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S04045 Summary:

Add §119-c, amd §1180, V & T L
Requires the installation of intelligent speed assistance devices if a driver accumulates eleven or more points on their driving record during a 24 month period, or receives 6 speed camera or red light camera tickets during a twelve month period.
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S04045 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    January 31, 2025
          MAN-SIGAL, KRUEGER, MARTINEZ,  RAMOS,  SEPULVEDA  --  read  twice  and
          ordered  printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on
          Transportation  --  committee  discharged,   bill   amended,   ordered
          reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN  ACT  to  amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to requiring
          the installation of intelligent speed assistance devices for  repeated
          violation of maximum speed limits
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The vehicle and traffic law is  amended  by  adding  a  new
     2  section 119-c to read as follows:
     3    §  119-c. Intelligent speed assistance device. A device, also referred
     4  to as a "speed limiter", which is  installed  in  a  motor  vehicle  and
     5  utilizes  technology  to  cap the speed of a motor vehicle at five miles
     6  per hour more than the speed limit in a specific  zone.  The  technology
     7  shall  allow for slight acceleration past the speed limit, if necessary,
     8  based on traffic conditions.
     9    § 2. Subdivision (h) of section 1180 of the vehicle and traffic law is
    10  amended by adding a new paragraph 6 to read as follows:
    11    6. (i) Upon a conviction for any violation or  set  of  violations  of
    12  subdivision  (b),  (c), (d), (f) or (g) of this section which results in
    13  an accumulation of eleven or more points on the driving  record  of  any
    14  person  for  violations  that  occurred during the preceding twenty-four
    15  month period, the court shall, in addition to any other fines, imprison-
    16  ment, conditional discharge or license suspension or revocation, mandate
    17  that the person have installed an intelligent speed  assistance  device,
    18  otherwise  known as a speed limiter, in any motor vehicle owned or oper-
    19  ated by such person for a minimum period of twelve  months  or  for  any
    20  period of license suspension or revocation, whichever is later.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 4045--A                          2
     1    (ii) Where a person who has accumulated eleven points on their driving
     2  record  as a result of any violation or set of violations of subdivision
     3  (b), (c), (d), (f), or (g) of this section in the preceding  twenty-four
     4  month  period  does  not  appear in court, the commissioner shall send a
     5  written  notice,  by first class mail to the address of  such  person on
     6  file with the department or at  the  current  address  provided  by  the
     7  United  States  postal  service,  that  such  person is required to have
     8  installed an intelligent speed assistance device, otherwise known  as  a
     9  speed limiter, in any motor vehicle owned or operated by such person for
    10  a  minimum  period of twelve months or for any period of license suspen-
    11  sion or revocation, whichever is later. The person shall  provide  proof
    12  of  installation  as  outlined in subparagraph (viii) of this paragraph.
    13  If the person fails to provide such proof of installation,  the  commis-
    14  sioner  may  suspend  their license, modify an existing order of suspen-
    15  sion, or may order the revocation of their  license  or  driving  privi-
    16  leges.
    17    (iii)  Upon  the finding of owner liability for failure of an operator
    18  to comply with certain posted maximum speed limits through a photo speed
    19  violation monitoring system, where such person has received six or  more
    20  notices  of  liability; or the finding of owner liability for failure of
    21  an operator to comply with traffic-control indications through use of  a
    22  traffic-control  signal  photo  violation-monitoring  device, where such
    23  person has received six or more notices of liability, during the preced-
    24  ing twelve-month period,  the  commissioner  shall  send    a    written
    25  notice, by first class mail to the address of such  person on  file with
    26  the  department  or at the current address provided by the United States
    27  postal service, that such person is required to have installed an intel-
    28  ligent speed assistance device, otherwise known as a speed  limiter,  in
    29  any  motor vehicle owned or operated by such person for a minimum period
    30  of twelve months.  The New York city department of finance and any other
    31  local authorities collecting information related to notices of liability
    32  for failure of an operator to comply with certain posted  maximum  speed
    33  limits  through  a photo speed violation-monitoring system or failure of
    34  an operator to comply with traffic-control indications through use of  a
    35  traffic-control signal photo violation-monitoring device shall regularly
    36  provide the commissioner with any and all information, data, or documen-
    37  tation  which  the  commissioner  deems necessary to identify and notify
    38  persons who have received sufficient notices of liability to require the
    39  installation of an intelligent speed assistance device.
    40    (iv) A person who is required to install a speed  limiter  under  this
    41  paragraph  shall  request removal of the device from the department upon
    42  the end of their mandated period of  use  of  the  speed  limiter.  Upon
    43  receiving  this  request,  the  commissioner  may require such person to
    44  complete a written driving test and a road test administered pursuant to
    45  subdivision four of section five hundred two of this  chapter  prior  to
    46  having the intelligent speed assistance device removed. The commissioner
    47  may  deny  the  request to remove the device based upon the individual's
    48  performance on the written driving test, the road test, or as  a  result
    49  of their driving record during the period of speed limiter use.
    50    (v)  The  cost  of installing and maintaining a speed limiter shall be
    51  borne by the person subject to such condition unless the  court  or  the
    52  commissioner determines such person is financially unable to afford such
    53  cost  whereupon  such  cost may be imposed pursuant to a payment plan or
    54  waived. At the end of the required installation period a  speed  limiter
    55  device shall be returned to a qualified service provider, as established
    56  by  subparagraph  (vii)  of  this  paragraph. If deemed to be in working

