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S06241 Summary:

Amd §1174-a, V & T L; amd §1950, Ed L
Allows boards of cooperative educational services to install school bus stop sign cameras.
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S06241 Text:

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                      April 5, 2023
        Introduced  by  Sen.  WEBER  -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Transportation
        AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law and the  education  law,  in
          relation  to  allowing  boards  of cooperative educational services to
          install school bus stop sign cameras

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  Paragraphs  1,  1-a,  1-b,  2 and 3 of subdivision (a) of
     2  section 1174-a of the vehicle and traffic law, as added by  chapter  145
     3  of the laws of 2019, are amended to read as follows:
     4    1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a county, city, town or
     5  village  located  within  a  school  district ("district") or a board of
     6  cooperative educational services  ("BOCES")  is  hereby  authorized  and
     7  empowered  to  adopt  and  amend a local law or ordinance establishing a
     8  demonstration program imposing monetary liability  on  the  owner  of  a
     9  vehicle for failure of an operator thereof to comply with section eleven
    10  hundred  seventy-four  of  this chapter when meeting a school bus marked
    11  and equipped as provided in  subdivisions  twenty  and  twenty-one-c  of
    12  section  three hundred seventy-five of this chapter and operated in such
    13  county, city, town or village, in accordance with the provisions of this
    14  section. Such demonstration program shall  empower  such  county,  city,
    15  town  or village to install and operate school bus photo violation moni-
    16  toring systems which may be stationary  or  mobile,  and  which  may  be
    17  installed,  pursuant  to  an  agreement  with a school district or BOCES
    18  within such county, city, town or village, on  school  buses  owned  and
    19  operated  by  such school district or BOCES or privately owned and oper-
    20  ated for compensation  under  contract  with  such  district  or  BOCES.
    21  Provided,  however,  that  (a)  no stationary school bus photo violation
    22  monitoring system shall be installed or operated by a county, city, town
    23  or village except on roadways under the  jurisdiction  of  such  county,
    24  city,  town  or  village,  and  (b) no mobile school bus photo violation
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 6241                             2
     1  monitoring system shall be installed or  operated  on  any  such  school
     2  buses  unless  such  county,  city, town or village and such district or
     3  BOCES enter into an agreement for such installation and operation.
     4    1-a.  Any  county,  city,  town  or  village,  located within a school
     5  district or BOCES, that has adopted a local law or ordinance pursuant to
     6  this section establishing a demonstration program imposing liability  on
     7  the owner of a vehicle for failure of an operator thereof to comply with
     8  section  eleven  hundred  seventy-four  of  this  chapter when meeting a
     9  school bus marked and equipped as provided in  subdivisions  twenty  and
    10  twenty-one-c  of  section three hundred seventy-five of this chapter and
    11  operated in such county, city, town or village may enter into an  agree-
    12  ment  with the applicable school district or BOCES for the installation,
    13  maintenance and use of school bus photo violation monitoring systems  on
    14  school  buses  pursuant  to  this  section and section twenty-two of the
    15  chapter of the laws of two thousand nineteen which added  this  section,
    16  for  the  proper  handling and custody of photographs, microphotographs,
    17  videotapes, other recorded images and data produced by such systems, and
    18  for the forwarding of such  photographs,  microphotographs,  videotapes,
    19  other  recorded  images and data to the applicable county, city, town or
    20  village. Any agreement entered into hereunder shall be approved by  each
    21  participating  county,  city,  town or village by a majority vote of the
    22  voting strength of its governing body and by resolution of the  district
    23  or  BOCES  pursuant  to  section sixteen hundred four, section seventeen
    24  hundred nine, section twenty-five  hundred  three,  section  twenty-five
    25  hundred fifty-four or section twenty-five hundred ninety-h of the educa-
    26  tion  law,  as  applicable.  Provided, however, that where a district or
    27  BOCES has entered an agreement as provided hereunder with a  county,  no
    28  cities, towns or villages within the same county may enter into, or be a
    29  party  to,  any  agreement  with such district or BOCES pursuant to this
    30  section. Provided further, however, that no county shall enter an agree-
    31  ment with any city school district or BOCES wholly  contained  within  a
    32  city.  Nothing  in  this section shall be construed to prevent a county,
    33  city, town, village or district or BOCES at any time to withdraw from or
    34  terminate an agreement entered pursuant  to  this  section  and  section
    35  twenty-two  of  the  chapter of the laws of [2019] two-thousand nineteen
    36  which added this section.
    37    1-b. The total cost to the district  or  BOCES  of  the  installation,
    38  maintenance  and  use  of  school bus photo violation monitoring systems
    39  pursuant to this section shall be borne entirely by  the  county,  city,
    40  town  or  village  within the district or BOCES which is a party to such
    41  agreement. On or before September first of each year,  the  district  or
    42  BOCES  shall determine and certify to each county, city, town or village
    43  with which it has entered into an agreement pursuant to this section the
    44  total cost to the district or BOCES  for  the  school  year  ending  the
    45  preceding  June  thirtieth  of  installing,  maintaining  and using such
    46  systems within each such county, city, town  or  village,  respectively,
    47  for  the  proper  handling and custody of photographs, microphotographs,
    48  videotapes, other recorded images and data produced by such systems, and
    49  for the forwarding of such  photographs,  microphotographs,  videotapes,
    50  other  recorded  images and data to the applicable county, city, town or
    51  village. On or before the following December first of  each  year,  each
    52  such  county,  city,  town or village shall pay to the district or BOCES
    53  such cost so certified to it on or before the preceding September first.
    54  Not later than twenty days after each such payment is  submitted  or  is
    55  due,  whichever  occurs first, the district or BOCES shall submit to the
    56  director of the budget and the chairpersons of the fiscal committees  of

