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S03953 Summary:

Add Art 19-E §§697 - 697-b, Lab L
Relates to the convening of a human services employee wage board; requires the commissioner of labor to convene a human services employee wage board comprised of twelve members; requires the wage board to hold hearings and report and make recommendations to the governor and legislature no later than December 31, 2025.
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S03953 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    January 31, 2025
        Introduced  by  Sens.  RAMOS,  CLEARE, COMRIE, FERNANDEZ, HOYLMAN-SIGAL,
          JACKSON, MAYER, PARKER -- read twice and  ordered  printed,  and  when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Labor
        AN  ACT  to amend the labor law, in relation to the convening of a human
          services employee wage board

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  The  labor law is amended by adding a new article 19-E to
     2  read as follows:
     3                                ARTICLE 19-E
     4                          HUMAN SERVICES EMPLOYEES
     5  Section 697. Statement of public policy.
     6          697-a. Definitions.
     7          697-b. Human services employee wage board.
     8    § 697. Statement of public policy. The legislature  hereby  finds  and
     9  declares  that there are persons employed by human services providers in
    10  the state of New York at wages insufficient to provide adequate  mainte-
    11  nance for themselves and their families.
    12    Human  services  workers  are  essential  to the state and localities'
    13  ability to assist new yorkers confronting a range of social  challenges.
    14  To  achieve  cost  savings,  government  has  transferred  most  legally
    15  mandated human services for New Yorkers to nonprofits and in  turn  have
    16  created massive pay disparities within the field. Government is not just
    17  the  predominant  funder  of  human services in New York, it is also the
    18  main driver of human services salaries as it directly sets salary  rates
    19  on  contracts  or does so indirectly by establishing costs for a unit or
    20  service, along with required staffing on a contract.
    21    Nonprofits contracted to provide human services are not only  provided
    22  insufficient  funding  to  pay their employees, but are met with chronic
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 3953                             2
     1  delays in payment, underfunding, and a lack of sincere collaboration  to
     2  create  meaningful and lasting interventions. Between two thousand eight
     3  and two thousand eighteen, the state cut human services funding by twen-
     4  ty-six  percent,  with  lower rates now than in nineteen hundred eighty.
     5  These contracting practices have created extreme pay  disparities  where
     6  human  services  workers  make  on  average  seventy-one percent of what
     7  government employees make, and eighty-two percent of what private sector
     8  workers receive.
     9    The pay disparities in the human services sector also  have  important
    10  consequences  for  race  and  gender equity. The human services provider
    11  workforce of nearly eight  hundred  thousand  people  is  overwhelmingly
    12  female  (sixty-six  percent),  over  two-thirds are full-time workers of
    13  color (sixty-eight percent), and nearly  half  (forty-six  percent)  are
    14  women  of  color.  The  majority  (sixty-three percent) have a four year
    15  college degree or better; yet they make about twenty thousand dollars  a
    16  year less than a public sector worker with a comparable education.
    17    Government  savings  are being borne on the backs of low-income neigh-
    18  borhoods and black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC)  communities
    19  who  get  reduced services and a workforce that is predominantly made up
    20  of women and people of color who are paid poverty-level wages. The rela-
    21  tively low pay in the core human  services  sector  means  that  fifteen
    22  percent  of  all  workers  (both full- and part-time) qualified for food
    23  stamps in two thousand sixteen through two thousand eighteen.
    24    A human services employee wage board is necessary to  investigate  the
    25  pay disparities between government employees and employees of contracted
    26  human  services  providers  and  develop recommendations on adequate and
    27  equitable wages.
    28    § 697-a. Definitions. As used in this article:
    29    1. "Human services" shall mean any service provided to individuals  or
    30  groups  of  individuals,  for the purpose of improving or enhancing such
    31  individuals'  health  and/or  welfare,  by  addressing  social  problems
    32  including  but  not  limited  to:  domestic violence, teenage pregnancy,
    33  migrant health problems, child abuse, nutritional deficiencies, suicide,
    34  hunger, unemployment, lack of suitable shelter, crime, drug and  alcohol
    35  abuse, environmental justice, and poverty.
    36    2.  "Human  services  provider"  shall mean any: (a) not-for-profit or
    37  charitable organization, or (b) local agency as defined  in  subdivision
    38  three of this section, that (i) contracts with any state agency or other
    39  public  entity, as defined in subdivisions four and five of this section
    40  to provide human services as defined in subdivision one of this section,
    41  or (ii) directly or indirectly receives any public funds to  provide  or
    42  contract with third persons to provide human services for the benefit of
    43  the general public or specific client groups.
    44    3.  "Local  agency"  shall  include all county, city, town and village
    45  governing bodies, all other public corporations, special  districts  and
    46  school districts in the state.
    47    4.  "State  agency"  shall  include  any  department, division, board,
    48  bureau, commission, office, agency, authority or public  corporation  of
    49  the state.
    50    5.  "Public entity" shall mean any local agency as defined in subdivi-
    51  sion three of this section and any state agency as defined  in  subdivi-
    52  sion four of this section.
    53    §  697-b.  Human  services  employee  wage  board.  1. Membership. The
    54  commissioner shall hereby convene a human services employee wage  board.
    55  The  wage  board  shall  be  comprised  of  twelve  members: three human
    56  services employees, three human  services  providers,  three  coalitions