        S. 4045--A                          3
     1  order after being returned to a qualified service center, the device may
     2  be installed on any other motor vehicle required to have a speed limiter
     3  installed.
     4    (vi)  The  commissioner  shall  create  a list of approved intelligent
     5  speed assistance devices.  Approved intelligent speed assistance devices
     6  must be capable of accurately detecting speed  limits  across  road  and
     7  weather  conditions,  and  the commissioner may promulgate any rules and
     8  regulations necessary to further ensure that devices operate reliably.
     9    (vii) The commissioner shall create a list of service providers  which
    10  are qualified to install, service, inspect, and remove approved intelli-
    11  gent   speed   assistance   devices.   This   list   may   include   any
    12  installation/service providers, as defined in 9 NYCRR 358.3,  which  are
    13  approved for the installation, servicing, and removal of ignition inter-
    14  lock  devices  installed pursuant to section eleven hundred ninety-eight
    15  of this title.
    16    (viii) Proof of installation of a speed limiter required under subpar-
    17  agraph (i) of this paragraph shall occur within ten days  of  the  court
    18  order.    If  a  person ordered to have a speed limiter device installed
    19  under subparagraph (ii) or (iii) of this paragraph is unable  to  finan-
    20  cially  afford  the cost of the speed limiter, they may request in writ-
    21  ing, within ten days of receiving the notification from the  commission-
    22  er,  a  payment  plan or to have payment for the device waived. Proof of
    23  installation of a speed limiter  required  under  this  paragraph  shall
    24  occur  within  ten days of receiving a written notice of a determination
    25  from the commissioner as to  whether  such  person  will  be  granted  a
    26  payment  plan or have payment for the device waived.  Within thirty days
    27  after the  initial  installation  of  an  intelligent  speed  assistance
    28  device,  the  device shall be inspected by a qualified service center to
    29  ensure the device is properly calibrated and installed.
    30    The  commissioner shall promulgate regulations governing the  monitor-
    31  ing  of  compliance  by the department of persons ordered to install and
    32  maintain speed limiters.
    33    (ix) (A) No person shall tamper with or  circumvent    an    otherwise
    34  operable speed limiter.
    35    (B)  No  person  subject  to a court ordered speed limiter shall oper-
    36  ate a motor vehicle without such device.
    37    (C) In addition to any other provisions of law, any  person  convicted
    38  of  a violation of clause (A) or (B) of this subparagraph shall be guil-
    39  ty of a class A misdemeanor.
    40    (x)  A violation of any provision of this paragraph, or a finding that
    41  any person has assisted a driver to violate this paragraph, shall  be  a
    42  class A misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail.
    43    (xi)  (A)  The  commissioner  shall  submit a report every twenty-four
    44  months to the governor and the legislature with the  following  informa-
    45  tion about the speed limiter program under this paragraph:
    46    (1)  Number  of  individuals  actively required to have speed limiters
    47  installed in motor vehicles they own or operate.
    48    (2)  Number  of  motor  vehicles  required  to  have  speed   limiters
    49  installed.
    50    (3)  Number  of  fee  waivers  approved  to  waive  the entire fee for
    51  installing a speed limiter.
    52    (4) Number of individuals put on a payment plan for their speed  limi-
    53  ter.
    54    (B)  As  available  to  the  commissioner, they shall also include the
    55  following information about the speed limiter program under  this  para-
    56  graph:

        S. 4045--A                          4

     1    (1)  Number of speeding tickets issued to individuals with speed limi-
     2  ters installed.
     3    (2)  Number  of other traffic law infractions committed by individuals
     4  with speed limiters installed, organized by category or type of  traffic
     5  violation.
     6    (3)  Number  of  reported  accidents  involving individuals with speed
     7  limiters installed.
     8    (4) Number of  known  individuals  who  have  not  complied  with  the
     9  provisions  of  this  paragraph,  separated  by  three  categories:  not
    10  initially installing a device as required, removing the device before  a
    11  follow-up  inspection,  and being cited for not having a device properly
    12  installed during a traffic stop.
    13    (C) Such report shall also be made publicly available on  the  depart-
    14  ment of transportation and department of motor vehicles websites.
    15    (xii) The commissioner may promulgate any rules and regulations neces-
    16  sary to implement the provisions of this paragraph.
    17    §  3.  This  act  shall take effect on the sixtieth day after it shall
    18  have become a law; provided, however, that subparagraph (iii)  of  para-
    19  graph  6  of  subdivision (h) of section 1180 of the vehicle and traffic
    20  law, as added by section two of this act, shall  take  effect  one  year
    21  after such effective date.
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