        S. 6241                             3
     1  the  legislature  a  report for each such county, city, town and village
     2  showing the amount of costs so certified and the amount of  payments  so
     3  received  or  due.  If a county, city, town or village fails to make the
     4  payment required to the district or BOCES by the twentieth day after the
     5  date  such  payment  was due, (i) the district or BOCES shall notify the
     6  director of the budget and the chairpersons of the fiscal committees  of
     7  the legislature of such occurrence within twenty-four hours of such day;
     8  and  (ii) the demonstration program shall be suspended within such coun-
     9  ty, city, town, or village until such time as such county,  city,  town,
    10  or  village  makes  the  payment  required to the district or BOCES. The
    11  district or BOCES shall notify the director of the budget and the chair-
    12  persons of the fiscal committees of  the  legislature  of  such  payment
    13  within  seven  business days of its receipt. Provided, however, that any
    14  notice of liability issued prior to such date shall not be voided.
    15    2. Any image or images captured by school bus photo violation monitor-
    16  ing  systems  shall  be  inadmissible  in  any  disciplinary  proceeding
    17  convened  by  any  school district or BOCES or any school bus contractor
    18  thereof, and any proceeding initiated by the department involving licen-
    19  sure privileges of school bus operators. Any school bus photo  violation
    20  monitoring  device  mounted  on a school bus shall be directed outwardly
    21  from such school bus to capture images of vehicles operated in violation
    22  of section eleven hundred  seventy-four  of  this  chapter,  and  images
    23  produced by such device shall not be used for any other purpose.
    24    3.  (i) Any participating school district or BOCES shall be prohibited
    25  from accessing  any  photographs,  microphotographs,  videotapes,  other
    26  recorded  images  or  data  from  school  bus photo violation monitoring
    27  systems but shall provide, pursuant to an agreement with a county, city,
    28  town or village as provided in this section, for the proper handling and
    29  custody  of  such  photographs,  microphotographs,   videotapes,   other
    30  recorded  images and data produced by such systems, and for the forward-
    31  ing of such photographs, microphotographs,  videotapes,  other  recorded
    32  images  and data to the applicable county, city, town or village for the
    33  purpose of determining whether a motor vehicle was operated in violation
    34  of subdivision (a) of section eleven hundred seventy-four of this  title
    35  and  imposing  monetary  liability  on  the  owner of such motor vehicle
    36  therefor.
    37    (ii) Photographs, microphotographs, videotapes, other recorded  images
    38  and data produced by school bus photo violation monitoring systems shall
    39  be destroyed (A) ninety days after the date of the alleged imposition of
    40  liability  if a notice of liability is not issued for such alleged impo-
    41  sition of liability pursuant to this section or (B) upon final  disposi-
    42  tion of a notice of liability issued pursuant to this section.
    43    §  2.  Section  1950  of  the education law is amended by adding a new
    44  subdivision 20 to read as follows:
    45    20. To pass a resolution, in the discretion of the board of such board
    46  of cooperative educational services,  authorizing  the  entering  of  an
    47  agreement with a county, city, village or town within such district, for
    48  the  installation  and  use  of  school  bus  photo violation monitoring
    49  systems pursuant to section eleven hundred seventy-four-a of the vehicle
    50  and traffic law, provided that the purchase, lease, installation, opera-
    51  tion and maintenance, or any other costs associated  with  such  cameras
    52  shall  not  be considered an aidable expense pursuant to section thirty-
    53  six hundred twenty-three-a of this chapter.
    54    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.
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