S03656 Summary:
BILL NO | S03656 |
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SAME AS | SAME AS A04692 |
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Amd §24-0301, En Con L | |
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Exempts inland lakes which are navigable waterways and have an area of 150 acres or more from wetlands designations, not including great lakes. |
S03656 Text:
Go to top STATE OF NEW YORK ________________________________________________________________________ 3656 2025-2026 Regular Sessions IN SENATE January 29, 2025 ___________ Introduced by Sen. BORRELLO -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Environmental Conservation AN ACT to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to exempting certain inland lakes from wetlands designations The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem- bly, do enact as follows: 1 Section 1. Section 24-0301 of the environmental conservation law is 2 amended by adding a new subdivision 7 to read as follows: 3 7. Inland lakes which are navigable waterways and which have an area 4 of one hundred fifty acres or more shall be exempt from designation as a 5 freshwater wetland, whenever the commissioner is delineating boundaries 6 of freshwater wetlands pursuant to this section. For purposes of this 7 section, "inland lake" shall not include any of the great lakes. 8 § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [] is old law to be omitted. LBD08097-01-5