locality in which the offense was allegedly  committed,  bring
    46  [him  or  her]  them  before the local criminal court of the same county
    47  nearest available by highway travel to the point of arrest; and
    48    (e) If the arrested person is at least sixteen years old and less than
    49  nineteen years old, and if the arrest is for a non-violent class  B,  C,
    50  or  D  felony (except 125.12, 263.05, 263.10, 263.15, 263.30, or 470.23)
    51  or a violation of section 130.25, former section 130.40, 205.10, 205.17,
    52  205.19 or 215.56 of the penal law, and the local criminal court  is  not
    53  available  the officer shall make every reasonable effort to give notice
    54  to the parent, or other person legally responsible for their care or the
    55  person with whom they are domiciled; or

        S. 2754--A                          3
     1    (f) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, where a local
     2  criminal court in the county in which the defendant is arrested is oper-
     3  ating an off-hours arraignment part designated in accordance with  para-
     4  graph  (w) of subdivision one of section two hundred twelve of the judi-
     5  ciary  law at the time of defendant's arrest, the arrested person may be
     6  brought before such local criminal court.
     7    2. If the arrest is for an offense other than a class A,  B,  C  or  D
     8  felony  or a violation of section 130.25, former section 130.40, section
     9  205.10, 205.17, 205.19 or 215.56 of the penal law, or other  than  where
    10  an arrest is required to be made pursuant to subdivision four of section
    11  140.10 of this article, the arrested person need not be brought before a
    12  local criminal court as provided in subdivision one of this section, and
    13  the procedure may instead be as follows:
    14    (a) A police officer may issue and serve an appearance ticket upon the
    15  arrested  person  and  release [him] them from custody, as prescribed in
    16  subdivision two of section 150.20 of this title; or
    17    (b) The desk officer in charge at a police  station,  county  jail  or
    18  police  headquarters,  or  any of [his] their superior officers, may, in
    19  such place fix pre-arraignment bail and, upon deposit thereof, issue and
    20  serve an appearance ticket upon the arrested person  and  release  [him]
    21  them from custody.
    22    If  the  arrested person is older than sixteen years old but less than
    23  nineteen years old, the officer shall follow the procedure as prescribed
    24  in paragraph (f) of subdivision one of this section.
    25    6. Upon arresting a  juvenile  offender  [or],  a  person  sixteen  or
    26  commencing October first, two thousand nineteen, seventeen years of age,
    27  or youth as defined in subdivision one of section 720.10 of this chapter
    28  without  a  warrant,  the  police  officer  shall immediately notify the
    29  parent or other person legally responsible for [his or her]  their  care
    30  or  the  person  with  whom [he or she is] they are domiciled, that such
    31  offender or person has been arrested, and the location of  the  facility
    32  where  [he  or she is] they are being detained, provided that the police
    33  officer need not notify the parent or other person  legally  responsible
    34  for  such  youth's  care or the person with whom they are domiciled when
    35  such youth is not also a juvenile offender and  the  notification  of  a
    36  parent  or  other  person  would  endanger  the health or safety of such
    37  youth, however the police officer must make every reasonable  effort  to
    38  contact  an  adult  family  member or an unrelated adult over the age of
    39  twenty-five. If the officer determines that it is necessary to  question
    40  a  juvenile  offender, youth, or such person, the officer must take [him
    41  or her] them to a facility designated by the chief administrator of  the
    42  courts  as a suitable place for the questioning of children or, upon the
    43  consent of a parent or other person legally responsible for the care  of
    44  the juvenile offender, youth or such person, to [his or her] their resi-
    45  dence  and there question [him or her] such juvenile offender, youth, or
    46  such person for a reasonable period of time. A juvenile offender, youth,
    47  or such person shall not be questioned pursuant to this  section  unless
    48  [he  or  she] they and a person required to be notified pursuant to this
    49  subdivision, if present, have been advised:
    50    (a) of the juvenile offender's, youth's, or  such  person's  right  to
    51  remain silent;
    52    (b)  that  the statements made by [him or her] such juvenile offender,
    53  youth, or such person may be used in a court of law;
    54    (c) of [his  or  her]  such  juvenile  offender's,  youth's,  or  such
    55  person's right to have an attorney present at such questioning; and

        S. 2754--A                          4
     1    (d)  of  [his  or  her]  such  juvenile  offender's,  youth's, or such
     2  person's right to have an attorney provided for [him or her] such  juve-
     3  nile  offender, youth, or such person without charge if [he or she] such
     4  juvenile offender, youth, or such person is unable to afford counsel.