        S. 3953                             3
     1  representing  human  services  providers, and three members appointed by
     2  the commissioner, who shall be selected from the general public and  one
     3  of  whom  shall  be designated as chairperson. The wage board shall hold
     4  its  first  hearing no later than March first, two thousand twenty-five.
     5  The members of the board shall not receive a  salary  or  other  compen-
     6  sation,  but shall be paid actual and necessary traveling expenses while
     7  engaged in the performance of their duties.
     8    2. Organization. Two-thirds of the members of the board shall  consti-
     9  tute  a  quorum.  The  chairperson may from time to time formulate rules
    10  governing the manner in which the wage board shall function and  perform
    11  its duties under this article.
    12    3. Powers. The wage board shall have power to conduct public hearings.
    13  The  board  may  also  consult  with  human services providers and human
    14  services employees, and their respective representatives, in the occupa-
    15  tion or occupations involved, and with such other persons, including the
    16  commissioner, the commissioner of  children  and  family  services,  the
    17  commissioner of temporary and disability assistance, the commissioner of
    18  addiction  services  and  supports, the director of the state office for
    19  the aging, the commissioner of people with  developmental  disabilities,
    20  the  commissioner  of mental health, the commissioner of health, and the
    21  deputy secretary for human services and  mental  hygiene,  as  it  shall
    22  determine.  The  board  shall also have power to administer oaths and to
    23  require by subpoena the attendance and testimony of witnesses,  and  the
    24  production  of  all  books,  records, and other evidence relative to any
    25  matters under inquiry. Such subpoenas shall be signed and issued by  the
    26  chairperson of the board and shall be served and have the same effect as
    27  if  issued out of the supreme court. The board shall have power to cause
    28  depositions of witnesses residing within or  without  the  state  to  be
    29  taken  in the manner prescribed for like depositions in civil actions in
    30  the supreme court. The board shall not be bound by common law or  statu-
    31  tory rules of procedure or evidence.
    32    4.  Public  hearings. Within forty-five days of the appointment of the
    33  wage board, the board shall conduct  public  hearings.  The  wage  board
    34  shall  only meet within the state and shall hold at least three hearings
    35  at which the public will be afforded an opportunity to provide comments.
    36  At least one Spanish language  interpreter  shall  be  present  at  each
    37  public hearing to interpret oral testimony delivered in Spanish. Where a
    38  witness requests in advance of such hearing an interpreter in a language
    39  other  than  Spanish,  including  but  not  limited to sign language, an
    40  interpreter in that language shall be provided. Any materials  advertis-
    41  ing  such  hearings  shall  be  bilingual in English, Spanish, and other
    42  languages commonly spoken by human services employees in the  geographic
    43  region of the hearing. Any written materials disbursed at the hearing or
    44  subsequent to the hearing, including written testimony and hearing tran-
    45  scripts,  shall be available in English, Spanish, and any other language
    46  upon request and shall be made available in a format accessible to those
    47  with visual disabilities upon request. Any visual materials presented at
    48  the hearing or subsequent to the hearing shall be made  available  in  a
    49  format accessible to those with visual disabilities upon request.
    50    5.  Report. The wage board shall make a report to the governor and the
    51  legislature. Such report shall be  published  contemporaneously  on  the
    52  website  of  the department. The report and recommendations of the board
    53  shall be submitted only after a vote of not less than a majority of  all
    54  its  members  in support of such report and recommendations. Such report
    55  shall be submitted no later than  December  thirty-first,  two  thousand
    56  twenty-five.

        S. 3953                             4
     1    6.  Considerations.  The wage board shall consider the pay disparities
     2  between human services  employees  and  government  and  private  sector
     3  employees performing the same duties, fringe benefits and other employee
     4  benefits,  human services employee wages relative to the federal poverty
     5  guidelines,  the  impact  of  cost  of  living on human service employee
     6  wages, and recommendations for wages that  would  provide  for  adequate
     7  maintenance and to protect the health of human services employees.
     8    7.  Commissioner's actions. The commissioner shall comply with section
     9  six hundred fifty-six of this chapter upon receipt of the  wage  board's
    10  recommendations.  The  commissioner may reconvene the same wage board or
    11  appoint a new wage board in compliance with section six  hundred  fifty-
    12  nine of this chapter.
    13    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
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