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S04453 Summary:

Add §2799, Pub Health L
Authorizes the commissioner of health to award grants for graduate medical education in Lyme and tick-borne disease and to designate organizations as centers for Lyme and tick-borne disease excellence.
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S04453 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2025-2026 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    February 5, 2025
        Introduced  by  Sens.  STEC, GALLIVAN, TEDISCO -- read twice and ordered
          printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Health
        AN ACT to amend the public health law, in relation to grants for  gradu-
          ate medical education in Lyme and tick-borne disease
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. The public health law is amended by adding  a  new  section
     2  2799 to read as follows:
     3    §  2799.  Grants for graduate medical education in Lyme and tick-borne
     4  disease. 1. (a) The commissioner is authorized, within amounts appropri-
     5  ated for such purpose to make grants in support of certified  fellowship
     6  education  programs including but not limited to, preventative medicine,
     7  chronic disease, or epidemiology, to establish or  expand  education  in
     8  Lyme  and  tick-borne  disease  for  graduate  medical education, and to
     9  increase the opportunities for trainee education in Lyme and  tick-borne
    10  disease.
    11    (b)  Grants  under this subdivision for graduate medical education and
    12  education in Lyme and tick-borne disease may be used for administration,
    13  faculty recruitment and development, start-up costs and  costs  incurred
    14  teaching  Lyme  and  tick-borne  disease  in  research-based programs or
    15  patient-based care sites, including,  but  not  limited  to,  personnel,
    16  administration  and  trainee  related expenses and other expenses judged
    17  reasonable and necessary by the commissioner.
    18    (c) Grants under this subdivision shall be awarded by the commissioner
    19  through a competitive application process. In making awards, the commis-
    20  sioner shall consider the extent to which the applicant:
    21    (i) plans to incorporate emerging Lyme and tick-borne disease research
    22  into fellowship training programs, including diagnostic  procedures  and
    23  all  medical treatment options, including the benefits and risks of each
    24  option;
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 4453                             2
     1    (ii) functions in collaboration with research or  patient-based  care,
     2  or both;
     3    (iii) makes complementary efforts to recruit or train qualified facul-
     4  ty in Lyme and tick-borne disease education and prevention; and
     5    (iv)  utilizes  available  Lyme  and tick-borne disease diagnostic and
     6  treatment, and support services in the community.
     7    2. The commissioner shall  designate  organizations,  upon  successful
     8  application  and performance, as centers for Lyme and tick-borne disease
     9  excellence. Such designations shall be pursuant  to  an  application  as
    10  designed  by  the  department,  and based on service, staffing and other
    11  criteria as developed by the commissioner. Such  centers  of  excellence
    12  shall  provide  specialized Lyme and tick-borne disease care, treatment,
    13  education and related services. Designation as a  center  for  Lyme  and
    14  tick-borne  disease  excellence  shall  not entitle a center to enhanced
    15  reimbursement, but may be utilized in  outreach  and  other  promotional
    16  activities.
    17    3. The commissioner may designate Lyme and tick-borne disease resource
    18  centers  ("resource  center").  A  resource  center  may be statewide or
    19  regional, and shall act as a source of technical information  and  guid-
    20  ance for practitioners on the latest Lyme and tick-borne disease strate-
    21  gies,  therapies  and medications. The department may contract with not-
    22  for-profit  organizations  or  associations  to  establish  and   manage
    23  resource  centers. A resource center may charge a fee to defray the cost
    24  of the service.
    25    4. The commissioner shall prepare and submit a report to the  governor
    26  and the legislature, on or before the first of February in the year next
    27  succeeding  the effective date of this section reporting the results and
    28  evaluating the effectiveness of this section.
    29    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.
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