     5    In  determining  the  suitability  of  questioning and determining the
     6  reasonable period of time for  questioning  such  a  juvenile  offender,
     7  youth,  or  person,  [his  or her] such juvenile offender's, youth's, or
     8  such person's age, the presence or absence of [his or her] such juvenile
     9  offender's, youth's, or such person's parents or other  persons  legally
    10  responsible  for [his or her] such juvenile offender's, youth's, or such
    11  person's care and notification pursuant to  this  subdivision  shall  be
    12  included among relevant considerations.
    13    § 4. Subdivisions 1 and 2 of section 447-a of the social services law,
    14  subdivision  1 as amended by chapter 189 of the laws of 2018, paragraphs
    15  (c) and (d) of subdivision 1 as amended by chapter 23  of  the  laws  of
    16  2021,  and subdivision 2 as amended by section 8 of part M of chapter 56
    17  of the laws of 2017, are amended to read as follows:
    18    1. The term "sexually exploited child" means any person under the  age
    19  of  [eighteen]  nineteen  who  has  been  subject to sexual exploitation
    20  because [he or she] they:
    21    (a) [is] are the victim of the crime of sex trafficking as defined  in
    22  section  230.34  of  the  penal law or the crime of sex trafficking of a
    23  child as defined in section 230.34-a of the penal law;
    24    (b) [engages] engage in any act as defined in section  230.00  of  the
    25  penal law;
    26    (c)  [is]  are  a  victim  of  the crime of compelling prostitution as
    27  defined in section 230.33 of the penal law; or
    28    (d) [engages] engage in acts  or  conduct  described  in  article  two
    29  hundred sixty-three of the penal law.
    30    2. The term "short-term safe house" means a residential facility oper-
    31  ated  by  an  authorized agency as defined in subdivision ten of section
    32  three hundred seventy-one of this article including a residential facil-
    33  ity operating as part of a runaway and homeless  youth  crisis  services
    34  program  as  defined in subdivision four of section five hundred thirty-
    35  two-a of the executive law or a not-for-profit agency with experience in
    36  providing services to sexually exploited youth and approved  in  accord-
    37  ance  with the regulations of the office of children and family services
    38  that provides emergency shelter, services and care to sexually exploited
    39  children including food, shelter, clothing, medical care, counseling and
    40  appropriate crisis intervention services at the time they are taken into
    41  custody by law enforcement and for the duration of any legal  proceeding
    42  or  proceedings  in which they are either the complaining witness or the
    43  subject child. The short-term safe house shall also be available at  the
    44  point  in  time  that  a  child under the age of [eighteen] nineteen has
    45  first come  into  the  custody  of  juvenile  detention  officials,  law
    46  enforcement, local jails or the local commissioner of social services or
    47  is residing with the local runaway and homeless youth authority.
    48    § 5. This act shall take effect on the first of November next succeed-
    49  ing  the  date  on  which it shall have become a law; provided, however,
    50  that if chapter 23 of the laws of 2024 shall not have taken effect on or
    51  before such date then the amendments to paragraphs (a) and (b) of subdi-
    52  vision 1 and the opening paragraph of subdivision 2 of section 140.20 of
    53  the criminal procedure law as amended by section three of this act shall
    54  take effect on the same date and in the same manner as such  chapter  of
    55  the laws of 2024 takes effect.
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